Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Great guild names, by the way. I like the idea of new banks per expansion.

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I think I found what happened.
I remembered I had 1000 Gorgrond Flytrap in the guild vault.
I put “Gorgrond Flytrap” in the g vault search box, nothing.
But when I hover the mouse over a Gorgrond Flytrap in the AH -i’ve TSM addon-, it tells me that I have 200 on a character and 1000 on the WARBANK.
But they are not in the warbank.
Things that were from the guild vaults have been taken as “from the warbank”.
But physically, they are neither in one bank nor in another.
Try an item that you remember to see if the same thing happens to you. Thank you.

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Its Alleria’s fault she stuffed them in her void

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Tried to make a ticket about this in game but there really isn’t a section for it, then recieved a random disconnect. Not sure what to do about it.

I pulled all my gold out of the bank, just to be safe. I’m not losing 9mil. Hopefully, this is just a graphical glitch and the items are still there. But from what I remember, if it isn’t and the items are truly gone, Blizzard has stated in the past they do not return items that have been lost due to glitches.


I genuinely feel bad for people who lost tabs worth of stuff. I only lost about half a tab total because as soon as I noticed this bug, I immediately removed all the items that were still available from both my personal guild bank and the guild bank in my friend’s (ours tbh) guild. Everything is sitting in an alt’s bags right now. I would rather not lose anything more than we already have. At least in my case, nothing that has disappeared wasn’t too much of significant value.


If that ends up being the case here, boy oh boy are people going to MAD, and rightfully so. This bug is a huge issue.


Just dropping a note in here that we’re also experiencing this. Guild bank that only myself and my wife have access to on our mains and alts, no withdrawls. One day we experienced issues with some slots being non-interactable, then the next night 40-60% of items vanished from all of the tabs. As of right now we’re still experiencing issues where a bunch of slots aren’t interactable and we can’t remove some items.

Since this has been acknowledged by Blizz as not working as intended, we’re just going to stay away from touching the G Bank and will hope they come up with a solution that ers on the side of caution and generosity and favors the players, if it’s a bit tough to get the exact items returned.

Though I will note that even getting a years free subscription in place of the items would feel like a rip-off, since some stuff was gathered over hundreds or thousands of hours, over a 15 year span, etc. I would prefer restoration over compensation unless it’s obscenely greater compensation somehow.


I agree. We need some kind of rollback or full database restoration to fix this. We keep all those materials and items so we don’t have to go back and gather them all over again. If we lose them, it will be sucky.


Same here! 80% of my items in the guild bank are missing, no apparent evidence of theft, just poof! Disappeared. It was just fine a couple of days ago. Hopefully they will sort this out soon? Apparently it’s happening to a lot of people :slightly_frowning_face:


As a person who really leans into gold making; this loss literally represents countless hours of game play and millions of lost assets. If there is not a solution I don’t think I will continue to play the game. insert Tiger King “I am never going to financial recover from this” meme


+1 to those affected. Alt guild bank lost 90% of the items within.

I anticipate this being fixed, because… how can it not be? It’s a major, major, issue.


After getting the canned “missing item recovery” ticket response, and following up that it is a different issue, I also woke up this morning to this same response from game master Arcaxenosi saying that this is under investigation.

That acknowledgement actually goes a long way for me. Even if they can’t fix the issue, at least we’re not being ignored. Fingers crossed that they figure it out and restore our guild banks.

If this issue ends up being too messy to fix, a public acknowledgement and apology would go a long way for me.

I’m not sure what kind of fair compensation there could be for entire guild banks full of 1000 stacks of crafting materials and things that have been collected over the course of 20 years of playing. Just don’t gaslight me, please :slight_smile:


I’m getting worried that nothing has been officially said yet. I feel like this is the type of critical thing that should be mentioned asap so people do not interact with their guild banks and have some sort of reassurance. I’m assuming putting things in or removing items could hinder a possible solution (in case a rollback was to be had or something). I’m just trying not to freak out at the moment.


As of this morning’s check, more of my guild banks are starting to lose items. Right now it’s less than ten slots per bank tab, but I expect the loss to compound:

Schlechterung, Wyrmrest Alliance
Corpse Dust Vendor, Wymrest Horde

The fourth of eight storage banks appears fine at this moment.

As an aside, I was able to pull the entire 20k gold balance out of that fourth storage bank without having to resort to any workarounds.

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There was a blue post in Customer Support forums that linked back here. They know and are working on it.

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Dungberry, Guild Master, Jack of all Blades, Azjol Nerub - A whole bunch of cells in the guild bank have gone non-interactive: cannot move, separate or withdraw them. Confirmed it is NOT an add on problem. Fix please.

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Also having this issue…

Character: Buddychrist
Rank: Guild Master
Server: Blackhand

I just logged in my guild bank (my alt guild) and id say about 45% of all my items have disappeared. I checked the logs and NOTHING was taken out by my alts nor was i hacked… what’s going on?

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Since there have been no reassurances other than a GM saying we are aware of it and it is above our level, I wonder if this is the bug that kills WoW.