Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Yes, but I didn’t see it happen when on a GM character. Neither of the alts I used are even officer ranks.

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This same issue has recently happened to my guild, we were unable to move anything or take anything out. Cut to 2 days later we check and most of the guild back has been emptied with nothing reflected in the logs.

Of course creating a ticket was useless, they didn’t even read the details, they sent me 2 email template responses then closed the ticket as resolved.

Guess I’ll just go *&%% myself…

Blizz have the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced…seriously what are we paying for? There are free to play games with better service than this :frowning:


I’ve checked my storage guilds on multiple alts, not just the actual GM characters; it is the same with any character who views the tabs, regardless of guild rank.

Additionally, I have not myself experienced the memory leak. I have heard speculation that it’s due to the graphics card being used but I can’t say either way (I use my Thinkcentre onboard).


I saw it on the guild that my mains are in, in which I am not the GM.


I have the same issue. I have multiple bank toons with their own guilds. My transmog guild bank was almost full and half the items are gone. Other toons have missing items also.

The only progression that a character has, playing one year, or playing twenty, is “stuff” and achievements.

If all you have left is achievements, though, …

This is Blizzard saying, “Can I have your stuff?”

Anyway, my vaults have been stable as far as I can tell the past 24 hours or so. I have no idea how much stuff vanished earlier, but it was quite a bit of mats (dozens of stacks at least) and maybe a lot of xmog gear and pets. Not sure about the latter because I have been “housecleaning” and the vaults were somewhat disorganized. But there are several tabs that I thought should be full that were … not … full.


There has been a reply on the EU forums (yeyy for the EU Blues!):


I love that. A blue reply on the UK EU forums, meanwhile on the US forums in a thread with over 550 replies…Nothing


Thanks for sharing this here. Good to know we aren’t the only ones getting screwed over.


My guild has about 100 members, we share the guild bank and every single tab is empty now, prior to this it was filled to the brim, barely any space to put new stuff in.


It is affecting everyone, doesn’t matter how many people are in the guild or if the person is GM or not. Everything is bugged/wiped out without anyone actually removing anything.


The ‘resolved’ ticket response was that they are aware and I was directed to follow a EU thread on the matter. :point_down:

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I think the missing items might just be more glaring on solo bank toons because most likely they (and maybe one or two other people) have control over what can go in and out.

My actual guild’s vault also has items missing, though not completely gone. But every tab has SOMETHING gone. I wish the log was accurate so I could see what was ACTUALLY taken out or put in by one of my guildies or me recently, but that hasn’t been working in months.

When someone mentioned memory leaks, I do have a vague recollection of a window popping up (though I think I accidentally closed it too soon) saying something about not enough memory or something, which I thought was odd. Just happened once, maybe a few days ago. I don’t know if this information will help.

Nope, it’s not the guild master UI. My non-GM toons in my personal guilds don’t see the items. And my main doesn’t see the items in the guild I’m in.


I only know what I don’t want to happen: if they can’t solve this problem, I don’t want them to offer me anything in return. I don’t want shiny glasses, nor an adorable bank robber’s transmog, much less another perky pug in the mail to accompany me at this moment that I will have to throw away because you can only have 1.
Whether things come back or they don’t come back.
13 years of putting together things that were part of projects. I don’t want anything that isn’t what it was.


Good morning to everyone. I haven’t heard or seen any useful information in-game or on the forums. Just the one EU blue post that everyone has seen. Much empathy for those missing their items. I know it’s taken an immense amount of time to collect and these items carry sentiment. I get that and I am sorry. Upon recollection after reading some posts, I am missing some immensely valuable items. In this particular guild bank, I am missing approximately 4 Haunted Mementoes, like 20 or 30 Tournament Favors, extremely rare cloaks worth millions, ETC ETC. This guild bank was full of collectibles. Even a year’s worth of free game time wouldn’t satisfy me if the items were lost. I can’t even give an exact description because almost all 686 slots were full. If I could put a value on this it would be priceless. It seems rather extreme but I have spent over a decade collecting this stuff. I hope we find a precise answer to this problem soon even better the solution.

Edit: This is Just one guild bank I am missing stuff from.


What I have noticed on this thread is a very very high percentage of 20 year players affected by this. This is hitting the very senior players of WoW hard and eroding the very foundation of the player base. WoW will not survive and grow on first time or 2 year and quit players. Blizz needs to shore up the base.


Brewbaker, I laughed so much at this! You are a star! :rofl: :dizzy:

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Just adding my voice to this chorus of guild banks which lost a lot of stuff. Not seeing anything from Blizzard even acknowledging the problem and then getting the runaround on tickets is pretty demoralizing.

This has hit both my solo guild banks and shared guild banks.


Yes there was a blue reply , but it wasnt initially on this thread, somebody linked it round about mid thread.
It was from somebodies service ticket .

184 posts



Good morning folks, and once again thank you for all the continued reports over the weekend.

While I don’t have much news to share at this point (unless you would be happy to know that my personal guild was affected too :cry:), I would like to confirm that work on this issue is still ongoing with high priority.

We’ll do our best to keep you updated as soon as we receive any news, thank you again for your patience! :pray:e is a problem. pretty much what it said.