Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I have more than one bank affected. One of the banks I received NOTHING back, the others less than half. So disheartening, playing WOW now just makes me upset.


Checked again this morning before work.

No mail at all for the guild that was most affected. (Could it be because I panicked and took everything out?)

No more mail for my second most affected guild. Looks like that Savory Deviate Delight recipe is all I’m getting back.

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Same for me. Two banks got some things back but are still missing a LOT of stuff… one got nothing back at all (granted, that last one wasn’t used much and might have been empty, can’t remember).

It’s like they don’t even know us!

Ok, Bug Report forum, we know what to do. We need to keep up the pressure and make them give us our stuff back!


Checked again this morning and nothing else sent back… 2 items out of a full 7 tab guild banks. Not 1% of my stuff back.

What is most insulting is that even the things that are VISIBLE in the logs as being deposited is not returned. How can all the data be lost when its being display in the game right now?!?!?!?


Got nothing back. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Ni siquiera una cosa. Hічого. 何もない,

Only 29 slots remain filled over 7 tabs in the wreckage that was my personal guild bank. Not every slot was filled, but between 400-500 slots of items have disappeared. GB only used by my Alts.

It’s only a game, but … damn.


Well I got 3 items returned out of 7 almost empty tabs that were completely full of items.



7 guild tabs of missing items and they only returned 10 darkmoon faire quest items. Tons to cloth, ore, herbs, pets, mounts… gone.

Wow. I am so disappointed.


Still missing my Magic Rooster Egg. Missing other pets and xmog and stuff too, but they feel like nothing in comparison. Doesn’t look like anyone is getting mounts or pets restored at all…


Is there an add-on that allowed you to collect this data? If so, it seems like it would be a good idea for us all to start using it!

I know misery loves company, and I am miserable over this junk like the rest of you. I have had zero items returned to me and I had 7 tabs full of so many different items collected over years over too many alts. There is no way to even recall what all I am missing. I am beyond upset.


Nothing has been returned from any of my affected guilds. (Either in the guild itself or through the mail.)

I’d say that I really hope they are doing this in batches, but at this point, I’m not sure I even care anymore. Anything less that full restoration for every guild hit is completely unacceptable if they wanted to have any chance at all of rebuilding trust. And without that trust, I’m really finding it hard to want to play the game.


Altoholic is a huge addon that logs much more than what’s in your banks. the only thing it doesn’t log is pets, it lists them as ‘caged pet’, i also use TSM which lists pets in GB but not in a UI matching the GB tabs, you need to cross reference.
there are other addons but these are the ones i use

What can I say, this is even worse than expected.


Same here. Is this a bug within a bug?
One of my banks from Vanilla still has whole tabs empty.
The bank this toon is GM of has not received anything.
NOTHING has been returned to ANY of my toons.



As of this morning, Sunday 9/21 11am EST, I have received NOTHING back :frowning:


Oh no . . . no . . . not the Magic Rooster Egg!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

Now that is just heartbreaking . . . :cry: :cry: :sob:


As of today I have received a total of 11 mail notices from the postmaster. They have contained;

Wind wool cloth - 248
Shrouded cloth - 648
Shrouded cloth - 1000
Frost weave cloth - 462
Frost weave cloth - 1000
Nether weave cloth - 78
Nether weave cloth - 1000
Stringy loins - 21
Thermal Anvil - 1
Fluorescent Fluid - 144
Pattern: green holiday shirt - 1

In a 95 - 97% full guild bank down to 616 empty slots (one tab of 98 was caged pets - hard to get / rare) I received back that. It is disheartening and demoralizing to see such a careless attitude and lack of customer service from Blizzard and it’s employees. The people posting in this thread didn’t even get the decency of a response from an official poster. We had to go scrounging around to the EU forums and the General forum to read about any progress or acknowledgement that this was happening.

I understand that this is a game and digital items sometimes disappear but the way in which loyal ( some of us 20 year ) customers have been treated is disgraceful.

In those “next couple of days” that is when a post should have been made here in this bug report forum to inform people of what was happening. We should have been updated here in this forum where some of us ( me included ) were told to post by blizzard.

Shame on Blizzard and Shame on the lead customer service agent that thought this was an appropriate and enough of a response to a massive problem.


Believe me, what you may get is worth nothing…

I honestly still believe they messed up and mails with more items will show up, I mean the wording of them does indicate so.

But I am afraid they were just trolling us from the start. Let´s be real, those in charge don´t even play the game, they only cash in month after month.