Guild bank missing items - what happened?

The items missing and guilds affected COULD be completely random, but in case it helps, my current observation is that MATS seem to be the most affected. I have a bank guild (on a bank toon) full of PETS and those tabs seem to be the same as before.

However a bank holding many expansions worth of cloth, enchanting mats, elemental mats, etc., plus a ton of recipes has MOST of the tabs empty. Another bank, holding mostly skinned items, ores and gems has quite a few items missing (though not even half). The elemental mats hurt the most, as I still use them in certain recipes (mostly for transmogs) and even thought the mobs that drop them die easily, the drop rates make them a pain to farm.

I’m just presenting this in case any pattern emerges that helps. But as I said, it could just be completely random and certain guilds were hit very hard, some were hit moderately and some, not touched at all.

I would very much hope that we get the items back. (IN the guild bank - otherwise, all affected guild leaders will be spending quite a bit of time, retrieving, sorting and putting the items back). Though getting it back in the mail is better than not at all.

EDIT: Checked another bank and some non-bound holiday clothing, fireworks, Darkmoon Faire quest items that I keep on hand (things like “A Treatise on Strategy”) and other misc. items are missing. I’d say maybe 30 to 45% (rough estimate) of the items in that particular bank is missing. It does seem to be very random and maybe the pet banks that wasn’t hit was just lucky.

If it helps, my actual guild and my bank guilds are all on Aggramar and Fizzcrank-U.S. (they are connected servers). Both have always been PvE, are not RP, since someone above mentioned that it could be specific type of servers.


That’s like, the antithesis of our modern culture.

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I was moving cloth and herbs from all my alts to one guild bank that was almost emptied. Other guild banks I’m not sure what all might be missing.


Missing items from every tab in my guild bank - some of the tabs I can’t even withdraw items that are left behind. No addons enabled. Tons of transmog, pets and trade goods.


This COULD just be me, but my guild logs have been extremely wonky the past several months. On one, it does show activity 16 days ago, but others show no activity for MONTHS when I KNOW FOR A FACT that I have interacted with the vaults very recently and often. I’ve submitted this to the in-game bug report months ago, but maybe it’s an isolated case and they can’t figure it out?


Same issue here. We’re missing mounts that we were going to use as event prizes and everything. :frowning:


One of my guild banks is missing almost everything in it. I’m the only person with access.
Guild: Vampiric Charms on Wildhammer


I sincerely doubt this is the approach they will take. From a coding perspective, they probably have logs about what was and then wasn’t for affected guild banks. They’ve probably already isolated these instances as a “worst case scenario”, but this day in age of gaming, you can’t just say “too bad, so sad”. Your mistake as a developer needs to be either a perfect fix or a net-positive for those affected. Just my opinion I suppose. But as someone who plays a diverse genre of games, doing anything less than this means you aren’t meeting the industry standard.

Maybe I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. I haven’t been a regular consumer since Cataclysm. But thinking your player-base won’t be dramatically affected in their stance on your game by such a dramatic bug not being resolved adequately would be a huge mistake on their part.

My take based on my anecdotal experience would be that most active players were affected. A simple sorry won’t cut it here.


add me to the list as well. guild is only me, my husband, and our friend. husband doesnt craft, friend would have asked before taking anything, and logs show nothing.


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, I really really do. Ever since I returned after a year, just nothing but constant disappointments, from Blizz.


I’ve had this happen as well. It’s just me an my friend in the guild and we hadn’t even touched it in a month since we have been focused on Remix. We had it nearly full, and about 95% has vanished.

I put in a ticket, but the response was less than helpful. Telling me to recheck my inventory and reset my UI. I’m not even sure they read my ticket completely.


Just adding my name to the list. Random things missing from guild bank tabs only. The toon’s reagent tab and bags are fine. Missing items span all types of mats, gear, and patterns.


The end is nigh! The Void Lords are here! First they shall consume all within our guild banks, then they shall feast on the very soul of our world!


Happened to me, too. Have an add-on that tracks where items are stored (might be Arkinventory feature, or TSM). Need mats for a recipe, says they’re in the guild bank, pop over to the bank, open the tab. Before I can pull the mats from the bank, they vanish about a second or two after opening the tab. They were not pulled automatically, as they didn’t appear in my bags. Things I didn’t have on the “shopping list” disappeared, too, like uncut gems, feathers, meats, leathers, etc.


Same here. Guild bank was close to 90% full in all tabs, now just 2 pets left in one tab.


Ok, I’m glad this isn’t a one off. Went to inventory my personal guild banks and noticed that 1 of the 4 had near empty tabs when it shouldn’tbe. Probably 90% of the items gone. Most were older LW mats, random boe’s, random pets and plans, and old quest and holiday items. I think the only abnormal actions that happened that may have relation to this issue is that I invited an opposite faction and cross realm alt to have bank access, and when I tried to deposit or move items around with said xrealm alt, it wouldn’t let me, despite having all the proper permissions. I removed said alt and tried him on another bank guild and it worked fine. That bank guild is intact, whereas the first mentioned is bare; nothing in the logs to indicate theft, even though I’m the only one available with access. Help us out, Blizz? Restore our items, please!

This happened to:
Character: Shallashaska-Cho’gall-US-Horde


Wait, now everything is gone lol

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But this is ridiculous. Quickly give a tool to see what is missing. We can’t remember everything that was in the guild bank. I have a half empty tab.


I’d hope that Blizzard can work that out. I mean sure, it would have been easier if any of their guild systems actually worked properly, but hopefully it’s more a visual thing than a database thing. Because if it’s a database thing, Blizzard have bigger issues.


I just love opening my vault, looking at the 1st tab. When I checked it a few hours ago there were 2 items left in it, (out of what was a full tab 3 days ago) and now those are gone as well!

I expected to see a fur ball blow by or Nelson Muntz pop out and yell ‘HAHA.’

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