Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Sooooooooooo many bugs being reported in this forum.
This was 3 pages down.
Won’t let this go!
Bliz we needs our stuffs!


I hate that the GM ticket responder tells you to submit a bug report and to mark the ticket as resolved when it’s not resolved. the ticket should remain open until the problem is fixed… otherwise it’s off their plate and don’t see it anymore… it’s frustrating…


When this dips you find people starting new topics or posting in one of the smaller ones.

People are still logging in to find things missing, probably coming back for the expansion. If they did stop it from happening it seems it hid/removed items even without people logging in while it was first happening.


First real issue I’ve had with WoW. Two guild bank toons made specifically for storing BC and WotLK items have their guild banks completely emptied. No Logs. Both toons recently maxed level. First time trying to submit a bug report… Where to start… Doesn’t seem to fit in any of the categories…


How about now? Can we have our guild banks back now?!

Stuff in my guild bank was for use during the last week of DF and for Early Access. I am beyond annoyed at this point.


STILL broken, items are now disappearing when posting auctions. WoW is really going down hill.


Yep, same. My alts at this point are the only active members of the guild. i thought I had been hacked, but the pattern of what was missing was very strange, and there was nothing in the log indicating anything else was removed.


I wish they would officially post HERE, publicly. I WANT TO BELIEVE, but where did Tejoenrteed get the information? Who is he (like, high level customer service rep? an actual technical person?) There are a lot of questions and seemingly very little answers. At this point, I think they need a high level person to actually come here (or in a public announcement) and make an official statement of what they know, explanation (in layman terms) of how it happened, possible steps they can take, what they are doing about it, what steps they are taking to insure that this won’t happen again (to gbank, personal bank or warbands bank) what we should and shouldn’t do, and IF they have a good idea, then when we can begin to expect to see results and what form that will take (will things just all pop back into the bank? Will guild leaders and bank holders be hauling things from the mailbox? Will things come back slowly?)


Honestly I’ve never seen so many widespread bugs like what we have seen with 11.0 prepatch and onwards

Something in the patch - I’m guessing Warbands - just utterly wrecked the overall stability of the game, something is definitely wrong in that spaghetti-code somewhere. Sooooo many odd glitches and bugs left and right I don’t think even white-knight types can brush it off or claim “everythings fine”


I want to think it was the timerunners remix that caused this, because they didn’t have access to guild banks, so when they transitioned over to retail servers the setting was copied over to the rest of the guild? I dunno… but it seems plausible

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I don’t think so. The earliest reports of vanishing items (I’m not including frozen stacks or un-interactables in this) are from 08/11 as per this thread at least, and Remix ended on 08/20.


Changed how I tried submitting a ticket…
Too bad they won’t respond here…

The response…

Thanks for reaching out. Despite the issue at hand I hope you’re doing well today.

I understand you’re missing items from your guild bank. I can confirm this is an issue on our end that our Development Team is aware of and working to fix. That said, I’m afraid we don’t have an ETA for when a fix will be implemented:

https:// support. adjust the spaces…

For now we ask for your patience - when the bug is fixed your items will be available. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns in the mean time, and take care!

(Omit link) to review and resolve your ticket. If you continue to experience issues, you can respond to your ticket with additional information.

Note: If you can’t log in to your account to respond to your ticket, you’ll need to submit a new ticket.

If you do not resolve the ticket or provide an additional response within one week, we will resolve the ticket automatically and you’ll receive a final update via email.

Blizzard Support


Nah, it was the prepatch for sure

  • before prepatch: peace and quiet in WoW, everything functioned as it was supposed to… no weird bugs or glitches, everything humming along nicely (for the most part)
  • after prepatch: an EXPLOSION of gamebreaking stuff, bugs and glitches galore :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

well, it was just a theory, then again, the data was there for them to turn on, who knows… /shrugs

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OMG I went away for a week, and there has been slow to no progress on this???
I have very little interest in playing the new expansion until I can be sure my mats are going to be safe in the bank. We have no idea if a fix is going to end up being some stupid roll back, or if other things will disappear, and I don’t want to put anything in I might lose. One would think all the using of the mail system as storage during this gaming crisis would be a huge issue eventually.


I don’t trust the mail system either, lol. Once upon a time ago, all the items that were left in peoples mailboxes vanished after a patch. They did eventually restore it all, but omg… yeah. No, I do not trust the mailbox for storage and I try to make sure all my mailboxes are empty prior to any big patch event.


When things are restored, I can guarantee that it won’t be via a rollback. There’s no way in any frozen hell that they’d do that, not after so long. It’ll be more targeted.


Whats the WORD from blizzard on the recovery of our missing guild items? not worried about gold that easy enough to make back


I’d get them out, the two I had stored are gone. :frowning:


Just adding my name to the list. Same problem, many items gone from every tab, no withdrawals in the bank log, gold gone too. Submitted a bug report.

I’m disappointed there hasn’t been a public response from Blizz over this issue. We’ve had our guild almost 20 yrs. A lot of time and effort went into filling those tabs. I’m sure many of you feel the same. I’m afraid to deposit anything until there’s a fix.