Guild bank missing items - what happened?

My personal guild bank has like a third of random items missing. At first I thought the patch maybe made some things unalive that were old, but I’m missing DF mats too.


I seriously wouldn’t want to be their g bank dev team right now. This is bad. I started reorganizing things in my first tab thinking maybe I moved things around, but then I checked the other tabs and saw a lot of things missing.

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I wondered about that too, since my warbands bank wasn’t having refresh errors like it was since it became available. Fix one thing, and something else breaks?


Yeah, I’m missing at least half my items in my one personal guild bank.


I knew I was getting my hopes up with the “warband” bank.

Has anyone else used the warband bank tab to move items into the guild banks that have lost items? I have numerous items missing in multiple guild banks. I have spent much of the past week sorting items using the warband bank as overflow before moving into guild banks. All of my guild banks are either single toon or only my toons. Several were tabs filled with one item (ie 98 traveler’s backpacks) with a random assortment missing.


I wouldn’t touch your personal gbank until this is fixed tbh. Less noise for the devs to sort through.

Same issue here Logged in after todays restart and my personal 8tabbed guild bank is totally empty all items on 8 tabs are now GONE… WTF BLIZZARD fire ur coders. 1st is was a small gold issue no problem dealt with it. But now this issue has escalated too all items in my person 8 tabbed guild bank is now empty. Im super pissed right now… 18 years of guild bank collecting is MISSING.

I submitted a ticket but in the time since submitting ticket Ive also noticed that BLIZZARD has now disabled the warband currency trading is now disabled.



Same here on Shu’Halo. Small family guild with no other members other than us. Just random stuff (old and new) missing across all 8 tabs. Gold looks ok tho. Hopefully they’ll get it straight soon.


Same issues you all are having.
I just logged in and notice about 90% of the mats are gone from my guild bank. Last night my officers and I had issues grabbing mats out.

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Most of the items are missing from my main guildbank also. with no withdrawals to account for it. (2 of the tabs have withdrawals I moved to another gb, but there was still more items in them.) can’t possibly list everything but 5 of the tabs had current crafting mats and the others had current potions, scrolls and misc items as well as some pets.

a quick check of my alt gb’s shows there may be some items missing but most of the stuff is there and the logs are blank and it’s older items so I can’t really say what they are.

server: lightbringer/guild Light brigade

I don’t see a resolution to this issue so I am putting a ticket in as well.

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Same for me :frowning: Half my old mats are missing from random slots in the herbs tabs. Just finished gathering them up from all characters and put into one personal guild bank and lost half in the last few hours. Edit…just checked other personal guild banks…all are missing at least half the items…this is 17 years of collecting and storing gone. Please please fix this. My anxiety is through the roof.


Same. No log of items being removed, they’re just gone. I hope this gets fixed soon.


I’m having the same issue. Went to deposit items in my personal guild bank that was almost completely full. Now every tab is about half empty.


Yep, my personal guild bank is completely emptied of items on every tab even though there was still stuff in them just hours ago. No logs to indicate where the items went, except for the items that I’d manually withdrew over a week ago.

(…ironically, the only tab that hasn’t been touched is my “'MURICA” tab, which is full of sparklers from the 4th of July…)


Same here. Just posted a bug report so they have a record rather than just a gripe - hopefully the items are restored - they represent a significant amount of time sunk.


Ditto. Items missing from guild bank. No withdraws for missing items showing in log.


I have several alt guild banks, all of them have items missing, my main Guild’s bank was completely emptied, not one item left!!!


My guild has same issue. So not just you.


If they do not it will suck that is years of collecting down the drain, more importantly they fix the underlying problem before it all disappears.


Guild Name: Olde Dawgs
Realm: Argent Dawn
Random new and old stuff missing. No idea what all is missing since some of that stuff has been there for years.