Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I suspect a major database corruption issue (duh). Two days ago, I encountered one stack of 185 legacy raid thingies from TBC era that could neither be removed from the bank, nor added to. It is one of the stacks that is now missing.


Same issue over here. Years of collecting… gone.


Same issue here, i noticed on Wednesday that items could not be removed or moved in the guild vault, Thursday i logged in and now items are missing, hundreds of items. I am the guild master and nothing is in the log, gold is there but many many items are gone. I sincerely hope they will be returned.


Add me to the list as well of people missing items from their guild bank. It’s just me and a trusted friend and nothing was removed in the logs. Mostly the stuff missing are old mats, but there are some battle pets that I collected for my wife if she ever comes back to the game as well. This stinks Blizz, please fix this.

Name: Deleroth
Realm: Kirin Tor
Guild: Chaos Goblins


This…probably isn’t something that can be remedied. How could they restore items for every guild in the game? What’s the solution here? Give every guild a ton of gold and crash every economy? Only real solution is…give everyone vouchers to use in the cash shop. I haven’t logged into my bank characters, but I have…or had, millions in old boe’s stored there, plus an absurd amount of materials from every expansion. 2 different personal guilds on 2 different servers. This is a colossal screw up.


Opened my guild bank, and a lot of items are missing. Last activity was three days ago, and was a deposit. No other activity before that for about three months, so no one in guild took items out. Blizz, you had better fix this!


I have questions , if anybody feels like answering them
Is this a specific server issue ? RP vs. Normal ?
Did anybody with this problem also have the memory leak bug that was fixed as well ( I am just curious)
i am looking for a common thread that makes all of us have the same problem , if you all can think of any other questions feel free to add them.

My problem seems to be only on the Horde RP server, where i have always had some weird lag thing going on in Valdrakken , that may or may not be related

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Me as well, you are not alone. I have 2 bank alts and they are the only ones in my guild bank. Currently missing about 2/3 of my items. Hopefully they can get it fixed.

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i dont think so … i have over 50 guild banks, many accounts, different realms, all US servers (no EU) … its not specific … all affected … meaning, there is no pattern so far i can conclude that certain items are more prone than others to this disappearing


they must have a backup, like our phones when we do an update, if the update screws up, we roll back to the last known version … hopefully they have this



For example, I knew a guy that was playing a different game by a different game company about 5 years ago , that found a chest that gave him unlimited unending loot when he opened it ( it was surely bugged) , so he amassed an empire by making a macro to loot the 1 chest repeatedly ( he was caught and banned eventually ) and that is what i am thinking is the ’ Type’ of thing that might be going on with the Guild Banks.

I have no evidence this is the case, but I feel there must be a common link we are overlooking ?

Same issue with our guild bank. It is just me & my spouse & he has been off the game for months. I went to deposit items & found at least 1/3 of everything just gone. No w/d are logged & no one has access outside of us. Just lovely.


Checked in today - same 2 items are still in my GB, no additional losses.

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I’m sure they have a backup of game files and patches, but, a backup of the contents of every guild bank in the game? Ermm. Doubtful. We’re screwed. Free month of game time, or vouchers for cash shop. I’m out several million in gold if all my guild bank tabs are now empty. Still too scared to log in.

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While I understand that would be a gesture appreciated by some, for my part, that is just salt in the wound. It would take far more than a month to re-farm all those materials, and I have everything I want in the cash shop. That’s me, though, and others will have different opinions.

I don’t think there will be any sort of recompense or rollback; it’s been far too long and there would be too many… let’s say ‘diehards’ who would squeal and screech about losing a few days of work.


I assume they’ll have to design a tool that compares a pre-patch backup to live servers, adjust for any properly withdrawn items in the intervening time, and mail the rest back to the guild masters. But what would go into that, on top of being only 10 days out from an expansion launch, is beyond me.

I’m sure it’s making some Blizz programmers horrifically miserable right now and I wish I could send them a card and donuts.


Agreed. There’s no sense in spewing hate at individuals when there’s far too many moving parts in the machine to be able to point at one cog and say ‘It’s that one that’s at fault’.

However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t be angry with policy and procedure.


I just noticed my warband tabs are empty as well. Can’t remember what I put in there, but I did put a few things in there. Awesomesauce.

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Oh definitely. This is the crème de la crème on top of a very buggy several months.

I don’t know what could be changed or improved behind the scenes to deal with it but it’s quite appalling when a game worth billions can’t put out a patch without the game breaking in significant ways one after the next.

I don’t like thinking about the stress that puts the staff under, either. I’d much rather they take all the time they need to make things work than crunch to get out content on a schedule that’s this broken in so many ways.


no hate, just need accountability, and take responsibility, and compensation, in any case, giving back the items to the players doesnt cost blizz anything, and it pacifiy players too … some players’ guild bank are worth tens and even hundred million gold, its not the usual 10 mil gold kind of guild banks most players have