Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Vrak replied again. The items are NOT gone. He (and the GM’s and developers) can see them. Nothing has been lost, the items are just not (currently) visible to us. Everyone can relax.


We aren’t talking Warbank as Vrak says, is he looking at the right thing?

Yes…the person he was replying to was reporting one item missing from their warbank, and a lot missing from their guild bank. He was addressing all of that.

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My problem is i have a lot of guild banks and have not been on any of those toons for a while l and dont know what stuff is gone when i did log into them but i know stuff is missing and as i write this the servers are having problems so i cant check :frowning:

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I haven’t noticed anything missing from my Warbank just my guild bank alot of my recipes for my alts are gone.

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Not only are items disappearing, but gold is now going away? I saw one of my banks which had 1.3M gold in it 4 days ago now has 1.1M gold. I’m the only person in the guild, and I didn’t use 200k gold. WHAT? And of course the last time the log was updated was 7 months ago.

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Possibly related to the Warband Bank doing the same thing (see bug report below). Did you use the “Clean Up” function on your guild bank recently (last week or two)? That could be the trigger on the Warband Bank issue.

There is no such function for the guild vault in the vanilla UI

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Guild bank is personal and only me in it. Had 7 full tabs of stuff and all gone without anything showing removed in Logs.
Lots of old stuff for crafting. Shows deposits up to a year ago but no withdrawals
what the heck?!?!?.


I literally just found this bug and am steaming mad! i hope they replace the items or at least give us the gold to make up for it all! i had like 4 tabs of just bags i made for all my toons im leveling now, all gone, all mats gone, all DF mats GONE!!! all my ore and cloth and herbs and ink, just gone, i feel like i was robbed, last time i felt like this is game was when my GB was LITERALLY robbed. Hope its fixed soon .


My guild has also encountered this issue.
Please remedy our guild bank tabs - Lightbringer Server - Tiny Monsters guild.

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And this is exactly why I pulled all 9mil of my gold out of my GB. If it was happening to the items it could happen to the gold.


I have 7 different guild banks on several servers and they all have had things go missing. I have been reading these threads and just want to get my name on the list too.

I have been hoping to get my things back but the lack of communication is concerning.


I HOPE you are right. The one thing that makes me a bit less optimistic is, the way I FIRST learned that something was amiss was when I went to deposit an item (and old expansion leather) into a bank, and without thinking about it, just clicked on the item in the bag with the correct vault tab open. Then, I noticed that it went into the left-most column, second row from the top, which I remembered being occupied.

Can items look like it’s going into a space that is occupied?

I VERY much want to believe that this is a visual issue and will be easily resolved. I want that SO much, but have to brace myself for the worst. Without any communication for about a week, (and no, I don’t need to have some update every few hours - that’s ridiculous unless it’s something that warrants that) all we can do is speculate. And hope, but prepare to be devastated.

Oh my . . . I need to check the gold in our (active) guild bank. This is more awkward as I want to reassure people that I’m not ninja-ing the bank. They can all take screenshots I suppose.

And I’ve reported the log issue more than once to the Bug report in-game. Have heard absolutely nothing about it. The log is a tool I use often not only to see who’s taking what, but which items are used most often, etc. It’s been bothering me that that hasn’t been fixed for MONTHS.


That is a typical “form-letter” response. They really should tell you to MOVE them out of the folders, rather than to destroy them, since setting things back up can take a lot of time, so that if the “solution” doesn’t work, you can just drag the folders back where they were. HOPE that’s what you did.


It may be that they don’t know what effects our actions will result in, but if they did, I do wish they would tell us. Take stuff out to keep it safe (IF we have that kind of storage elsewhere?) Take out the gold? Or don’t touch anything? I’ve been reading about gold disappearing and that makes me very nervous, but what if I inadvertently cause things to get worse by removing it? If I do remove it, I’ll have to let my guildies know so they don’t suspect bad intentions (I don’t think they would but always better to be safe). I don’t know what to do with that at this point.


This happened to me also with 83 Truegold in my bank and who knows what else.

I got the generic “use the item restoration page”

The damn items are missing. MISSING. As in go and look at the last actions for that bank tab 8 months ago and see that they were deposited and never removed.

I’m beyond frustrated with this game at this point when you spend hundreds of hours farming for items for them to just disappear without warning or a trace and NOTHING is being done about it. At all. Except really terrible replies.


If the devs can see the items, but we cannot, that would mean that they haven’t a clue which items we see missing and which ones are still visible to us. Not everyone took screen shots or videos of before and after. How are they going to determine what is not visible on our side?


One of the great mysteries of life. I’d love an answer to that, too, just to satisfy my own curiosity, but I’m pretty sure that to some degree would be considered privileged information. It’s generally not a good idea to publicly explain how your system works unless you want people trying to crack it.


I don’t think it’s all that secret. If it were, we wouldn’t have all the add-ons and data mining going on. I think it’s always been open coding data (whatever it’s called in geek terms). The ad-on makers have to be able to integrate their coding with wow’s to work seamlessly.