Guild bank missing items - what happened?

i would also like to know when they are going to fix this issue. im a two man guild and our guild bank was full in all tabs and now the dang thing is about empty.


I really hope that somehow my following comments make it to a Customer Experience department. I lean heavily into gold making, it’s one way I really enjoy interacting with the game. I had been inactive for awhile and was looking forward to getting back into the game. I was going to really take advantage of the launch and play the AH with all items I had accumulated in my personal guild bank, which are now missing. This bug has had a strong negative affect on desired experience during this rare period (xpac launch) of the game. Additionally, this shatters my trust with the designers and with the integrity of the game and makes me not want to take a chance that something like this will happen again. It really upsets me that this was put on the back burner and not addressed sooner. After these many years I think it’s time to step away. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


According to other forum reports, AH items are going missing too. Other players described something like hitting create auction, getting a lag spike/DC’ed or something, and poof no auction and no item. So be careful with that.

Seriously, errors like this shouldn’t happen. To the dev’s credit, I don’t think there’s ever been a episode of item loss quite like this. What happened?


Still missing thousands of items. This is literally insane that it still has not been fixed in anyway. What’s the point of doing anything in wow if what you did could just disappear? No point in farming anything. Most of what I already farmed vanished.


Checked in today, still missing items.


I am missing items from my Warband bank as well but those were the pieces of armor from the prepatch event. I thought this was intended (terrible imo, but intended) and was not that big of a deal to me.


I have multiple personal guild banks on Terokkar & Alexstrasza in which were mats for all my professions, old valuable engineering and other profession recipes, all my reagents like all the different elements (fire eath water air etc) from all expansion content back to vanilla content. From this I would craft things like “lifelike mechanical toad”, the original “tranquil mechanical yeti” etc. I had herbs, ore, leather, cloth, enchanting & cooking materials carefully organized for all kinds of crafting.

I also farmed sinew, longbones, and all the “should be junk” in dragonflight required to buy transmogs, mounts, pets, & toys from the various rep vendors. I saved pets & mounts to help my active guild (not my personal ones) obtain things they did not have.

All wiped out. I can’t go get the transmogs & things from DF vendors unless I buy all the jaws, sinews etc from the AH or re-farm everything.

Blizzard could at least check in here once in awhile to let us know what progress is being made or not made. Please


Seriously, has been more than 2 WEEKS now and not a peep.


everything i have in my guild bank is gone, why I even waste time playing this terrible service


I’m also missing a lot of items from all of my personal guild banks on Alexstrasza, Terokkar and Duskwood for a while now.

Honestly at this point I’m afraid to put anything in any of the guild banks and I’m not about to spend that ridiculous amount of gold just to open another tab in the warband bank…so now on top of all my toons banks getting full so is their inventory…it’s quite frustrating at this point!

Has there really been not even a blue post in regards to this on a thread that’s over 13k?


Only posts are in the EU forums where evidently the law requires them to give updates. Here we’ve gotten nothing (and there’s only 1.3k posts here, not 13k).


Well, it’s clear what has to be done. One of us needs to run for office to write a law requiring video game companies to give updates on their forum boards.

I call Not It.


My guildbank is still empty. 7 pages, almost completely full. It’s all gone, and I can’t even use my guildbank for storage anymore, because I don’t dare overwrite any of the slots.

I feel that mailing that stuff back to me is not an option, it would take me days to get it transferred into my bank, complete waste of time. Talk about the definition of not fun.

No actual information on this huh? Besides “Sorry! We’re working diligently on it!”?

Is it worth trying to open a ticket (I always have the hardest time trying to open a ticket, everything always circles back to checking the forums for help etc etc), or is it enough to assume they know they *@%!(@ stuff up?


I don’t think that there’s any benefit to submitting a ticket or anything at this point. They know, they’re working, they’re keeping quiet (presumably to keep the affected community players from causing a giant riot if they give an ETA and miss it).

I’d just keep an eye on the thread.


Here is the EU thread where they at least acknowledged there’s a problem:

Why we don’t get the same level of status updates is a mystery to me.


I know they know and are aware and working on it (thankyou EU ) but never in the history of the game has the security of what we have worked for for all these years been in danger of never returning.
Having ones collections of what we have achieved through decades washed away without explanation removes the will to continue .


NOT a programmer, but could be the huge piles of code that’s accumulated over the years, could be implementation of more and more cross-server stuff, and in the moment when things could very well go wrong, I believe they’ve let go or outsourced more of the stuff like QA and customer service since Microsoft bought Blizzard, not to mention their MO no longer being “it’s done when it’s done” but rather “WE HAVE A DEADLINE! WE PUBLISHED THE ROADMAP! WE MUST HAVE THE PATCH/EXPANSION OUT WHEN WE SAID WE WOULD!!! NO MATTER HOW NOT READY IT IS!!!” And possibly a lot that we know nothing about, probably just stacking up of everything that could go wrong.

STILL, even with shortage of CS reps, in this case, I think those higher-ups should be the ones addressing us. Absolutely no reason for the silence on what is the biggest gathering of affected players (i.e, THIS forum). ZERO excuse for this level of bad customer service and lack of transparency.


Just speculation, but it’s my belief that something went wonky when cross-realm guild functionality was enabled at the start of pre-patch. That’s when I first noticed the issue myself.


So as a bit of an update, I was not having the same issue others had mentioned with my warband bank, I had taken precautions just in case, pulling out any currencies I was afraid of losing, and 3 days ago, I logged in to see an entire tab of my warband bank was now absolutely empty. The entire tab of gear I had collected from the pre-patch was gone. (I have cleared most of the tabs in my guild bank after losing over 1/4 of it and half our guild gold. ) Everyday I check, hoping to see the places things disappeared from in the guild bank reappear, but sadly still nothing. Yesterday, I logged in and the entire empty tab in my warband bank was back filled! I was ecstatic, I rushed over to the guild bank thinking, just maybe, it would be back too… and my hopes were dashed again. I’m encouraged that the warband bank seems to be okay again, but… I’m really hoping they address this soon :frowning:


That was possibly due to a different bug, where the BoA (BoW? Whatever it’s called now) gear from Pre-patch had somehow become BoP, which I guess can’t be in your Warbands bank. Then, when they fixed that, they were put back where they were. Or that’s how I understand it.