Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Everything in my personal gbank is gone except for a single solitary mog. That item can’t be moved or withdrawn either.


My thought is that those of us with exclusive access to guild banks are just more likely to notice stuff has vanished. Unless the guild bank is completely empty, most players would simply assume other members/leaders had removed stuff. Also, being the end of the expac, I’m sure many players aren’t really interacting much with their guild banks at all.


Another one here - solo guild. Tons missing. Clean logs.


I am in an active raiding guild. Our guild bank mats where wiped out about 4 days ago now. We lost about 70% at first, but now almost everything is gone. I locked down the bank once i saw the issues. Mats still went ‘Poof’ after the lock down.


Over the last few days, all my items in the guild bank are now gone. The only thing that didn’t disappear is the gold. I can’t put anything in there now. I put a few things in thinking that at least the new stuff would still be there, but no, it’s all gone.


same here. personal guild, that i inherited in 2008. lost over 50% of materials, including a ton of crafting mats. quite a few recipes too… wft. any official response?


If two people counts as multimember lol. My husband and I both use the guild bank, and technically a few others friends/family could access it but have not had an active account in several months and/or years.


I agree and it does seem to be affecting guilds with multiple players based on the responses here as well. Even mine is shared with my cousin and her toons, so it’s not just me in the guild.


I did get a response that said that they are aware of this issue and are looking into it. But now what the hell do I do with all the loot I’m collecting? Guess I’m going to use the mail system as a bank, just won’t be able to access it for days/weeks/months


It’s just me and my dads characters. We made the guild a long time ago and took the trouble to gain rep and level it up. We’ve been storing stuff from legacy content for years and now df stuff since it came out. Just lots of missing stuff with no rhyme or reason to any of it. Most of our mats are just gone… don’t know how we will recover, it was alot of stuff… we don’t want to go farming for all that stuff again and we don’t really even know what all is missing. This sucks.


Posted before but didnt want to be left out:
GuildMaster: Greenstone/Hearthstone
Server: Hyjal
Guild: Regulatørs
Gbank missing items that I had moved over from my other two guilds which I shutdown, items include pets and crafting equiptment from tab 1, phials, food, enchants, gems, letherworking mats,from tabs 2-6, tabs 7-8 had materials to create shadowlands pets and mounts so on. Also missing gold.
Logs are basically empty except for repair usage but there are no names associated with repairs.

Private guild bank: Is also missing older items (recipes and so on) which had been saved since 2010.


Guild: Guardians
Server: Drak’Tharon
GuildMaster: Nymphadora
Guild bank completely missing 4 tabs of item. Logs show no removals prior to the wipe out. The last log entries were all deposits.


Yeah I’m in a guild with multiple active members. Luckily we cleared out most of the more expensive stuff a month or more back, when we stopped raiding. I daren’t check currently … last time I checked we’s lost the equivelent of at least 2 full tabs worth of stuff. Took me a while to realise, because initially it seemed to be only a few bits, so I assumed it was guild members. Then half of one tab disappeared in weird random ways, like the items had been randomly picked out. Checked other tabs and there was more missing, including about half the battle pets tab. Checked again later and virtually all had gone. I have records of some of it … but battle pets just show as pet cages …

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Guild: Rare Item Vendor
Server: Zul’jin
GuildMaster: Tazender-Zul’jin

Missing an Accursed Keepsake from tab 7. May be missing other items, but not entirely sure as I didn’t really keep the bank too organized.

In my case I can’t “touch anything” because there were 8 or 9 inconsequential things left.
I had 5 tabs full.

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I have 4 personal guilds on 3 realms. Only one is affected, the one I share with my boyfriend (I’m the only player in the other 3 guilds). All tabs are completely empty with no withdrawals showing in the logs.

Guild: Audubon Ballroom
Realm: Sargeras
Guild Master: Valentinian - Sargeras
7 tabs, all empty


Guild: Stockpyles
Server: Emerald Dream
GuildMaster: Stockpyle-Emerald Dream

All tabs are empty of pets, tmog, mats etc.


Have any MVP posters looked at this yet or experienced guild bank losses?

This Has also happened to my guild bank as well a lot of Awakened and Rousing and many other Expensive motes and mats that takes time farming and lots gold and will they replace the time and gold back to all of us?

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They will probably figure out what you lost and then give you gold for the vendor amount.