Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Welp, it has happened. Finally dared to check this toon’s guild bank, and oof. So much stuff missing in eeevery bank tab. Here’s to hoping there will be a method to restore the guild banks, because it’s going to be a sour taste indeed otherwise …


Count in another character with its guild bank. What an abysmal sight to be met by. Not only that, but in this guild bank, there were quite a collection of fullstacks of stuff I would’ve loved to have had around for possible future alts to power-level professions with … absolutely hoping there will be a guild bank restoration at the end of this.


The pre-patch event items should have been restored. When they were accidentally made soulbound, instead of warbound, when the event ended, they got removed from the WarBank. When they fixed it, mine reappeared in my bank, albeit in different slots.
Memory gear is no longer warband but bop - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

Sadly this was too late for me to withdraw them on alts and get them upgraded with remaining flightstones and crests, as they removed those too, along with the ability to upgrade them. Again, a lack of communication on their part, as I would have bought more as I went along and done the upgrades before release…


Our guild bank has been affected we noticed today. We had a whole bank slot full of Left Sharks that we had kept as a relic since WoD and when checking today, 3/4 of the Left Sharks are gone. This incited panic into who could have taken all the Left Sharks when the only people who have access are the Officers and there are 0 log entries for the tab. I am guessing our Left Sharks have been lost to the bank bug :frowning:


Because European law requires them to do it. Not so here in ‘Murica.


Is that true?


17 days. 0 restoration.


Not sure it is, tbh. Normally if any problems occur, we in the EU are railing about the fact that WE never get any updates or information, and complain that you guys in the US get feedback and updates :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we just happen to have a blue that, in this case, seems to want to help out a bit. It is unusual. Perhaps because this blue was personally affected?


You should have received those back in the warband bank … they said they’d fixed that.


So Blizzard has acknowledged that this happened, and that they have prevented it from happening again. I have also seen blue posts that they are trying to figure out restoration which is much more complicated.

Is there any other information on this matter?


That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. You’ve not missed anything.


My guild’s bank has largely been emptied, the contents of which have (had?) an estimated value that is higher than I’d be comfortable with losing. Feel free to fix this at any time, Blizzard.


While I personally haven’t been affected I am bumping because I can only imagine how infuriating this is for you all- I was annoyed enough I couldn’t access my gold I had spent 3 years obtaining while guild banks were broken/buggy


Add my guild to the list. Many items missing, log shows only a couple of withdrawals.

Northrend Explorers on Alleria/Khadgar.


My bank is only missing a few things I think, but I’d still like them back!

If you’re running Altoholic, and you haven’t visited a bank yet, you might want to back up your WTF folder to preserve the data, then take some screenshots of the bank contents it’s recorded before viewing the bank and updating the record with the losses.


This isn’t the only buggy thing about TWW’s release, but it’s the straw that’s broken this particular camel’s back.


My guild bank seems to be mostly intact, but I can’t be sure since I didn’t have a recent record. Altoholic needed a reset recently, and I hadn’t visited all of my banks. I may dig into my WTF back ups.

Are we going to need to post ALL of the affected banks, or will the eventual restorations be automatic?


for compensation i would except a “Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur” that would suit me just fine


I’m missing (rough count) 76 boxed pets from two tabs of my guild bank. The other two tabs are correct.


Checked my bank, and all that’s missing is all of my BFA herbs. Herbs from other eras are there, just that exact column is missing. Other tabs are fine.