Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I will be glad to do new pve, been planting cabbage at farm, sending followers out, and upgrading garrison since bug was discovered

My guild is having the same issue, I put in a ticket last week about it and a cookie cutter response that did not have anything to do with the actual problem. I checked the babk today to see if anything had reappeared but instead I see more items missing. At this rate my entire bank will be wiped out.


Death, taxes, Nobully gaslighting people saying bad things about Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard.


Can we please keep this thread on topic?

Those of us affected by this issue do not need this thread nuked because “reasons”.



Same issue. I don’t know the number of items missing but it is worth hundred of thousands of gold. Some items are no longer available in game.


10 days later:
nothing here, nothing there.
Maybe I should turn to a wizard, I can’t decide if fire, frost or arcane.


I have missing items in guild bank, but also my main char’s primary bank tab is completely empty.

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With the upgraded gear on all my 14 toons I was collecting for about a month, I was holding off on enchanting them for the release of the new expansion. I was hoping to do this last
weekend, BUT, my personal guild bank, where I’m the only one in the guild, was gutted of
almost all of the needed matts to do this. I run all crafting and gathering and used my guild bank as a storage for all these items. My horde toon I can just mail items back and forth to and from him. All my toons are 504 or 505 geared. I cannot do the high end enchants, I cannot make the high end gems. The matts for all these were deleted from my PERSONAL
GUILD BANK! (with a personal guild bank I ignored this so called warband bank, I did not
need additional banking costing millions of gold)

If this is not corrected by this Saturday, I will no longer be playing this game, even though I’ve been playing for 20 years and purchased the next expansion.

*I have used in game gold for the last few expansions and game time.



Right. It is conceivable that this is a rerun of 2019, but the idea that “the stuff is there, they can see it, we can’t, it’s all good” does not hold water with me.

Until there is a post describing the situation, or until there is a fix, all we can do is speculate, and smoke some hopium.

Flatly telling people to shut up, everything is still there, is both obnoxious and poorly informed.

I’ve been following this, and if there has been any advice from Blizzard to do anything to mitigate the problem, I haven’t seen it.

So, it’s up to you. Blizzard hasn’t offered any guidance.

I’ve been sorting guild banks so that I can see if any new holes open up. None have in the past few days. But … who knows what tomorrow will bring.

The reagents that are used for valuable transmog are not from DF but ok your thoughts are noted.

Since that post that asserted that Blizzard did something “quickly” to stop the problem happening, there have been many more credible, verified reports of the problem continuing to happen. Maybe Blizzard has a different problem in mind. Otherwise that blue post has been contradicted.


Here are what I believe are the most relevant posts from the EU forums, which is really the only place any blue poster has contributed meaningfully. The last one is a day old.


FML same issue. My personal guild guild-bank and it’s where I store all my really rare strange things. A lot of grey items like the ripped ogre loin cloths (going for about 10k each)… but it’s not all grey or useful or useless items… I also kept copies of in-game mails that were important to me - and half of those are gone too. There should be no reason why these items are missing! Please… return my stuff. I collected these things because I want to keep them…


Do you really think they are going to restore the missing items?

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100% they will restore them if they can.

We’ve heard nothing that indicates whether they can or not or if they even know whether they can.


After 10+ days, shouldn’t they know by now? I am not seeing any actual information other than “we know” … Since I came back, I’ve really been extra disappointed with blizzard’s customer service.


If they don’t, I really don’t have anything else to play for. I quit being a “WoW” player years ago and now all I really do is farm and auction (haven’t been in a raiding guild since Cata). I’ve had multiple guild banks hit by this. One big one is the the toon/gbank that I use to sell battle pets. Can I farm them again? Sure, but I really don’t feel like trying to build up my inventory again. I’m not complaining that Blizzard has to do this for me; just that losing all those items would take away my last reason for playing, and that’s okay. I’ve been playing since BC launched and my first guild was setup during the Wrath pre-launch, so maybe it’s time I move on.


I feel this way too. If my stuff isn’t safe, why bother anymore?


It’s enormously disappointing. I’ve lost some stuff but not anything like the people who have opened up empty vaults. But I don’t even know what I’ve lost.

I’m completely unimpressed by Blizzard’s handling of this issue and in particular the lack of communication about their findings, about status, expectation setting, and so on. It’s just terrible. It’s bottom percentile customer service from a company that generally does as well as it can given constraints on resources.


This really bums me out, I’m just gonna sit out the new expansion until this is fixed. It’s not like it’s some small bug. No motivation to play if stuff is going to disappear.


Reporting same thing happened to me, private guild, nothing in the log, I’m the only one who’s touched anything, easily 95% of my stuff there is just…gone.


Believe me I understand. In WoW, you are your “stuff.” If you lose your things, you lose what your character has done.

In any company I’ve ever worked for, this kind of event, after this protracted period without resolution, would have had a statement from senior management (director or VP). “We appreciate your business, we understand your distress, here is a summary of what we know, here is what we plan to do next, and here is what you can expect.”

But :cricket::cricket::cricket:. Just incredibly disappointing, and unprofessional.