Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I have two personal guild banks. One (Horde side) was affected and has a smattering of random stuff still in it (it was full before this bug gutted it, mostly of profession mats). There are maybe 10 item stacks remaining out of 7 full tabs. The other guild (Alliance—also mostly profession mats and potions) hasn’t been affected, so I’m just selling off everything at the current lowest AH prices before it goes poof, too.

I’m glad I’m not in the boat of missing rare BoE transmogs, pets, and mounts (I can’t image losing those kinds of treasures; I feel for y’all). Profession materials devalue so fast that I’m guessing I lost less than 200k gold worth of mats altogether at current AH prices, so I suppose it could be a lot worse for me. All I lost was profession materials, but I’m trying to imagine how I’d feel if my achievements, mount, pet, or transmog collections suddenly were missing a bunch of mounts/pets/skins/achievements. It’s all 1s and 0s, and bugs can be tricky.

I do not expect the items to be restored. I also do not trust bank storage (or I guess any storage, possibly including storage of my characters themselves in this game’s databases). I just took for granted that things I collected would stay where I put them in this game, but I doubt I’ll ever be able to take that for granted again.

I like this game; it’s fun for me, and I’ve been playing it for years (almost decades, tbh), off and on. I probably will continue to do so, but I think the way I play will change. Maybe it’s a good thing; I won’t be such a packrat. I’ll probably sell stuff right away, or just know that it’s probably all ephemeral and not be so precious about it.

All I am looking for now is a full-throated acknowledgement of this bug, said with their full chest.


Just checking in with the forsaken club that I’m not proud to be a member of. At this point, I still see empty tabs in my guild bank(s). I guess the nail bitter for me is no acknowledgment from Blizzard which gives me the inclination that this is a huge issue that may result in disappointment for us the ones missing our valuables. I did hear one patron in a raid saying something about a memory leak. This is an unconfirmed report though. My biggest thing is this data (our items) so to speak unrecoverable. I am sure the Devs are working around the clock to fix this because this will be a huge bone of contingency with many players if the items aren’t recovered.

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MICROSOFT the truth would help atm not deleting posts. The advice 4 GMs to take actions b4 this issue affects there GUILDS bank. Something that microsoft shouldve done from GET. How disappointing this issue is has become from now Microsoft /Blizzard.

Blizzard ingame GameMasters are directing people to this forum. And when we post. Post our get deleted for expressing ideas and solutions. This Isnt a good sign of things to come from now Microself/Blizzard. This is what FORUMS are 4…

I just joined the club today. My Horde bank used to be stuffed to the gills and today, when I wanted to get some stuff out for a new alt, lots of random things were missing: bags, mats, potions, etc. My Alliance bank is fine (so far).


For you 1’s and 0’s types, does the fact that this is still ongoing and items are disappearing as we read this indicate that the root cause has yet to be isolated ?

It’s not just guild banks, void storage too.


Guild: Team Awesomesauce
Server: Suramar
Guild Master: Moogiey-Draka

I am missing almost everything from my personal guild bank. Everything I have been collecting for 20 years. Letters that I had saved from friends, one of whom died 8 years ago. Unobtainable items, such as Haunted Memento. Thousands of legacy crafting materials. Two full sets of the quest rewards from completing Shadowmourne, except one Tabard of the Lightbringer is still there. About 50 pets. I would like it all back, but I especially want my letters and Haunted Memento back


I have been checking this thread a few times a day now after I first discovered my now seemingly ethereal guild bank items. I won’t lie and say I had 10s of millions in there but I had years worth of stuff I had been slowly stockpiling, the thing that is making me most upset is why have we not gotten more info. I understand it’s the weekend and that they are busy with the new xpac but they should have come out with a true update. this is not a minor bug this should be near if not on the top of the to do list.

Realm: Kel-Thuzad
Guild: Army of Cobra
(I am only guild member and i have toons from both factions in the guild)


Just speculating, but I believe cross-realm guild functionality was enabled with last tuesday’s update?

I invited a bunch of my WrA characters into my MG guild and they weren’t able to even access the guild bank despite having permissions.

I wonder if that cross-realm stuff had anything to do with this.

Again, just speculating here.


UGGGHHH!!! That would be HORRIBLE. Because gold is only a part of it (and if it was the VENDOR AMOUNT, it would be beyond insulting). I personally, wasn’t planning to sell the stuff (unless I just didn’t have room, which I still had some). It’s also HOURS of time spent farming, most of which I’ll never find again since (and I know most people LOVE the speed at which new content is released) I did a lot of it fairly early in my playing (tons of old mats) but also, when I felt like I had a lot of free time not crammed with weeklies, dailies, temporary content, etc., back when the end of expansion meant just messing around with stuff like getting old mats, or pets from dungeons or whatever. I had mats ready if someone I knew wanted specific tailored transmogs, or pets/toys that could be crafted, and plenty of mats if others with the right profession wanted to make it themselves.

IF they can’t restore, not sure what the answer is. Some people lost irreplaceable items (letters from a friend, as stated above somewhere, the thought of which makes me really sad), rare and expensive items (mounts, pets, mogs), someone lost items from their guild bank that they were going to use as prizes in a special guild event, while others lost 20 years worth of mats (and that includes me).

I know it was most likely an honest mistake in an ancient game with code built upon code built upon code. But a very cynical (and very probably incorrect) part of me wonders if it’s a way for them to reclaim data space. Most likely, a change was being made (someone mentioned cross-server guild access) which lead to people not being able to take things out of the guild bank. Maybe they were trying to fix that - all speculation, of course. All I know is that this is really painful for me, but the worst part is the feeling now of no longer feeling secure that things that I’m keeping will ever be safe again. I’ve already taken pet charms out of my Warbands bank when I read someone had items missing from that as well.

Here is hoping (probably against hope) that we can just get everything restored right back into the guild vaults as they were before this fiasco.


I completely agree. I understand that accidents will happen, mistakes will be made, and I can be patient. But this is such a big f-up, a “whoopsie, here’s a month of game time!” or something similar would be insulting and totally unacceptable. If there’s not a reasonable solution at some point, my commitment to this game will be severely broken.


A bug this large is unacceptable. This expansion is nowhere near ready, it needed to be delayed by several months at least.

Hopefully it’s just a display issue, and the items are still there. If it’s not, and stuff was actually lost and can’t be restored, then serious compensation is needed. I don’t even know what I’d consider acceptable at this point. It would have to be significant.


On top of having lost most items in my guild bank (only my account in it), I keep seeing additional items vanish from one day to the next. At this point it’s almost all empty and it was full besides maybe 5-10 slots total before. Nothing in the logs like everyone else.

I purposefully left it as it when I was missing about half of it to avoid restoration issues later on. Hope I won’t regret that decision …

Guild: I hold stuff
Realm: Arathor
Guild Master: Migmule - Arathor
7 tabs total – all tabs are empty or less than 5 items left now

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My guilds guild bank is 100% empty. Only thing we didnt lose was the gold. We had a lot of stuff in the gbank, bit ridiculous this can happen


I was wondering about the void storage. I have been afraid to check mine. It is (was) full to the brim. If I lose some o that stuff… it cannot be replaced. Items from special events and such.

Worst part there is no blue posts of recognizing this as they are even working on it this. That in itself is a “plausible deniability action” allowing them to ignore it and use resources on the new expansion. Thus this will never be fixed like many bugs before and discourages my interests in the game.
On the bright side many of us using add-ons we have backups of the coding from those add-ons with all the items missing listed.


I’m not sure either. Getting all of our items back would be ideal but if that’s not a realistic solution (I admit I don’t know anything about coding or anything like that) then I’m not sure what could be reasonable compensation for this disaster.

Gold would seem reasonable except that some things people have lost have no monetary value, like letters and old quest stuff. Things such as letters from friends who no longer play or who are no longer with us (it hurt my heart when I read that someone lost letters from a friend who had passed away) have no monetary value but rather they have immense sentimental value instead. Blizzard can’t compensate us for things like that. Someone also mentioned that vendor price is usually much lower than what we can normally sell things for on the AH, which is very true.

As far as the expansion coming out too early, I agree that they seemed to have rushed it. I was actually immensely surprised to hear it was getting an August release. I figured it would be September at the earliest but most likely an October or November release. I don’t know why it’s releasing so early but it seems to have come back to bite them.

I sincerely hope this gets fixed soon and that we all get the items we worked so hard to get over these past several years back.


With the cold shoulder silent treatment it may take a statement from Johanna Faries to pacify. Also I have never seen a company with a more convoluted and impossible to navigate support system. If a GM is reading please summarize this complaint as yellow or three and I shall mark it as answered. And dont forget to reset your UI and turn computer off and back on.


OMG so it’s not just me. Thought I was going crazy I knew there were missing items. Has anyone gotten any correspondence after reporting besides the standard “check the forums”? Hope they’re not going to just give us gold I’ve been collecting some of these items for years & their AH value is way above vendor (not that I planned on selling)


Found this when I checked support in the game.


Items Missing from Guild Bank

Updated: 2 days ago

Article ID: 363630


World of Warcraft

Common Problems

I checked my guild bank and there are items missing

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new [Bug report]

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them


This is pretty huge. The gathering of stuff in the game is well…to some degree the point of the game, be it gear or whatever. If we lost wealth how in the hell are we supposed to even figure out what we lost with this many items?

This is a spooky glitch.