Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I have 175 guild banks across 83 server groups. TSM estimated my wealth at 1.24 Billion. This is the average listing value of items. Currently it is showing 830 million. Some guild banks with 10’s of millions in them are completely wiped. Others are only partially wiped.

I spent over half a decade 8-18 hours a day building this up. It got to a point where I was thinking of dumping everything on AH to resellers.

However, now that 400 million was literally deleted … I don’t know, dumping doesn’t sound so fun anymore.

I hope this makes everyone feel better. It’s hard to imagine anyone losing more than myself.


You might be joking but, by this point, so much was lost and inaccessible that an item of that value might be the only kind of acceptable reimbursement if the original items/gold can’t be restored.

Guilds being unable to use their banks at the start of an expansion, along with everything they had stockpiled gone, is one of the worst bugs I’ve seen in nearly 20 years playing. If not the worst.


Honestly, with the issues with the guild banks (I was trying to take out older mats to level up professions for my characters but couldn’t and had to either buy from the AH or go refarm the items I had lost to the void - or- stolen from Xal’atath depending on how you want to look at it - from my personal GB), the same thing happening with warband banks, the quest bugs, the constant dc’ing both from game and blizzard services so I can’t even see which of my friends are online or in guild, and the flight snapping issues, this xpac is just leaving a sour taste in my mouth and I’ve thought about quitting the game and walking away for the first time since I started playing in Wrath. Not going casual, not stepping away for a bit, but actually just hanging up my hat and saying enough is enough, I’m done.


as of this very moment, items are STILL DISAPPEARING, piece by piece, chunk by chunk, row by row, randomly, those guild banks that were not affected are also getting affected day by day now … the problem is, no word what should we do, if they say dont take things out or put things in, at least that would be an instruction which we can follow, if they kept quiet, and when all my 50+ banks are completely emptied and they said sorry nothing can be retrieved, that would really be bad, so should we salvage whatever is left now by taking them out of the banks or wait till there is nothing left in the end


Are you still seeing things going missing then? As in … you looked yesterday and it was there, today it was gone? Because if you are, you might want to add that as a bug report - Blizzard have told us they actually fixed the issue that was causing items to go missing. According to them, the delay now it just working out how to return the lost items …


same issues here, all items on all gbank tabs still missing.


Game is beyond broken. On SOME realms, items disappear when posting auctions, then show up minutes later. Some guild banks are completely wiped out, every tab gone, and others missing items in random spots. Does blizzard even read or take their own forums serious? There are threads on here with 20-30k views and hundreds/thousands of comments. This stuff will eventually translate into a loss of money, maybe then it’ll be taken more serious.


enough is enough.
I’ve already run out of supplies that cost me a lot if I buy them.
Please return the contents of Realm Ragnaros - Mana Bomb guild bank, founded in 2014.


Just checked my bank and still no change.


Bump, wtf?


Also bumping for wtf. I’m running out of storage space in my bank. :melting_face:


Guild bank still wiped out as well. All tabs full of mats, formulas, schematics etc., pets, mounts, toys, cosmetics items. I hope they know what was in it because I didn’t keep an offline spreadsheet or anything.


Let’s talk compensation for a moment. If Blizzard is unable to restore all items what would be fair recompense?

  1. Gold.
    How much? There are 5 zillion guilds in this game, so they would give each one the same amount. How many millions is fair?

  2. Game time.
    Again, how much? It would probably be the same amount of time for every account. If we can agree that one month is worth 300,000g (for purposes of easy math), would 6 months be fair?

  3. Battlenet balance.
    Again it would probably be for every account. How much is fair?

  4. ???
    Any other ideas?


A tabard called “My guild bank was wiped and all I got was this stupid t-shirt” :slight_smile:

No but for real I think it’s hard to put a value or price on everything we lost. Game time would be nice and would impact the trade economy the least, but it would impact Blizzard heavily. And who do you give it to? The GM or all guild members? It’s not an easy solution sadly.


Horn of the Red Wolf is my preferred hush money, I mean compensation. :grin:

5 Million per bank affected?

I am hoping this has a solution, but that it is just taking so long because it is so widespread? Maybe working on a script to change all the items.

For me the worst thing is that they don’t post at all in this thread, the main thread for this issue.


I’ll settle for being CEO for a week, it’s not much but there are some key updates to professions I’d like to make. :3

To add to Sarabade’s post, we have been told in the past (like when it took ages to increase the size of the default backpack) that messing with the old code where item storage is concerned is not something they could rush. Whether they tweaked something baseline when they added warband banks, or if it has to do with cross-server guilds, or something else entirely, it’s apparently a touchy piece of code which could also explain why a fix is taking so long–so as to just not add more bugs to the problem.

Have we seen this lately? People are still chiming in that they’re missing items, but not when it happened. I haven’t noticed any reports that items present yesterday were gone today, for example. My impression was things were at least in stasis at the moment.


Indeed. I’d like to know this too. We’ve been reassured several times on the EU forums that they fixed the bug that caused the items to disappear, so anything new added to the vaults, or anything still in there, should no longer be affected. If that is not true, we need to know.


I remember that. They said that messing with the backpack code also messed with the character code and it took them YEARS to figure out how to separate the two.


… now I’m starting to wonder if the guild bank code is in fact the point of origin for some sort of gargantuan cascade effect …


Any update on if blizzard is ever going to fix this? Literally my entire guild bank, which was full, is completely empty now.
GM’s and tickets aren’t helping AT ALL!