Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Assuming they can’t restore everything for every guild bank in the game…what would fair compensation be for you?


My guildies need their transmogs and leveling swag. I’m not risking waiting weeks to restock, though I understand why others don’t want to risk losing more items or blocking the slot the item was originally in.

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“One Million Gold… I mean 100 Billion Gold!” :smile:

For certain things there is no compensation possible. And for those that are possible, my memory is limited.
Apart from that, how to continue believing in the bank (guild or warbank) after this?
Credibility is never recovered again


Give us the expansion for free.


I see they’re locking and deleting other guild bank posts. Been following this since day one since Im also in the boat of an entire guild, 7 full tabs of stuff completely gone that first day. an official update would be nice, but all these doom and gloomers in this thread is atrocious lol


I went through all my guilds, I’d say about 80% of them were missing stuff, with about 50% of them effectively being empty.


I also lost most of the items in my personal guild bank 4 days ago.
Server: Azuremyst
Guild: Quantum Falcons
My guild bank is mostly just for legacy mats and storage for BoE transmog. In the morning I was trying to deposit some things but it was being really strange, not letting me deposit a lot of things, not letting me move some of the items around in the gbank, not stacking things. I assumed it was server lag or something and decided to just give it some time. In the evening I went to try again only to find most of the items in the gbank were gone. No withdraws listed in the log, the only other person with characters in the guild being a friend of mine who hadn’t even logged in during that time, and doesn’t use the gbank in the first place. Opened a ticket, got an automated response. Reopened the ticket and was told to make a bug report here.
While I’d like to have those items restored, I mostly just want to the reassurance that my gbank is safe to store things again.


What a disaster. I have eight guild banks in active use, all eight tabs and only one is so far unscathed. Tens of millions of gold just poof.

How are they even going to begin to restore all of this? Across the region is has to be tens of millions of items.

It’s also strange that the wow news sites haven’t said a peep.


I feel your pain. I am missing hundreds of valuable items worth multi-millions in gold—a guild bank full of toys, quest items for the garrison AH, rare transmogs completely empty. Another bank half full of rare weapons completely empty. I don’t even know how this will pan out because it is a lot of stuff. Over a decade of collecting. Luckily some of my banks haven’t been touched. I have never seen this happen. As well stated I haven’t seen or heard anything from the blues.


I was expecting a wowhead article by now but there is nothing. Just crickets. This is a severely game-breaking issue.


I was thinking the same thing. With how HUGE of a mess this seems to be, I can’t believe its not getting more attention. Last I checked, nothing on twitter, nothing on wowhead, nothing from youtube CC’s, and a couple reddit posts that got a small handful of comments.


It’s making me wonder if this is a huge issue to the Devs that hopefully isn’t unfixable. Rather strange nothing had been said. This brokenness is a potential game-breaker if the missing items aren’t able to be restored.


Until this is exploitable in some way, it will be crickets. The moment there is some way to exploit this, WoWhead will go all snitch mode and Blizzard will work 24/7 to hotfix it ASAP.


Just found this character’s guild bank empty too. Gold was still there but all item tabs are empty and only my characters have logged in for several months, and it was all there a few days ago. Nothing in the logs but I was finally able to get more than 1k or 2k gold out so I did. Now I’m afraid to log into my other guild banks on other realms.


Probably because it is more efficent and prominent to have them all in one giant post instead of numerous new ones, as if the authors are desperate to have their pleas heard. I get it; I am one that has had my GB obliterated. But we all need to concentrate on ONE thread, and add to this list here.

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Same, don’t touch anything if possible so it can be rolled back to before this glitch happened. At least that’s what would happen if there was a giant server glitch where work files had to be rolled back a few days. This is bad though, in that there’s been no word or warning to not do anything.


I just recieved another template reply to my original bug report ticket from 4 days ago, and it was marked “resolved”.

I got a survey request and commented there that the issue is definitely NOT “resolved” for me or anyone else here who has reported it.

It’s a real bummer, but I guess we’ll see if anything can be done.


As well, I haven’t touched anything just in case it overwrites a digital footprint from the original item.


Just chiming in as someone else experiencing this bug. Solo guild. Seems most of the people posting here are solo guild too – any multi-member guilds experience this?

Biggest thing that concerns me is the complete lack of communication on this issue from Blizzard. Feel like it should be way higher priority due to the material value, but also the sense of security we have that our storage is actually safe.

The lack of response. makes me think they don’t know how to fix it and I’m expecting the worst.