Guild bank missing items - what happened?

This expansion needed at least a 3 month delay. I’m not expecting it to be functional until December.


Still missing thousands of items.


priorty and ability is not the same thing lololol … they can have it as their number 1 top priorty BUT no ability to rectify it … hence the current situation lolololol


Yeah, but they DO have the ability to communicate.

I absolutely want the problem fixed, but if it takes time, they should tell us. Explain a bit (in non-technical terms as possible) about what caused it, what they plan to do, what actions players should and should not do, and if possible, and ETA. I know I keep saying it but I think in something like this, communication is very important. Shoot, appoint a person to come in regularly and keep up updated here if the issue is going to take some time.


HELLO BLIZZARD, what are you doing about this!?


I canceled my sub 2 days ago. I haven’t even been to the new xpac and will not pay or play til this is fixed. This is the worst screw up in my opinion in the 19yrs I’ve played this game.


The lack of communication from Blizzard makes me feel that I am not being given the consideration that a subscriber deserves. It would not take much effort to have a daily update about the problem and its solution on this forum. Europe at least gets some response – “high priority” – dah, dah.


Bumping to keep the complaints coming. over 2 weeks and not one updates, no change…


Exactly. Blizzard needs to learn a thing or two about transparency.


Bumping … this is ridiculous


Right, I can understand if it takes time to recover but at least provide an update/acknowledgement/something. The silent treatment is eroding confidence drastically.


Not a whole lot else to do than report on the thread over in the EU Customer Support forum. :person_shrugging:


The longer this drags out, the more I expect a settlement rather than a restoration. Here is a set of clown shoe mogs, a cute puppy for the dogfighting pits, and a board game token, please purchase the epic edition for more, thank you for playing.


I think we’re all starting to believe this will be the outcome. And honestly I think at this point Blizzard is just ignoring us in hopes the thread will die off. Out of sight, out of mind, that way they can avoid even giving us a reward.


When all this started, someone asked a question along the lines of “if this can’t get 100% fixed, what would you take as acceptable compensation?” and I scoffed, thinking anything less than a fix would be insulting. Now, like you pointed out, the longer this goes on, not only do I not expect it to get fixed, and the more I expect we’ll get nothing. It’s been weeks and we haven’t gotten so much as a sorry, let alone an attempt at “compensation.” For some people, even if things get perfectly restored, they’ve already lost gold/time through no fault of their own.
At this point I’m predicting (Although I 100% hope I’m wrong) we’ll get “still looking into it” for the next several years as they just wait for us to stop brining it up OR we’ll get “sorry guys, the bug was just too major and everything is lost, nothing we can do” and not so much as a day of game time.

The fact that they never made any major acknowledgement about it, didn’t stop guild banks from accepting new deposits and let the boat just keep taking on water, kinda seems like they already decided they can’t fix it.


Everyday I go into the game with full bags. My main has 8 open spaces in her bags, every few quests I have to vender stuff. So far my warbank has been unaffected, but I’m still afraid to take anything out or put anything in, just in case.

I really need the storage spaces of my guild bank and warbank. I need to know if it’s safe to put stuff in. Blizzard had said somewhere along the way that they found the problem that caused the issue and fixed it, but people have said recently that they put stuff in the guild bank and it disappears.

There’s no possible way this will just be swept under the rug, there are too many players relying on the storage space of a guild bank.


Supposedly a resolution is coming “soon”.


Obviously the guild banks not working is still a “big issue”,…but I think (as others have said and many will agree), the big issue is not helped by the lack of comment.
In any good “customer focused business”, communication is key. And that is what is missing here. Even, just a quick 2sec post that says “We apologise for this issue, we are working on it, and we thank you for your patience. We don’t have an ETA as yet”.
Is that really that hard to do?
It’s not like we expect an update every single day, but at least a post in the US forums (where we’re told to go to post our bugs rather than a ticket". But we get no response. If we weren’t aware of the posts over in the EU forums, then we’d have even less clue of what’s happening with it.
And I think that’s part of the grievance that a lot of us have. It’s just an update. Even just one a week would help I feel. So we know the issue is still on the radar, not forgotten about, and a bit of peace of mind. Rather than the “radio silence” that this 1337 forum posts has had. Nothing.
Not everyone may agree with my comments, but that’s ok - we’re all entitled to our opinions,…I just feel it would show a bit of “appreciation” to the players to get a post.
At the moment I feel the communication is handled quite poorly on a lot of things. (I won’t even go to tickets just being closed off for other issues with a) being marked as resolved when it isn’t and b) the replies given not even matching what your query was - it’s like those things dont get read!. That’s a whole other issue.
So yeh,…I just feel Blizzard could up their game on the communication front, and we (the player base) would be a lot more happier with it all.
And hopefully, they can fix it and all our items will just magically appear back in our Guild Banks, and we’ll go on our happy way into the Azeroth sunset,… :slight_smile:
Meanwhile, I think I need to make another alt to try and offload some of my full bags and character bank to so I can actually play. Lol. Never enough space!
Maybe we’ll get another tab in our own personal banks as compensation :slight_smile:
(I can but dream). :slight_smile:


I’m glad to hear anything that shows they aren’t pretending it didn’t happened. Has to be one of the worst bugs in the game’s history. :upside_down_face:


Blizz, where’s my stuff? I’m not buying this expansion or anything else until you fix this. I don’t do business with folks who screw me over.