Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Just curious… how much time passed from bug —> fix/restoration? So we can get an idea of the timeframe (roughly)


I know right when this ISSUE started 9-13-2024. bug started off not being able to remove items even on guild master account was like the Gbank was frozen. 1 week prior the gold isses started. to resolve the gold issse in real time you could only with when you had in ur bags at the tiem so so if you had 1 cooper you could only with draw 1 cooper , but if you had 1000g you could remove 1000g and so on… The gold issues wasnt a biggy once figureied out . But all crapstorm started on the 13ths Millions in old would mats just vanished with all remaining gold aswel… 32 million GONE in a blink

Whats got me upset is that the beta testing servers have not experienced the issue an those servers are supposed to be game and coding soon to up-come to LIVE…

Kinda makes me think someone or the company IE BLIZZARD itself had planed this malicious attact on our reserves. And if you wanna ban me for saying this go right ahead


Adding myself to this post, this character, Monarch from Llane is the only character with access to the guild bank. Never did a remix, don’t use any mods, and like many of the other people in the thread I have lost at least 2/3’s of the stuff I have in the guild bank.


Oh, they did a role back like 3 days later. They literally rolled back the realms, servers, everything to the time that stuff wasn’t lost. The people that lost the items were happy, but the people that lost progression and achievs and stuff were not so happy. lol

Way too much time has passed for them to be able to do that this time around.


Almost two weeks: no fix and very little communication.


Well that’s not very reassuring…

I was under the impression they would be able to do “targeted” rollbacks just for affected players/bug victims, but if you say they had to take entire servers down to restore the lost items then that makes it seem less likely they would do something like that

I’m not a software engineer, but it seems fairly simple to me for them to do “targeted” rollbacks for these various bugs. I imagine it could go something like this:

  • compare and contrast player inventories/reputations/honor level/etc in the database “before” the prepatch to “after” the prepatch (I imagine they have database snapshots/server backups of “just before” the prepatch launched)
  • if the “after prepatch” value or inventory is different than the “before prepatch” value or inventory, write some code/write a hotfix to apply the older value (correct) as the current value (overriding the incorrect/post-bug value)

For example: …say “before” the 11.0 prepatch X reputation was Exalted but “after” the prepatch it’s now Neutral (bugged), simply roll out a hotfix to restore the affected players to the (correct) Exalted reputation level. And so on and so on for the other prepatch bugs


They did it before (can’t remember when or why because I think at the time it didn’t affect me), but i believe it was after only a couple days of issue. This has been going on for what, two weeks now… so you are probably right. HOWEVER, I just don’t see what they can do, people have continued to use their guild banks. Stuff is going into slots where other stuff should be, so they can’t just hit a switch and suddenly all our stuff is back where it should be. I just don’t see this resolving to anyone’s satisfaction.

But i seriously hope you are right and they don’t just roll us back 2 weeks.


I think the fix is rather simple … if it was just one or two people. It’s the magnitude of the fix that might be the problem. Then you add in banks that have been dormant for over a year.

The Game Masters, themselves, can do much more with the game than they let people believe. For example, WAAAAAAAAY back in tBC, as I was leveling my Draenei, there was one of those lvl 2 black kitties that kept getting stuck in the roof of the Exodar. I would put in a ticket for it and the GM was able to move it to its correct spot. Also, there are several videos of GM (back in the day when the game was much more fun) popping into people’s dungeon and raid runs and giving buffs or making things harder or just silly stuff. They would pop items into the runs for the players. If they can pop items into and out of the game at will, they can pop our stuff back into the banks. Just doing it on a magnitude of 1 million times is the problem, maybe?

Also, the problem of the banks in active guilds that haven’t stopped using the bank and have now filled the empty slot with newer items. Getting a correct account of the missing items is going to be a little harder, I think. Like I said, it isn’t the problem of getting it into one or two banks, it’s the problem of getting it into millions of banks all at the same time, so people don’t whine and cry that they got their stuff last.


If they were going to, it would have to be right now because the expansion is tomorrow.

And speaking of the expansion, I’ll be going into it with full bags because I can’t trust the guild bank or the warband bank. Maybe I should make a new character just to hold stuff? I remember people did that waaaay back in the day.


This is BS, it’s hard, but better move on, not gonna die for some lost pixels, sure I lost some valuable stuff, but there’s always more, F U and your fix blizzard


what FIX are you guys speakling about my gbank is still showing EMPTY


The fix that hasn’t happened yet. lol
We are just speculating about what it will take to fix it and get our stuff back.

Hurry up Bliz!
Time is money!


Definitely agreeing on the doubt of a full-on hard reset rollback, it’s been way too long with way too much stuff allowed to trundle along. … it’ll be interesting to see what in tarnation they’re going to use to restore stuff, if items have actually tumbled into the Twisting Nether and the Postmaster is going to have every limb full, or if it’ll turn out to be an exceptionally bonkers visibility bug.

As for the fix, there’s a lot of talk here, but a few posts a ways up have quoted fairly dedicated ticket responses assuring that there is some sort of fix and restore coming up, so for the time being, we’re speculating on that.


That’s the thing.

Game Masters these days are simply customer support agents. That’s it. Period.

The days of seeing an actual GM in game, of having them respond like they used to in BC… well, that’s LONG past.

There’s been too many changes - increased player counts (BC to Cata’s peak), decreased support staff, increasing layers of code, and on top of that, the amount of ‘bureaucracy’ - for them to fill a role like they once did.



My point was that they can do more than just give canned responses to tickets.

In WoD, a bunch o mounts and pets poofed into the nether too. The only reason I knew about it was because one of my mounts I had on my Paladin’s action bar, poofed: Tyrael’s Charger. I put in a ticket and (because of wait time) the GM poofed my Charger back into existence the next day.

Then the next day I got mail with more pets and another mount that had gone missing. The letter said something like, “These little guys wondered off and got lost, but now they have been sent home.” Honestly do not remember the exact wording. I’ve slept since then. I didn’t even know I was missing them. LOL I didn’t follow the forums back then, so I really don’t know how widespread it was or the reaction of the community. I do remember some brief mentions in trade chat from other people that had lost pets and mounts and had them returned. … People actually talked in trade chat… I miss those days.

So yeah, it happens. And the GM’s can most certainly make things appear when they need too. That said. This is bug is beyond the actions of a single account needing help. There are probably several million banks that have been affected. Just one person can have multiple banks that have been infected. So, millions of accounts with 2 or more banks each… yeah… a nightmare of restoration.


This isn’t directed at you, Dasserlond, but to anyone who might be thinking it’s exaggeration: it’s entirely possible.

I’d have played it safer by saying “possibly several million banks” but honestly that’s just being overly semantic on my part.

I was curious to see what kind of cheap and dirty stats I could find on the number of guild banks that there might be, and interestingly enough, Researchgate tossed me this lovely little nugget: Group Evolution Patterns in World of Warcraft, Christian Thurau and Christian Bauckhage, with a publication date of 2010 (Researchgate #221385799). Their dataset was made up of 1,400,000 guilds across NA and EU servers.

One point four million guilds - in 2010. That number can only have grown in the last 14 years, but to what extent? I have no idea.

There is a null chance that there will be a rollback. The riots. Oh Lord, the playerbase rioting, the bad press, the stock values being smacked to the floor, the angry stockholders… yeah.

Nightmare doesn’t even come close.


Exactly this.
Not going to happen.

On the numbers end – even if it is only 1 million banks that have had items poofed. Think about the number of items in each bank: 50 to over 200 items realistically? That is an insane amount of items to sort through on each and every bank. The resoration of those items is going to … ugh!


My initial count of my first guild bank to be hit was 364 empty slots out of 683 previously full in a 7 tab bank, so that’s a very conservative estimate. Didn’t bother counting for the other two.

It won’t be a manual process, that would hurt the profit line. The wording of the most recently posted GM response up a few tens of posts back heavily implied (to me) that they’d figured out a way to do it automatically. Before anyone says ‘well why haven’t they done it already then’ is because you bet your left elbow they’re going to test the heck out of the resolution because you don’t go throwing napalm on a dumpster fire if you want to keep your eyebrows, if you know what I’m saying.

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If a Boeing engineer, mechanic, or other similarly invested/involved employee were to say that, yeah, I’d probably take that into very serious consideration - if they brought receipts. People say all sorts of things when they’re experiencing discontent.

However, it’s a poor analogy to use in this situation. I seriously doubt that anyone’s physical life or limb is at risk because guild banks had an issue and things vanished into the Twisting Nether.


I mean it sure does seem like that at this point… Very little communication on their part just leaves us all to speculate. I honestly hate the fact I enjoy playing WoW… because the people they have running it must be incompetent. If you can’t figure things out in a somewhat timely manner you can’t say you’re an effective part of the team. It’s not like this issue just happened… It’s been over 2 weeks, and I’d rather them come out every once in a while and just confirm they’re still working on it, because the longer it goes on the more I feel they’ll just say suck it up at the end of the day.