Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Please for the LOVE of god old blizzard employees please fix the guild bank… Some of us have been playing for the full 20 years and have collections to match worth MILLONS. Im fearing with each passing day this isnt fixed items will be lost forever…

All were getting in tickets back from Blizzard is a lot of double talk

Expansion shouldnt have been released yet


Missing items here as well, at least 3 guilds on Draka, Deadly Assassins, Abyss, and Conflict Resolution. Two of those recently added toons from other realms and I’m pretty sure everything that’s missing went missing after the patch to allow access to the banks cross realm. Since the characters added were mine I know it’s not someone else taking things, and Abyss is only 3 characters, 2 of which haven’t been logged in 5 years.


Missing items are not in item restoration.

I just ran into the same issue. My personal guild was 99% full of items, and is now 99% empty. The guild members are only my characters, and only from one realm. It was my horde side personal guild. My alliance side personal guild on the same realm was unaffected. The guild log has no removals; everything is just gone.

There were a ton of profession materials in there, mostly, so I guess worst case I don’t have to do Spring cleaning to make room for TWW materials, but I’d been accumulating stuff in that guild for close to 20 years.


Right there with you. Missing stuff and still can’t take gold out in amounts that I want to.

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Same here. Almost all the items in the guild bank are missing. This morning there appeared to be 10ish items left in the bank, now there’s 2. It’s getting worse. Appears to be random guilds as my other toons’ guilds are not affected. Please fix!

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same problem here, all items from GB are gone

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i just gone to my bank today and most of my tabs are empty :frowning: nothing is stolen or been taken via anyone…bug fixed for taking gold out, now left with loads of items missing :frowning:

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Same problem. About a third of the items in my personal bank are missing. Hellscream Horde.


Same issue here

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Still an ongoing issue. GBank has only a couple of items on each page when the tabs should be full.

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I just updated the game and stuff is still missing. :pensive:

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I have been checking my characters for 2 days and no fix or word from Blizzard when I check places like the forums.
Would be nice if we got an official word from Blizzard regarding this issue and a confirmation that the dev team is currently looking into it - the lack of communication from them regarding issues like this isn’t very comforting. At least some confirmation that our items aren’t missing permanently?


i dont even want to open any guild bank to look at them at the moment … i have at least 50 guild banks for storage, fully packed, really really expensive stuff accumulated over the past 2 decades … and every single one that i open so far had been affected


Having the same issue. All 7 of my tabs are empty with the logs not showing any removals. Its a small guild and my family have all their items stored there to share between alts. There are all sorts of items in there from older expansions so no way to give a list. way too much to list.

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I logged on yesterday and 80% of my items in my GB were gone with no log as to where they went! I opened a ticket and got the generic response! Now today EVERYTHING is gone! 100% of my GB is empty. Only thing remaining is my gold and it won’t even allow me to take it out. I’m so upset with this!!


Mine’s gone too. A personal guild where only I have access, no logs of stuff being removed. Several full tabs completed wiped.

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Well, this is upsetting! Everything is gone!


Logged in today for the first time since patch. Like every1 else in this post, ALL my items in Guild Bank are gone. Gold is still there. Log shows nothing was removed. over 3m worth of items in all 7 tabs… gone. All 13 of my realm toons are in it. It is a guild of only me, myself, and I. I was not hacked. Just… Poof. Largest Screwup by Blizzard in the history of WoW…


And they are being NO help! I’m out at least 1m worth of items.