question is not just will they fix it … if they fix it and get it working again 1 year later … or 2 years later … sigh … does it make any difference ? lolololololol
I don’t use the mail system to store…I have other low alts with their personal banks with bags if I need too …
I’m fairly sure there was a blue post previously that said they had identified the cause and fixed it. Suggesting the issue is more about how to identify the “missing” items and returning them. I don’t have time to go back and look for it now … but it’s back up there somewhere /waves vaguely …
I haven’t noticed anything further disappear from my Alliance guild bank (personal for my alts), but after I took screenshots of all my guild banks on the 18th Aug,…I notice about 2-3 days ago my Horde bank (both alliance and horde on the same Oceanic Server) that the horde bank has since all completely disappeared since then. It was about 70% full over 7 tabs,…with a few odd “weird random” items missing. Then 2-3 days ago, the horde bank is now completely empty on all 7 tabs bar 3 random items over the 7 tabs. (some cloth, Some old classic mining crystal and a stack of old classic cooking meat).
thankfully (not sure if helps) I did take screen shots of it all, and I do have a method to my madness for each tab. (yay for being OCD lol).
It’s such a weird bug for random things to disappear. Like I can have 40 of a BfA cooked meat item (2x20 stack). The stack on the left (of 20) will be there but the 20 stack to the right of it isn’t there. (these were the ones used for hand-ins for recipes etc).
I can have Classic Cloth 1000 stack be there,…but the 100 Bolts of Cloth I had to the right of it,…gone. All my DF cooking mats are mostly all gone. Some of the rousing DF items,…gone. It’s just so random!
I hope they can fix it and we all get items back - especially for those or have a lot of sentimental value items!!
I won’t be using my gbank if this isn’t fixed. I’ve been playing since 2007 and never thought that something like this would happen.
I imagine that I will cease using guild banks following this, I can create lvl 10 toon equip with personal bank and 32 slot bags and use warbank and mail to get things to them.
Sadly, most of my guilds are exactly this. A GM who has full bank slots, a reagent bank full of mats, and all guild tabs bought. This provides max storage for a single character (as I am limited on character slots). I would have to easily triple the amount of bank alts I have if I was to eliminate the 6 guild bank tabs.
So they went live with TWW, despite this huge problem?
Yep… sucks really bad because my tailor/enchanter and scribe carry a bunch of things in their inventory and really need the bank spaces. 36 slot bags are not enough… our guild warehouse is still hosed and no eta on a fix.
Among many annoying things about this fiasco is that the only place that Blizzard has posted anything resembling (and just barely resembling) official updates is the EU forums.
But, hey, EA launched.
I’m as surprised as you … its not normally that way round
Just checking in and reporting something I noticed last night. I haven’t opened the two main guild banks, (one is strictly auctions and nearly 14 years old and the other is from my old guild (13 years) with only my toons for the past 5 years) and currently afraid to. Nor have I turned on war bank) I noticed something on the AH last night, when attempting to look up a few items I noticed that each of the guild banks and some characters had the items I needed, this information appeared with no mods.
Can anyone else who is currently experiencing this guild bank bug can search the AH for a few items they know for sure was in their gbank and see if any information appears. This could possibly help prove that it is a visual bug that some have been told. This is so very frustrating and I hope they can resolve this soon. Thanks in advance for anyone who can take the time to verify the info I requested. Have a great day.
Edit: I just want to add I did have an addon enabled and that is bagon. I haven’t used it in years. But since adibags wasn’t working last night I downloaded it again. Apparently bagon was able to collect information.
Where are you seeing this information? I’m not seeing anything like you’ve described.
Open the AH and search for an item that you know is in a gbank, individual character, etc. In this case I am searching rousing frost. When I move my mouse over the item available on the auction house I can see a side pop up menu that list all the characters and banks that currently have the items. I just realized that I had bagon enabled which I haven’t used in years and reinstalled it last night. So with that enabled it showed items that characters and gbank had. I just now disabled it and don’t see that information. Is bagon or other bag mods able to possibly gathering that info correctly?
Okay, that makes more sense. Addons like Bagnon basically creates a database of your items on different characters. It’s not a live update. (It will have the info from the last time you opened the bank with the addon active.)
Edit: So, just to test, I installed altaholic (which will do a similar thing to Bagnon) and opened up my guild bank. It’s not showing any missing items as being in the guild bank.For example, I was missing, some, but not all of my stacks of Worm Supreme and pulled the rest into my bags yesterday. Altaholic only saw the ones in my bags. So, the addons aren’t seeing the items either.
Understood. Damn I was hoping I was on to something. lol Not sure if you noticed my edited original comment but I haven’t used bagon in years I had been using adibags, not sure if that makes any difference. Oh well. I’m still going to avoid touching the guild banks for the time being since there is nothing critical that I need at the moment. Thanks for your input!
Just seen your edit. Damn, I wish we could solve this gbank mystery!
I’m not optimistic that it’s just a visual bug due to the fact that people have been able to put stuff in the spots that had stuff missing. If it were a visual bug and Blizzard could see the stuff, I think they would have said that to reassure people. (And the Blue Post some people were using as proof it was a visual bug was actually talking about the Warband Bank, not a Guild Bank.)
It’s perfectly appropriate timing for a bug like this to rear its head to dispose of that stuff in time for the 20th anniversary.
Lol, right? I understand they are probably concentrating on the launch, but still…“high priority”…I honestly wasn’t expecting it to last this long. If anything, I figured they would do their best to get a fix in before the launch.
I wouldn’t call this a subset, either. Some of us have guild banks that serve just one or two people. Many of the others have hundreds of members, so this is affecting thousands of players.