Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I am not convinced it has to do with era of items. I had an entire tab of those “elune candle” 50-use fireworks… And 1/3 are gone. They are identical items and using the same time-frame logic, they should be either ALL gone, or NOT gone. Same with the Legion toy that makes the ground green (can’t remember the name right now, pocket fel spreader?) which I had an entire tab of (looking ahead, heh…) So for those of us who have many guild banks across many guild bank-based characters, it’s easy for us to see when an entire tab was multiples of ONE item.


You should work for Blizzard. I’d love that message… “We appreciate your business, we understand your distress, here is a summary of what we know, here is what we plan to do next, and here is what you can expect.”

And an added “We will do our best to restore any items affected. Sorry!” …

But instead Blizzard gives us this: “We know.”


There is a real thing in ‘banks’ now called a 'Bail In", if a bank fails they take your money to fund themselves. Maybe this was a Blizz ‘Bail In’… Ha ha ha… just joking? …

Honestly it’s like we all got hacked and robbed and it’s still going on right before our eyes. How funny is that!? I have 3 GB’s… gone…
I don’t even want to look at them!


Everything we lost represents time.

Time to gather stuff, time to level professions so we can craft stuff, even time spent at work so we can buy a game token to sell for gold.

Most of the stuff I lost can be regathered but it will take so much more time! Some stuff can’t be found anymore though.

Edit - I don’t even know what I’m rambling about, I’m just depressed about it all I guess.


I truly wish I had noticed this earlier, instead of a couple hours before pre-expansion launches. It is dampening my enthusiasm :frowning:


Well, I haven’t looked at my guild bank in several days, but my Alliance one, Starlight Dragons, which had 75% missing, is now probably 95% missing. :pensive:

My Horde bank, Sunburst Phoenix, still looks fine. For now.

These are both on Cenarion Circle.

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Also missing everything from the guild bank I have. Very disappointed.

For those of you like myself who took everything out of their GB to stop any more loss don’t try to put into your personal bank. I took my items out days ago before I lost everything. To make some bag space on my AH toon I thought I’d just pop it into her personal bank BAD IDEA. It was in my bags I did the whole right-click heard the little clink noise to say it went in there and POOF gone. No item in my bank. So I’m going with any item that was in a GB is affected by whatever this bug is.

I am aware Blizzard is saying items are there we just can’t see them but sorry if I can’t see it it’s not there. So to others that did what I did & took their items out just leave them where they are until such a time as Blizzard finally fixes this issue, or address’s the issue or death, which ever comes first. And with nothing but crickets from Bliz I’m thinking it’ll be the latter.



4k characters

It worked

Yeah. I was just wondering if they were locking down this subject. I was reading a rather bad review about the situation and when I was only half way thru, it just disappeared. Vanished right before my eyes. Then I noticed the Elf? constantly trying to reply to no avail and was just wondering what was going on.

Edit It is the troll @Udiza who just posted. I guess I should have been more patient. Elf, Troll they are both tall…


I finally got up the courage to check my banks. As far as I recall, I haven’t looked at any of the banks since May with the exception of Volcanic-Thrall where I pulled some gold out in July. (I took a break from the game, and when I came back I was focused on Remix.) None of my banks are cross-realm, but they are all cross faction. (And are on realms that are not connected.)

My Earthen Ring bank (Autumn) had a fair number of very clear holes in it. I’m not sure of everything I lost, but my Dirge’s Chimerarok recipe isn’t in the bank. (Some of my other rare recipes were still there, but it looked like some others might have been missing.) I pulled out everything I could. I can’t remember doing anything with the guild interface for this guild since May.

My Emerald Dream (Shade) bank looked to be untouched, but it didn’t have much in it, just bags. But they were all there. I added several remix character to this guild in July/August, which would have been my only interaction with guild control since May. I didn’t have any gold stored in this bank.

I have 2 Thrall banks (Volcanic and Saffron), both of which it was hard to tell if stuff was missing. The stuff in there didn’t look to be in the sort of pattern that I’d have left stuff in. The Thall bank felt like it was about a million gold lighter than I remember, but I’m not certain on that. I added a Remix character to the guild in July, and as mentioned pulled 1 million out of the Volcanic bank in July. My two accursed keepsakes were in Volcanic, but I didn’t see my Haunted Memento. (I still have to verify that’s not sitting on a character somewhere.) Quick edit: I found the memento on a character, so that’s not missing.

That Dirge’s has me feeling very sick right now. I’m going to go through my characters on the off chance I’d pulled it out, but with my other rare recipes in that bank, that feels very unlikely. (If I’d pulled them, I’d have pulled them all.)

I’ve pulled everything remaining out of all of the guilds except Shade-Emerald Dream. (I pulled out the bags my Remix characters needed, but the value of the remaining bags is negligible enough that I’m not going to mess with them.)

/blows beer through nose

Wait… this is still happening!?

One thing I’ve been avoiding is hitting the cleanup button on my standard bank. Yes. The regular bank. That is what I showed in my bug report video. I think that was the key to hitting this situation. I haven’t lost anything since, so far at least.


there are players who has multiple accounts, and storing things in specific guild banks … i have several gem banks, several metal/ore banks, several enchant mat banks etc etc etc … all my accounts come to a halt because i dont have mats to move ahead … its not a complete play … and most importantly subscription are running … its a lot more things thats problematic to players than them simply saying oh i can see it but you cant lolololololol … i am no longer angry or frustrated … it becomes so hilarious at this point


all my gold is in my warband bank, eliminates that problem at least. Still confused as to what happened too all my crafting things, the least they could have done is take the items and replaced it with gold. like some of us actually worked to build a cushion of crafting items instead of buying them from the AH.


Just checked my guild bank, and at least 18 stacks of Classic-to-Pandaria era gems are missing from one bank tab. They were there literally yesterday when I was moving some other items on the same tab. The items that disappeared are random; for example, I had a stack of malachite that’s gone but the stack of tiger’s eye is still there. No record of withdrawal in the log. Guild is Dhoom on Wyrmrest Accord, 7th tab is the one missing items.


Still missing tons of stuff in our guild. Not sure how we are supposed to go into this expansion without guild deposits, we need a fix for this asap!


Guild bank is completely wiped all 8 tabs gone pets mats you name it 100% gone.


All items are gone in guild bank. All 8 tabs wiped clean.