Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Here is a rumble foil, a cute dog for the dogfighting pits and a CallofDuty sunglass transmog, thank you for playing, now eat your peas.

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im missing everything, with a couple exceptions every single tab of all 3 of my guild banks are empty.
i have 6 kingsblood and a sulfuron ingot.
fix this right now blizzard.


Still active as of August 18th. I deposited stuff at noon and maybe around half disappeared before 10pm.


Five tabs, personal guild, everything is gone. Mats, mounts, pets, BOE rares. Gone. You’re going to launch an expansion with the game in this state?


So sorry it’s heartbreaking. Trust me I know I’m feeling the same right now. I have collected some of my items since the start of wow. I have a few items left so right now I’m emptying out anything left into bags on toons just in case they don’t or can’t re-instate the vanished items.


Just avoid the guild bank at all costs right now. :slightly_frowning_face:


Thanks, my friends think I am nuts. The good thing is banks are all setup the same way super easy to find something. It does take some time to set up and is a small gold sink.



In my active guild (the one with people in it) I included in the MotD to not put anything in it. Also left links to this and another forum thread explaining the issues in our discord and FB group.


When either Shadowlands or Bfa came out, some way, some how Kaelthas in tempest keep had no hair. It’s become a running gag with my guild that anytime something gets broken that makes 0 sense we quip “Kaelthas has no hair”

That being said, they actually have been messing around with banking systems thanks to warbands. This could be some kind of collateral damage from that.


I’m a guild master with 2 extra guild just to store previous expansion stuff… like 50% of the stuff had been missing… are they going to return all the items back to us??? >o<


Link to the Support post acknowledging the bug: Blizzard Support - Items Missing from Guild Bank (

Blizz will compile an algorithm for finding our lost stuff in a couple weeks or so. Holding my breath for the big big bug to be fixed Tuesday.

Here we are five days after the start of this thread, and all we’ve heard is “we know about it”.

What’s really weird, none of the big WoW news peeps have said anything about it, other than Soul Breezy and Hazelnutty admitting they’ve also heard reports of it. Nothing from Bellular, who’s usually pretty quick on reporting big Blizz screw-ups. Nothing from T&E, MrGM, or heck, even fluffin’ Asmongold.

Why are they so quiet about it? :thinking:


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I want a reFund, you can have your mount, pet and toy back. The cost of this expac has became to high when My personal guild bank was cleaned out


My speculation is that they may not know how wide-spread this is. Mostly the people noticing are guild leaders and people who have at least one bank alt with a guild who checks the banks fairly often. I would think that people in guilds might hear from their leader or officers about the issue but unless they interact with the vault on a regular basis (or unless the vanishing of items is VERY drastic) they may not even notice or assume that someone cleaned out the bank, especially since we’re right on the cusp of a new expansion when cleaning banks could be a common thing.


I was doing the Dreamsurge event with my palladin and suddenly it hits me. I don’t know what the problem is, but I might know WHERE to look.
Every other post in here starts " I am the GM of a personal guild" . so I think maybe the problem could possibly be with the Guild Master UI and not so much the actual bank.

My friend is the GM of our Retakers guild and his computer had the memory leak issue. I am the gm of 2 small guilds on other servers and my computer did NOT have that issue. That may be why Retakers is corrupted and not my two.

I dont know if it is important , but that computer is a Mac mini. If that adds any additional information or not

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I think maybe because it hasn’t been posted on reddit, which is where they all seem to farm news from. At least expect sites like Wowhead or Icy Veins to trawl the official forums for stuff, especially since there’s been a couple blue posts about it happening.


AFAIK, it’s not a memory thing, or a personal guild issue. My Horde guild has been around since vanilla, Alliance I made during BfA. Both have been hit with the bug. After it happened Horde side, I disabled all add-ons, then checked the Alliance guild. Items still disappeared.

Not having any memory leaks, can run the game easy on 16GB, with Firefox and Discord running on a second screen.


right but you ARE the gm? I am thinking maybe the memory leak text on wow , was a temporary thing players had, before the items started disappearing, It was more like a memory is full warning , but I think the other posts about it on tech forum say memory leak,
Might not be related , but that is the timeline of how it happened on my friends mac and i was documenting it.

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Checked just tonight and most things are totally cleared out, no log, nothin.

I do see was linked so most likely submitting a ticket will just get a redirect to that. Pretty concerning lol