Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Our Guildbank was first missing some items and is now completely empty. this issue has been going on for longer than a week.

2 week-ish ago I noticed our guild bank being oddly empty and items being missing. We could not move (to “empty” slots) or remove items that were left in the tabs, but we could add new items and remove the newly added items.

With the reset last week (08/13) it suddenly was completely empty and remains empty to this day.

The guild members personal banks seem, as of this moment, unaffected.

This is a massive issue and should have some priority in fixing, as guildbanks get used a lot during expansion launches. I hope a resolution is found soon.


same here, i though it would be solved by this reset, but when i checked again, is totally empty… -.-


Follow up on my post a couple days ago… After reset, all of the bank slots that I could not move or remove items from, or deposit to, are now blank and missing. I hope they fix this.


As of today’s maintenance, my guild is now missing even more items than before. Previously I only knew of one item that was missing, but now it seems that half of whatever was stored in the tabs is now missing, with no identifiable pattern.


Waited for todays maint. I started not being able to pull items out. Then 90% of my items disappeared and as of today after maint, everything is gone except one piece of meat. What are we even paying for at this point?


LOL I just checked my bank. Most of the rarities I’d collected have disappeared without a trace. :clown_face:


Another “scheduled” maintenance in the morning, maybe they will get it this time !


Ever since they dropped the pre-WW data patch the game has been terrible. Latency issues, lag, broken new features, now broken old ones.

Certainly makes you want to shell out $90 for the 3 days of “early access” that totally won’t be bugged in any way like every other WOW expansion launch, doesn’t it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Adding another instance of this. I last withdrew a few bags about a week ago, but the rest of the logs are deposits. Every tab looks to be missing most items. I had some bags, and few tabs full of DF reagents which are missing. Also, missing some old elixirs/potions and few tabs of miscellaneous reagents I was trying to organize.

This char is the GM of the guild and it only has my accounts in it.

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Would love to figure out what is going on and how they are going to correct it. I have 5 guilds and am missing lots from all of them. They are all solo guilds for my alts so nobody could withdraw from them.


My main bank is now also missing several more items than before. I wasn’t touching it, but now I’ve decided to empty it of all items and gold just to be safe.

There are some VERY expensive (in gold) items missing now.



I think the bug have to do with the Warband bank, because just now i try to put in a Dalaran Defender gear into it and got a sound error message of bag space is full. the thing is i still have lots of room in it. The only thing should had only been full was my guild bank.

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i have gotten the error about the warbank being full many time before this issue started. for me it was when i deposited many items and withdrew. almost like it didn’t count the withdraws and just incremented the deposits, not looking at actual free slots.


“After all, tomorrow, is another maintenance.”


I just checked on my super old guild. This guild has been in existence since BC and has some very old and irreplaceable items in it. I forgot all about it because I haven’t played those characters in years.

The bank was completely full. So I am thinking that usage determines how much goes missing.

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Just adding to the pile. I wanted to craft some bags for my remix alts last night and found that my guild bank is missing tons of items I’d been collecting throughout Dragonflight. I checked again today and hoped maintenance had fixed it but instead MORE items are missing.

I withdrew all my guild bank gold because I’m not willing to risk that. It’s really sad that I won’t be able to max out my professions like I tend to do at the end of an expansion if the lost items aren’t restored. :disappointed:


Personal Guild Bank is almost completely empty :frowning: . Have been stockpiling items for over the better part of a decade.

Realm: Stormreaver
Guild: Not A Bank Guild
Faction: Horde
Number of Tabs: 7
Bank was mostly full and now has lost about 75% of the contents.

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7 tabs of guild items (mostly mats) that have been built up over years, have all vanished…
Only about 5 random items left.
I’m really upset by this as I don’t know how all these items could be recovered. I just recently came back this month after several years away. Not the kind of welcome back I was hoping for.


After reading through many comments I am beginning to believe the same thing. I’ve been away for nine months and am returning for the expansion. Is creating a warband/bank required? If not I may hold off on that until this mess is sorted out. As previously mentioned I am afraid to check my guild banks and likely just resort to mailing items between alts for the time being.


I took screenshots of my guild banks on the 15th sometime after items began disappearing and I compared them today and even more stuff has disappeared. I guess I should take updated screenshots and see if things at least don’t disappear anymore since maintenance…

Edit: Upon comparing more of my guild banks I scrapped the idea to take new screenshots and just removed everything of any value at all. Will it be safe in my characters’ bags or bank? Who knows, but even my rarely used alliance bank is missing more stuff. Decided it was time to at least attempt to cut my losses despite no guidance on what would be the best course of action on our part from Blizzard.