Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Yes, you can put stuff in there. I have and it stayed put overnight. I took the items out again because I don’t know how Blizzard will return stuff, either putting back where it was or in the mail to the guild leader.


Oh God . . . Well, getting stuff back in the mail is better than NOT getting stuff back at all, but is pretty much going to make the game unplayable (at least until everything is back) for anyone greatly affected by this.

Yes, if that’s the only way to give things back to us, please do. Otherwise, please - just put them back where they had been.

THIS is why I’m afraid to put things into it - not only having it disappear but in case it “displaces” what had been there before.

TBH, anything useful. In the absence of information, speculation, rumors, scares, false hopes will all spread.

IF the items are there and they can SEE it, I would want to hear it from a Blue who’s got good information on it. IF our stuff is safe, I think it would make a lot of people feel much relieved that yes, the stuff is there and that they are doing all they can to get them back to us. Without that assurance, I think many can assume that their stuff are NOT there and NOT safe. Explanations in layman’s terms now and then would be fantastic. But all of the “Blues” posts are linked from other forums, even EU forums, whereas most of the discussion is taking place here.

If they also know what we can (and shouldn’t) do, it would be great if they could tell us. Is it OK to put things into it? Move things? Remove things? Don’t touch it?

ETA would be great if they had it, but I doubt they do. Once they do, yes, I would love that.


Yup, they need to answer these questions. Being stuck in limbo sucks.


This guild bank thing is maddening… Opened the 3rd ticket - bot response… IMHO - I have a feeling that they are not reading the tickets & a bot is replying…

This is on their end - I have fully removed the game & did a fresh install… I reset the UI - deleted WTF & cache folders - got rid of the addons etc etc etc repeatedly…

I have done exactly what they told me to do… IT DID NOT FIX THIS PROBLEM…

Next ticket response they tell me to do the exact same thing again…
This isn’t fixing the problem…

The contents of the guild bank is GONE… This is on their end…

This is not fixed - not resolved… Blizz keeps giving me the same response & info each time despite my stating its already been done…

Blizz needs to please restore the contents of the guild bank & gold that was in there… Figure out what happened & please fix this…

This started with the last patch for the war within…
(This started about 10 days to the end of Panderia remix…)
A few thousand reports of this happening at this point & it is being discussed in forum…

I am not happy with what is going on - no way to communicate when there are issues… & the tickets can’t be reopened… Thus the repeat tickets…

You put in repeat tickets - the banhammer may appear…
This all is so frustrating that its not funny…


3rd response… Another Bot response…
Howdy - We’re sorry you’re experiencing connection issues…

Absolutely not related to the issue at hand…

Blizz fix the guild bank issues…


How can it go on this long with no real reply’s ??


No, don’t listen to the “GMs” Yes, they are either bots or people who know zero about this. Putting in a ticket won’t help. This is a much larger problem. You can put in bug reports in game (where you will not get an answer) or keep an eye out on these forums. Don’t do all the busy work of deleting this or that (WTF folder, addons, whatever) . . . it just creates more work on your part and will not do any good. Putting in multiple tickets will not help. They are just using scripted answers (or more likely, automatically generated). It’s actually kind of irresponsible on their part. If this is a known issue and they know that people are putting in tickets, they should at least give the RIGHT automatic answers instead of having players go through all that garbage.

I’m hoping that, if the blues post elsewhere (since they never directly post HERE) with many eyes watching, someone will link any updates from the blues when there is one.


Remember everyone, these are just people hired to do a customer service job. They are not the GMs of old. Don’t open tickets, stick to the forums or submitting bug reports.

Even with no communication, I do believe they are reading these threads.


Nah, they are not reading this thread any longer. They are keeping an eye out for any post that gets flagged by the community and that’s it. They are focusing their attention on the myriad of other bugs, which seems to be un-ending.

Personally, I think they are just waiting and hoping people will give up and move on from this topic. I think they hope people will just go back to using their banks as normal and forget about all that was lost. The only way this is going to get resolved is if enough people take action with their pocketbooks, as in un-subbing or not purchasing the xpac.

I have not purchased the new game yet. I am holding out until this is fixed.
Don’t let this thread die!


also adding that all items are showing up as missing on all tabs with no log of anything being taken. small guild as well so nothing has been removed by players


I just checked my guild banks again and it’s still missing items. I had first noticed the missing items right after the gold withdraw problem from guild banks. One of guild banks had 8 tabs full of non-combat pets and it’s completely empty. My other guild still has some of it’s items but there are a lot of gaps in where I know items were. It makes me actually worried to even use my guild bank that my warbank is now starting to become full of stuff that should be in the guild bank instead. :worried: I hope they don’t just expect us to forget about the items and move on. Cause it took a LONG time getting the items. I also hope they don’t just give us gold for the missing items to just have to refarm up all the items that were/are lost because someone messed up.


Still have nearly half of all my guild banks supplies missing.

Hyjal : Weyland Yutani
Hyjal : banks only plz k thx bye
Wyrmrest Accord : The Last Legion
Wyrmrest Accord : Stormwind Traders

The timing of this issue couldn’t be worse as the expansion just came out. I am concerned as well that this issue will go on for another couple of weeks before it is resolved. Please please please don’t forget about this Blizzard! Please!!


I still have a problem, blizzard fix this now.


I also have the guild bank problem. But that’s not all, most of my toys have disappeared as well, as I discovered while I was looking for the hearthstone that came with the epic edition. I didn’t get the hearthstone or it’s disappeared with the other toys.


Keep logging in and praying my items will be back but no
nothing yet

would love literally any update at this point


Can report that nothing new is missing from my guild bank because everything is currently gone. buh dum, tisss. Thank you, I’m here all week.


I’ve spent more than 15 years gathering, collecting items, materials, and rarities, unobtainable items, managing approximately 17 guild banks exclusively through my characters. Recently, I’ve noticed that tens of thousands of these items are missing.

I’ve been a loyal supporter of this company for over 20 years. I realize that the current issue may not have an immediate solution, but I do expect ongoing communication about potential solutions or assurances that long-term supporters like myself will be looked after. The way this situation is managed will greatly influence my decision to continue my support in the future, especially with a brand-new expansion on the rise.

I will refrain from engaging with any content until the issue is resolved. If the items I’ve diligently worked for over the years are not returned to me, I will consider participating in any content to become worthless as nothing I have is protected or guaranteed. I am prepared to direct my business elsewhere depending on how this is handled.


I realize Blizzard is already aware of the issue but I felt compelled to throw my account into the mix.

I have two Alt Guild Banks and it seems that only my Alt GB on Horde side is affected. That is the one I’ve spent the most time on (over a decade). I was excited to finally use the mats on my Alts and then lo and behold, about a quarter of the items, on each tab, is missing.

My Horde side Alt Guild Bank is “The Continuum” on Earthen Ring. It has six tabs and all of the tabs are affected.

My Alliance side Alt Guild Bank has the same name on Eonar, but is not affected.

So for me, the Warband clean up issue doesn’t apply. Plus, I don’t ever use clean up on any of my banks.

I hope this issue gets some attention soon because until then, I’m not touching my Horde side Alt GB.


No fix. No ack.


Is it even ok to use the guild bank at this time? Are we being forced to buy the more expensive warband tabs just for our personal guild bank purposes?


Nobody knows. I’m not touching my guild banks until it’s resolved.