Guild bank missing items - what happened?

In addition to missing items, I’ve noticed that the guild bank log isn’t tracking item deposits or withdrawals correctly. A guildmate took out several items earlier this month that I put there for her, and there’s no record of that in the log.

Some random guild bank cells are also locked–I can’t move the items in the cells (drag, move to bag, or split). No pattern to which cells are locked, and it happens on multiple tabs.

Children of Loki - Llane
Inner Crab - Llane


This happened to my guild as well, noticed in on Wednesday August the 14th, the guild bank items started to go missing in massive quantities.

The rousing items, meats, and fish disappeared first. Next couple days the goblin glider kits, herbs, ore, potions, drums, etc are all missing now.

As GM to a new guild, the bank is pretty locked down, so I know it was not the guildies taking the items. Where have these gone??!

What is worse, the log is not currently tracking withdrawals or deposits. You keep updating the game, to where the addons can’t work but the game itself is broken too. Where is the logic there?

Please find our stuff and keep a log of our bank!!!

Lunalovegood - Avada Kedavra Krew


I don’t expect Blizz to say much of anything until they’ve worked out what the problem is and put in a fix for it. The people working on the problem aren’t the ones communicating with players, and they won’t know if they’ve fixed it until after they’ve tested it anyway, and nobody would want the playerbase to latch on to any speculative statements in the meantime. And no business would want to put a lightning rod on a problem before they’ve had a chance to give it a work over internally. A blue post acknowledgement is the most I’d expect until into next week at the very earliest.

It’s a bummer but for now we can just let the programmers cook. :person_shrugging:


If I were in their shoes, I wouldn’t want to give anyone false hope either.

I think that it would be nice for an issue as insane as this one to at least make a short ‘Hey guys, we are still working on this, and we’re sorry we don’t have anything for you yet’ on a regular basis.

People don’t like feeling they’ve been forgotten. :frowning:


If they do not fix this, a lot of people are going to quit the game.


Our guild bank is broke and now almost empty with poof disappearing items, no logs, no withdrawals, the stuff is just gone.

Blizz this is a problem.


Anyone of a close enough rank can therefore take ownership of the guild.

Too busy selling stuff to read

This is a very big bug and blizzard needs to get on a fix. The materials we have lost in our guild bank as of right now probably are 30k+ but had this been 2 months ago it would have been more like 150k+…or even worse starting next week could be pushing a million. Since we know its not players doing it in a sense blizzard is stealing from all of our guild banks…and usually people get banned for stealing lots from guild banks…but blizzard will just give us a cookie cutter response while waving the bird on the other side of the monitor saying sucks to be us…cause heaven forbid they do something to give us compensation for the items/gold lost. Hopefully more people reply so blizzard will wake up and fix this.


Yeah, I’m second rank on my alt, and still no bone. Blizzard said there’s an issue with the guild, so I have to wait about a week to hear back from them.

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This is not the first time I’ve seen this argument, and it still makes zero sense. Why would anyone at Blizzard steal from anyone’s guild bank when they can just ‘poof’ any of these items into existence?

They know about this. They are working on this. Heaven forbid that this actually be a complex and multilayered issue that will take time to untangle, evaluate, and formulate fixes for.

Anyone who’s upset and citing ‘intentional incompetence’ (beyond what’s excusable by the initial shock) needs to pause and take a breath.


I assume blizzard will fix, this is obviously a bug! However, If by Tuesday nothing is acknowledged or fixed, will be a game changer for many. I absolutely would back off from playing knowing that anything could get removed or disappear without notice. Been playing since 2007 and never have had any of my hard earn collection of in game items just disappear. Most of my game play is collecting, mogs, mounts, pets,patterns ect.


Also having the issue where items are missing from my guild bank. For example, tab 1 was completely full, now appears to be about 40% empty. I can deposit into the holes, so it’s like the items are actually gone. Items were not withdrawn, this is a personal bank and I am aware of all transactions. Full UI reset done, no change.

Hoping they can fix it soon!

Sme thing happened to me, just adding my name to the list…

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I have hundreds of items gone out of personal build bank. I opened a support ticket and so far have only got copy-paste bot responses.


Hi, we are the same, I lost 60% of my guild bank, although checking my 3 guild banks I came to a conclusion and it is that the armor (mogs) did not disappear in my case, only consumables, stackables (many materials) and a few quest items at the Black Moon Faire.

edit: today 08/21 my armor bank (mog) has disappeared almost 50% after being fine 4 days ago

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Same thing happened to my guild bank

This is happening to me as well
Kyyin-Misha is the GM character. ‘the lost crew’ is the guild.

Seeing Blues asking what items are affected is filling me with dread. Brother, it is OVER HALF THE TOTAL STORAGE OF THE GUILD. Please.

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All the things. Matts (of all kinds), gear, food, crafting patterns, pets.



This seems like it has effected a lot of people and besides the vague response in tickets there has not been an actual official public acknowledgement of the issue.

I can even begin to think how it can be made right for all the random materials missing etc. My guild bank is missing misc mats, and misc items and the worst in my opinion is crafted mounts poof gone. The scale of what is missing for everyone that has realized it is insane.
I am interested in how this will be handled and I hope everyone gets a positive resolution.