Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Anyway, what I was going to say was according to a blue they proclaimed to have “fixed” the issue causing “missing” items. It’s looking for the resolution for those missing those items. So, I may attempt to look into my Guild Bank. I’ll just need to hold my breath:

It still doesn’t proclaim EXACTLY what that “issue” was. And that the items “weren’t missing”:

They’re just on a different plain of existence.

And, I want to stress that I (personally) wasn’t complaining about Blizz’s “lack of response”. I think they’ve responded quite well to it, TBH.

My issue is regards to other things that Blizz doesn’t care about.

That being said, I checked my Guild Bank, everything is still there. I don’t really see anything missing, from my end.

Then again, I used the Mobile Banking version and not the actual Guild Bank areas. I MUST note, I do NOT have DF. I think I only have SL? And, again, I didn’t unlock my Warbank, either.

I haven’t done much with my Guild Bank, either, so IDK if that matters.

GL to those who had their issues.

EDIT: Just checked in a FR Guild Bank location (not Mobile Banking), and nothing is “missing” from my end. Really sorry for those with issues.

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This has not been shown. We have one blue post by a non-developer saying this. On the other hand eight days ago I replaced a stack of a missing item with one of that same item and it’s still there. I’m having difficulty reconciling this narrative of some sort of server-client UI bug because of this.

I concur.

I only looked. I didn’t move, anything. Things are still there. I still see items. Only 1 tab is completely empty but that’s because before this issue (perfect timing, on my end), I cleaned it out.

I’mma wait to move things around.

HOWEVER, before missing guild bank items, I remember seeing complaints about unable to withdraw Guild Bank gold, as well. IDK if that ever got resolved, either.

I was still able to use Guild Repairs, though.

The items are missing. Definitely. I can’t see them or pull them from my bank, ergo…

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Don’t respond to them. They just spin our words around to make us look “wrong” in everything. It’s what they do, not just with this thread. Ignore them and move on.


It has, thanks to you. As someone stated, you are arguing semantics. Key word there is ARGUING. You aren’t helping the issue at all. People are pissed. They want to vent. All you are doing is poking a stick at them. You don’t need to come here white knighting, quoting numerous lines from people’s posts to pick them apart.

Just let them vent.


Same issue, but I waited a little over a week just in case it would be fixed on a weekly patch.

Still missing a lot of items. Nothing reflected in the log, same observation from guild leader and other officers. Same yadda yadda about addons/cache/wtf folder over these two decades, didn’t change the symptoms.

Makes sense that it’s a display issue and that the items aren’t actually gone.

At least we have a support article for it, hunting through bug report threads was getting…obnoxious.

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The most annoying thing is he and the other guy are just gaslighting people. Maybe that one CS guy can see the items, that’s wonderful but the fact remains the items are gone for the end-user, which is the actually important part.

The thing that’s really bothering me is the total blackout from the WOW mouthpiece sites. Given how widespread this is I believe they’ve been given a directive to not talk about it, ,which strikes me as massively irresponsible given it’s potential to affect players.


I wondered about this as well. At the least I thought Bellular or MrGm would’ve brought this up. I’ve been rather surprised no one has mentioned it.


The fact that there is little to no mention on the trade channels on in game chat tend to make me think that while it effects hundreds of players, we are still miniscule in the overall player base.


So, are we supposed to not touch the guild banks? As more and more stuff went missing, I panicked and took everything out, including gold.

I don’t know how coding works, but from my end if the slot is empty and I’m able to put other items in that spot, then the item that was previously there is now missing.


I’m glad they were aware of this DAYS ago. Items in my guild bank were meant for last week and this week. After that they’ll have no value.

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In 4 hours 20 minutes all the DF reagents are just old news

I think that most of the reports coming from solo players with their own guild bank is because they’re the only ones who actively use those banks. My guess is it’s much more widespread but a combination of end of xpac and people in large guilds being used to items just disappearing are keeping their complaint quotient down for now.


I am excited! Now 4 hours and 17 mins!!!

True, but I also had tons of other things in there not DF related. The DF mats don’t really bother me. What does bother me is the stacks of group food bounties and potions and flasks that cost me thousands to make.

Plus, others have stated they have items of a personal nature that go all the way back to OG Vanilla.



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Absolutely agree, was not downplaying the significance of this bug

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No, not at all. I’ve seen all your other posts, so I never thought this once.

It took me several hours and many thousand gold to get DF “starter” profession tools for my Remix and Event characters. Even going back a couple expansions and making the tradeable Alchemy stones. They dont NEED new expensive TWW tools. They DO need the old tools like… NOW.

I have no doubt this will get fixed eventually. But having taken the time to set this up specifically to enjoy this week I’m really quite peeved at the duration of this issue.