Guild bank missing items - what happened?

It’s probably just not worth explaining. It generally wouldn’t mean anything to anyone. Sounds like a cache issue between the client and server. Just like when streams have issues on twitch and you have to reload the page. If you don’t, it isn’t going to work for you, even though everyone else is fine.

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Logged in today. Went to the guild bank. A massive amount of items are missing. Profession materials, gear, enchants. Checked the logs and nothing was removed for 19 days. Pulled out an item to test if it was a graphic glitch and replaced it. When I reopened the logs it said earliest transfer had been 9 days. Then >1 hour. Then 21 days. No gold missing to my knowledge.


Welp, the last two items I had in the guild bank are gone now - officially lost it all. :frowning:


Every tab of my personal guild bank is empty. I sure hope they fix this faster than the Dark Talon rep reset that they never fixed…


funny. I have less stuff in my gbank then i did a week ago when i noticed i had lost millions of Gold of sallow pigment. I kinda expected this to be fixed before the xpac went live since, well maybe, we might want stuff thats in there


Just checking in to note that this happened to me today as well.


One Horn of the Red Wolf

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the wild conspiracies aren’t helping.

nothing was stolen.
you simply can’t access it.

yeah sure.
they did it just to inconvenience you.
all the other people impacted, are just collateral damage.

nothing was removed.

like this?

i don’t think it will ease anyones mind, when people have already reached the point of inventing conspiracies.


Has anyone had items restored?

Not yet, as far as I’ve heard.

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It ultimately doesn’t matter which items we can see and which we can’t when it comes to resolving the issue. They can see the contents of our guild banks. They have logs of what went in and out.

Seriously do not think its an issue of ‘not being able to see the items’. As most people here I’ve had entire tabs, entire guild banks cleared out on multiple alt toons, so, I bought 98 light chain armor chests from a vendor, was was able to fill a tab where items use to be. If we aren’t seeing the items it shouldn’t let us put another item in its spot. Whatever it is, it sucks for so many reasons, and no actual updates or resolve is alarming.


Yep same here. I logged into my bank toon to grab some stuff I needed and I opened my guild bank and all my stuff is mostly gone.


Nothing would replace what I have lost, a lot is no longer available to us players.

The least they can do is gift TWW, with a hefty amount of gold. But it would not fix the damage, just maybe motivate some to return.


Again, it doesn’t matter what WE see. The developers and GM’s can see our missing items, this has been shown several times. I’m still not touching my guild banks, just because I want to be safe, but I don’t believe it will be an issue.


there’s nothing to restore.
the stuff is there.
when they fix what broke, people will be able to access it.

you haven’t lost anything.
it’s there.
you just can’t see it.

You don’t know that. That is based on one customer service rep looking at one bank. Some people have moved things around. It is very possible some people will need to have things restored.

Also being able to see and interact with an item we couldn’t is, in this context, restoration.


This is a really good question. Is it against the rules to make this a separate thread so it doesn’t get lost here? We need a good discussion/brain storming session to figure this out.


Everything from my GB is gone except 10 goblin gliders.

This is for sure no bueno!


unless that information was passed onto them by QA, it’s unlikely they would have said anything.