Guild bank missing items - what happened?

i had this too in mine and thought i was going mad until i rearranged stuff to neaten it up. logged in and more was missing again.


I have been turning this over and over. My 2 alt guilds are unaffected on other servers , but the guild on lightninhoof was. They all have mobile banking , i was able to summon vault on all 3, The ui’s seem to be functioning normally.
About the only peculiar thing is the withdraw and deposit amounts on LH guild don’t mesh withe the items that are missing and the items that are accounted for have amounts in the log, larger than have been moved.

The only thing I can’t test is bank add onns. I don’t have any,
maybe somebodies bank add on does extra activities that should not do,I don’t know.

As of 8/17 they all seem to be functioning normally, except for what is gone already,

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i’m also affected. i know exactly how many slots are missing but not which pet was in each slot. Altoholic logs the bank contents but for pets, it just shows it as a “pet cage” instead of the pet name…

disabled all addons, tried item restoration, bank logs have no activity… no help.
logged a ticket, got a dumb bot reply to use item restoration.

i’m the only one in the guild, use it for storing pets to sell
i’ve spent hundreds of hours getting the pets and levelling every one to 25 and making them rare (blue). many are worth 50-200k. many locked behind events.

i’m missing 153 slots across the 7 tabs. easy to notice because it triggers my ocd to see empty slots in all the bags. my pets are sorted by value in the tabs… it’s odd how it’s missing slots on all tabs but no tab is empty.

i have a log from August 15 6:46EDT showing the bank intact and then i only noticed the missing slots on the 16th evening.

TAB | pets/slots missing



i read about this so i checked my guild bank and everything is gone. completely empty. i only have my own toons and use it for storage between toons and ALL is gone.


I certainly have, or now maybe had, >100M in gear in my bank alt vaults, including things that haven’t been seen in any US AH for 5 years sooooo


I have stacks like that as well as “holes” that can’t be filled.


yeah opened my guild bank and about half the stuff gone, and the only only on in the guild, as it is an alt bank


No matter how great the whining, Blizzard really should have blocked all guild vault access and frozen vault contents the instant the first verified report of this happened.

This seems like it could be a Big Deal to fix.


World of Tradecraft- Wyrmrest Accord

Heavily affected by this bug for our guild bank. Thought I was losing my mind so I checked the logs an most of the traffic was me on my main or alts depositing items in. There are only 3 active members as we are a small guild but we had a ton of crafting supplies. Hopefully a resolution will be found quickly.

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We are now Day 5 into this ISSUE


Any word at all from Blizz yet?


I have a character that goes out into the world (of Warcraft, heh) and gathers stuff, runs old content, etc then puts it all in the guild bank. Now I’m afraid to add anything to it or take anything out or touch it in any way.

I’m still active, but my bank is in limbo and I feel stuck.


I have several personal guilds on Alexstrasza & Terokkar realms. I loved crafting until DF and used to have a group of characters that would gather mats & then others in the personal guild could all use them. Some small examples: I have engineers from BC & Wrath who had the original plans for Tranquil Mech Yeti, Lifelike toad etc. I kept mats for those wonderful old patterns & recipes in all professions as the years went by.
I also had mats like Truesteel and Living Steel saved up along with special mats for alchemy and all professions.
My guild banks have been randomly & ruthlessly emptied of many things I valued. This is not acceptable. Add me to the list affected by this bug/disaster.


Same here. 2 guilds, 2 guild vault.
One of them is okay.
The other, empty.
27 mounts, hundred of commodities, professional equipment for DF, crafted toys, etc.
This is a shame.


Emptied the recipes left that I was collecting onto an alt with a lot of bag space, guess they’ll just hold on to them for now. Couldn’t withdraw several that were stuck in place.

Hope they’re uh… safe where they are.

Also filled the rest of the page with 1-stacks of cloth to see if anything else happens, but that was annoying to do and I don’t have the dedication to do the rest of the tabs. :smile:


I am the guildmaster of “Regulatørs” on Hyjal, basically I had two other guilds one on Malfurion and another on Stormrage, I moved all the items from Malfurion and Stormrage to Hyjal after the guild change.

I moved these items by dropping the items on various toons and then dropping them into the main GBank on Hyjal.

Basically after every transfer all the items look like they are in the gbank and properly setup (8 tabs organized by use) however when I get back onto the gbank the items are missing.

When I look at the log for each tab it doesn’t show the items that were dropped into the tab and it doesn’t show any removals.

Also repairs are not showing the name of who used gbank gold to repair.

Basically tabs 7 and 8 are private tabs only I can access they hold my more expensive items or items to create mounts - so on - however log doesn’t show any items dropped into them or logs.

So basically you are making it impossible for us to track missing items and know who is using our gbank gold. Please return our items and fix the gbank log.


I recieved an e-mail reply from a GM this morning:

Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello, game master Arcaxenosi here, thanks for contacting us!

Apologies for taking a bit longer than normal to respond.

I completely understand the frustration over the missing Guild bank items, especially if you are missing lots of materials or if the items are really old.

This is currently under investigation by the developer team and our QA.

Make sure that you provide this feedback via a bug report, in-game or via the official forums.

Please accept my apologies for this issue, it will be looked into, as soon as possible.

I hope this answers your ticket.

My banker alt’s guild bank appears to still be unaffected, but my main guild bank that all my other characters are in is still stripped. Both are on the same server- MoonGuard, though I have alts from a couple other servers in the big one since that functionality was enabled.

Fingers crossed they are able to recover things.


Same here, 4 guilds on 4 different servers, At least 2 of them are missing almost everything.

I am afraid to check the others. 20 years of collecting all kinds of stuff almost all gone. My plan for this weekend was to do inventory management for all my alts to prepare for TWW but I am afraid to do anything now.


Same with us, we’ve been collecting mats and items over years and now this happens… not sure what we will do during TWW.


Here are more details regarding my post from yesterday. Today I also checked my Horde guild bank and also found items missing. Here are the details for both impacted guild banks:

Realm: Lightbringer
Guild: The Undead Slayers
Faction: Alliance
Number of Tabs: 7
Bank was mostly full and now is almost completely empty

Realm: Lightbringer
Guild: Cranium Anvils
Faction: Horde
Number of Tabs: 4
Bank was mostly full and now has lost about 2/3 of the contents.

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