Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Well, I eventually got in, messed around on a Horde toon for a while, and then got on Xanian, the guildmaster of the Bank that’s being affected, Starlight Dragons, and stuff is still missing.

I’m gonna have to step away for a few hours. Logging in and even logging out is becoming a total headache. Something whacky is going on with that and at least Blizzard is aknowledging that on Battlenet and the login screen, so hopefully that gets fixed quick.

It just seems like one disaster after another with this launch.


Seems that they have alot to deal with right now. They will forget about it and nothing will be done


I appreciate your hopping across the pond, Strappinlad, to share updates from your side. :slight_smile: :olive:


Yep still missing stuff. No changes here. BUGS, BUGS, and more BUGS!


Yeah, tried that (happens to me from time to time too). Usually, I can just go to another auction vendor or guild bank opening, but that wasn’t working this time. Reloaded the UI, still no go. Restarted the game, but still wasn’t working. Was going to give it one more shot, but I can’t even logon right now.


And I can’t even log out now its not working…its taking two tries and waiting almost 5 mins or more to log to the character page.


Just joining in with the rest of the chorus, still very little in my guild bank. Mostly unobtainable pets, ancient recipes and armour. Hoping for some updates sometime.


At what point do we assume they are just going to screw us here? I mean this is a fairly major issue of llwide spread lost items and I haven’t seen much of a response. Have we even gotten a blu post on it or only gotten ticket responses that we reposted

Really spooked they are not talking about it because they lost our stuff.


Yeah that forced arbitration clause doesn’t really mean anything… They can’t force your decision like that… It’s being brought up in some high profile case right now… Just because it’s in an agreement doesn’t mean it’s legally binding. Who controls arbitration, they do… so they’ve essentially forced people into never being able to sue them, that’s not legal.

If you are referring to the Disney case - Disney doesn’t have a leg to stand on because the park and the streaming network are two different things. Signing up for one doesn’t mean you get access to the other, therefore a contract at one doesn’t apply to the other. That’s all that was.

Missing a ton of reagents I was storing. What the hell is going on


They are going to make everything right. Why? Because no one wants to become Sam Bankman-Fried’s roomie. That is some incentive. So I shall see youse guys and gals in the morning.

That’s not the case I was thinking of but it’s sort of another example of they’re looking into this as potentially being an issue. I’m Canadian so it doesn’t matter, they legally can’t force me into arbitration anyways but this is being looked into because it’s a brand new thing. There are things they can’t legally enforce is my whole point, just wanted to combat the sentiment that there’s nothing we can do. but this doesn’t have to do with the original post so this will be my last thing about it.


I can confirm this comment. My warband bank was restored today. It wasn’t affected at all until the full-launch 3pm PST where only the new catch-up gear from the event disappeared. I logged and saw the warband bank restored.

Thus, I can also confirm another comment above where it says that warband bank and guild bank bugs are separate bugs. My guild banks (several of them) got screwed over 2weeks+ ago. Those still haven’t been restored.


About 2 weeks+ ago, many guild banks all around the world (like thousands of them) have been missing items. Some guilds lost a small portion but others were utterly emptied. Imagine waking up to a guild bank that had 7 tabs full to the brim and now there is nothing in it. It’s a bug. There was also a warband bank bug but it’s a separate issue/bug. So to your question, I can only say it’s a bug that has been going on for more than 2 weeks and people are rightfully pissed off. We’re still waiting for a fix.


The GMs can see the items in your guild bank, that is what one told me in my ticket. The GM I spoke to said he passed it on as a bug report to the devs. So if they can see the items they can see the quantity I am assuming. I haven’t put anything new into the bank so so I dont “cover” something up… and because I don’t trust it.


I’ve been doing the same thing. So I take it you don’t know if they said that we shouldn’t put items in the squares that had stuff in it?

I had a ticket open and the GM I spoke to said he could see what was in my guild bank, so it is some kind of weird visibilty issue.
Since then I have not put anything into the bank for these reasons:

  1. I don’t want to overlap what is/was there
  2. I don’t trust it at this point.

I too had a VERY full guild bank


They need to say this to everyone then. As right now it is possible people are killing their own items.

We need communication on this issue.


Same issue for me, was cleaning out my personal bank and I have a couple tabs for the main guild set aside for myself because I’m a hoarder. Pull it up and just see a stack of meat in one slot…

I am afraid to log into one of my many alts that have guild banks full of pets, mounts and various other goodies I can sell… they might all be gone… :frowning: