Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Actually it’s not just one CS rep looking at one bank. Many people have submitted tickets and been told the GM’s can see their items. There is a lot more than one thread about this. That one thread is the one that’s being linked because it’s the one that has the most blue responses. There’s no need to share dozens of examples, that would just spam the thread.

Hopefully there’s a resolution soon and all this can be put to rest.

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So it seems the consensus is that our items did not disappear but crossed the veil into a realm we can not see, I will tentatively accept that. I hope that the ongoing update will pull our stuff back from the spiritual realm to the physical so we can interact with them again. In the famous words of Jake “there are more world’s than this Gunslinger”. As far as guild banks going away, not necessarily a conspiracy theory as I for one will be avoiding placing anything in a personal guild bank for some time to come, perhaps the warbank will replace the “personal” guild bank moving forward. !5 minutes we will see.


Our guild bank has the same issue, about 95% is gone out of the entire bank. I put in a ticket about a week ago and have heard nothing as yet.


Daily scheduled maintenance…strike three


It is him talking about his experience seeing an item in the bank.

ACTUALLY, The point is we don’t yet have an official statement saying “this is the problem” or “this is what is happening”, All the mentions of “interactions” with GMs I have seen involve a canned response, which is understandable since we’re not supposed to open tickets and they are not supposed to do anything. We have been told to post here, which is again, in another thread. If one manged to get a real response from a GM it’s still just a GM saying what they saw in a bank. Maybe some took the initiative to look, but they can’t fix the issue. If they had an official statement to reference they would likely provide a link.


I have not unlocked the Warband Bank but equally afraid to check my Guild Bank, and I’ve been away for a year.

I hear personal banks are even effected. So far, my personal banks have not been effected but fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

do you have a source for that?

yeah… the items are there.
they haven’t gone anywhere.
do you think it’s going to be a completely different issue for that one player?

how would it help players to know which lines of code are broken?

the most we’re ever told about bugs is that it’s a known issue, it’s a high priority, and it’s being worked on.

I don’t have time to log in to the game right now.
Is it still broken after the maintenance?

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Still broken… and is so hard because i have there tons of things i was planning to sell… mounts, toys and pets… and now i dont know if they are going to fix it or just leave us without telling anything…


Just from this thread, alone it’s what they’re saying:

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I wasn’t going to sell, but definitely was going to clean it out to make room for the new xpac stuff. Sending all the old stuff to stash alts. I’m afraid to move anything! This is going on for a week and a half now, they need to hurry up and fix this.


Stop pretending to pay attention and stop putting words in my mouth.


3 people… it seems like there would be a significantly higher quantity of reports if it was a related issue?

the issue has been acknowledged.
they can’t fix it any faster than however long it takes.
no amount of updates is going to change that.

the best we can hope for is a notification of “a fix is ready to be applied, but will require restarts”…

alternatively, one of the blues in CS might give an update if they’re provided with any details.

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You only need 1 person to say their personal bank is being bugged, for it to be an issue, at all.

And, I was just pointing out this thread, only. I can attempt to look at the GD forum, to see if there’s more there, but either way, it’s why I said I heard not that it is related.

It’s still unclear if the Warband Banks is the issue or not causing Guild Banks (or Personal Banks) to cause items to go missing. It’s what I’m hearing/gathering (at least from 2 posters talking about it), not that it is.

Please stop making a mountain out of a molehill. We’re here to discuss what’s causing the issue, not that it is.

Besides, not everyone posts on the forums, either. There could be in-game bug reports proclaiming personal banks being effected, that we don’t know about.

Now, please stop arguing over every single thing people are saying. It’s really obnoxious.


that’s not how bugs work.

people with warband bank enabled are having the guild banks issue
people without the warband bank enabled are having the guild bank issue

and again, the items aren’t missing.

i haven’t done that… at all.
i’m attempting to prevent a molehill from turning into a volcano.

conspiracies don’t help.
asking for constant updates doesn’t help.
the absence of updates doesn’t mean it’s been forgotten about.

OMG, just STOP!

You’re NOT being helpful. You’re just playing semantics, and I’m over it. Blocking you, even if you were going to offer giving me the Sprite Darter pet. It’s not worth CONSTANTLY fighting with you, in EVERYTHING!

Keep talking to the wind, I won’t respond to it because I’m DONE with your CONSTANT quibbling.


Yeah me too. I’m okay with the consensus ATM. Personally, there are no expectations of this being a top priority for the Devs. If they know the items are safe I speculate TWW takes priority. I imagine a few days down the road we will know more. I am with you on the Warband Bank because of the convenience. Still, it doesn’t have enough tabs for me. Speaking of tabs that last tab OUCH Blizz! I am waiting to see if the cost goes down.


Late to the party, just adding my name to missing guild banks. Full bank just empty.


I just received a thank you from Blizz for finding and reporting 3 unreported bugs in beta of which mine was the sole report, so yes that is how bugs work

You submitted 50 report(s), leading to the discovery of 24 bug(s), 3 of which were previously undiscovered! With each report you made, you enabled us to improve upon the player experience.

Thank you for your contributions to the world of Azeroth!


this is live, not beta.

i think the thread has already been derailed enough?
if you think you’ve found a bug, you report it.
that’s the whole point.

you don’t know how many other people have also reported it…
which is why it’s important that people add information to THIS report, if they have any.

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