Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Adding my information to the list:
Character: Radia
Guild: The Royal Archive
Server: Vek’nilash

No gold in there in the first place but all of the items are missing.


Adding mine also, the entire guild bank, all tabs are missing every > single > item! I wrote a ticket and going into “item restoration” is not a solution for this.

Guild: The Uncanny


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How did you write a ticket? I went through all the options and couldn’t really find a way to describe my issue.


I sent mine as a bug report- other issues, and just described the problem as best I could.


You basically cannot write anything resembling a custom ticket any longer. You have to post in the bug or CS forum and hope.


If I don’t hear an explanation of what happened and somehow have my stuff returned, I will certainly quit the game I have played for nearly two decades.

It’s just stupid. I can’t believe there hasn’t even been a prominent blue post about this in GD yet, just that one quick series of “looking into it” in CS a day or two ago.

I guess people need to start complaining in Kotaku or whatever.


I noticed the same problem today. Random items are missing from my guild bank and there are no corresponding log entries.


Just had this happen also. All 8 tabs are just missing random items, on tabs that were all full. Was about to put some items into my own personal guild bank, and notice just weirdly random items on a full tab are gone. No logic to it at all. Then I checked other tabs that were also full…and they’re just gone. Hope they can restore it,…hmmmm.


Ok, I did some poking around in my guild banks.

This guild, Eagle Eye is my most used guild bank, it’s just me and my army of alts and there is a TON of stuff missing.

Gnome Chasers, the banking guild of my hubby and I is not used very much at all and there are a few missing items.

The Company, the old community guild/now banking guild of my hubby and I is also not used much and also is only missing a few items.

Darkmoon Fan Club, is another just me guild that I hardly ever use and is also only missing a few items.

Anyone else notice a pattern? Are the guild banks you use the most also affected the most?

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Also just discovered my alt’s guild bank (1-man guild for storing old mats for professions) is missing about 2/3 of the items. Many many stacks of valuable mats all gone.


My personal guild E PLURIBUS UNUM on Elune server has had it’s guild bank vandalized.
Hundreds of stacks of thousands of items missing from all 7 tabs.

In the Legion bank it is very very irritating. There is NPC Glutoina saying:

“If you are missing items please contact Customer Service. He he he…”

Over and Over and Over again.

I’ve been playing this game for 20 years, I am thinking about just deleting all of my 14 level 70 toons and letting my 30+ million gold, because of the lack of support for this massive problem, vanish into the giant trash pit this game has become.

Take Care All, this road looks very very dangerous to keep moving down.


I first wrote them a ticket, they responded with this:

Your ticket has received the following response:


For situations regarding missing items, keep in mind that you can always use our handy Item Restoration page.

Sold, disenchanted, or scrapped gear pieces can be restored in the Item Restoration page. Any recently sold items can be restored by speaking to any vendor in-game and opening the Buyback tab.
Stackable items such as consumables and reagents sold or used by mistake cannot be restored. Collectibles learned by mistake cannot be unlearned.

If you are missing an item, consider if:

  • The item was put in the bank, Void Storage, or guild bank.
  • The item was a collectible and was learned (mounts, pets, heirlooms, or toys).
  • The item was sold.
  • The item was a consumable and was used by mistake (potion, food, etc.).
  • The item was a reagent and was spent on a craft or upgrade.
  • The item was a gear piece disenchanted or scrapped.
  • The item was a token or currency and was exchanged for something else.

Sometimes an item may not be missing, but a damaged UI element or inventory manager addon is causing a display issue: try resetting your UI to solve this:

Keep in mind that Customer Support is unable to restore any missing items.
Thank you for your understanding.

So, I followed up and explained it’s not just on my end, everyone in my guild see’s an empty bank. I asked for something to be done… this was the reply:

Hello, game master Arcaxenosi here, thanks for contacting us!

Apologies for taking a bit longer than normal to respond.

I completely understand the frustration over the missing Guild bank items, especially if you are missing lots of materials or if the items are really old.

This is currently under investigation by the developer team and our QA.

SUPPORT LINK HERE (won’t allow me to add a link)

Make sure that you provide this feedback via a bug report, in-game or via the official forums.

Please accept my apologies for this issue, it will be looked into, as soon as possible.

I hope this answers your ticket.

Have fun!

So, I have a feeling everything’s gone and I doubt any of it will be returned, ever. :frowning:


I’ve been wondering the same thing. If this problem can’t be fixed then personally I really don’t see any reason to continue with the game. I’ll never be able to trust the banks to be safe again.


I got the same response from Arcaxenosi and I feel the same way, at least it’s not a blow-off like we’ve been getting on other issues and they are actually taking this seriously. I am really hoping they can fix it, but I actually feel a lot better with an apologetic response and being told they are looking into it


right there with you… We’re 5 days into this issue and BLIZZARD hasnt even t come out and made offical blue post about this issue…

wanna know my thoughts scroll up taking safeguards against this ISSUE.

GMs emtpy guild bank while you can. Disable all depositing on all tabs. withdraw all gold

My personal guild bank was cleaned out DAY 1 back on TUESDAY afer maitenance/ server restarts A 8tabbed bank along with all the gold 32milion


I personally, do not know if I could ever trust placing items into the guild bank anymore… unless this gets resolved properly. Either with gold comp’s to the gbank or restoration of all deleted items.

This just sucks.


Woah this happened to me too. WTF!

Same deal - I just had a heart attack. I had 3 tabs full of stuff that holds sentimental value and it’s all just gone!

(Guild is my guild on this character)


I was gone for a few years I had stopped playing wow, finally came back and nobody is GM of my guild currently. The crown is in a blank spot so crown but no name beside it and I can’t get into the bank on any of my toons in my guild, 200k and rare items/patterns gone :frowning: BLIZZARD FIX YOUR GAME.

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I wondered about that too. After reading a lot of these comments and from my own experience, it seems that the most active guild banks are the ones hardest hit. It could very well be a common thread.