Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I did not, just here on the forums.

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You didn’t receive much either lol one item?
ok off to check my other stash banks.

I have no clue if this is random or anything, but I’ve just started to receive some items through the mailbox. It has the Blizzard icon and I can recognize that it’s the items that disappeared. I don’t know if they just started to do this or if I am going to receive more but there’s a lot more missing. For ex: one of my guild bank leaders received 2 stacks of netherweave bandages only. LMAO. What kind of sick joke is this? I hope that it’s just a matter of time now.


Here is the text of the blue post:


729 posts

About a week after we launched patch 11.0.2 in August, we began receiving reports of an issue where some players were discovering items missing from their guild banks.

As we investigated over the next couple of days, we found the culprit—a technical update that was made to support cross-realm guilds. An unexpected bug caused one of our maintenance processes to make some items disappear. Many of these items were related to professions materials from prior expansions, but it was possible for players to lose other items from their guild banks as well.

For the last few weeks, we’ve been packing up the missing items that we’re able to identify as lost by this process, and we will soon mail those to the guild leader character for each affected guild.

Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and we do not have a way to restore the remaining missing items for them.

We apologize for that and for the long wait here. We really appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this difficult issue.


  1. We screwed up with substandard data processes.
  2. We sent some stuff to your guild master…maybe. We made sure to empty it of charges or make it BOP from the mailbox, so it can never be returned to the guild bank or useful.
  3. The rest is gone, sorry. Thanks for your patience. <— See, all better now. Carry on.

I got back Huge Snowball x4. That isn’t even how many I had. My gbank was roughly…I don’t know, 70%? wiped out.



What do you mean, this is totally an out of season april fool’s joke… right ? :confused:


Given how the mail works, I think sending everything to everyone all at once would probably crash the mail or something. I imagine it’s being batched.

EDIT: Servers seem to be crashing now. VERY VERY slow to log in. Maybe prime time on a Friday night wasn’t the best time for this…


No. I swear. I hope they are not done though, bc I would still be pissed. My other toon now received a few more items from a different bank. I hope it’s being batched like the orc above me just said seriously!

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Someone in trade chat is saying they are seeing items pop up in their gbank before their eyes, right now. So maybe it will be a combo of both? Nothing popped up in mine yet. Just 4 snowballs in the mail.


I’m hoping you are correct, because I find it hard to imagine that so little of it was able to be recovered. The simple fact that they can’t identify the items missing is an indication of badly corrupted data. Given what I know about how some game engines process and render data in game, usually, a “backup” of the information is stored somewhere, if not the actual data, a sort of laundry list of WHAT data should be there. If there is absolutely nothing that can be found, then at that point, a rollback wouldn’t fix the issue, because the data is missing or corrupted, and no record of what data ought to be processed exists anywhere within any of their databases. If that were the case, this could be one of the most alarming bugs in the history of development, because if this were to happen to, say, an entire character, they may not be recoverable at all.

Hopefully, the rest of the mail will come in time.


I got 95% of my inky black potions back, plus a couple small odds and ends here and there, that’s it so far for me.

I’m not going to assume the worst right away.

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:eyes: I have never logged into a character so fast.
I can confirm that on my end, comparing with the latest screenshots I had, all 3 characters have had nothing restored directly in guild bank.

Also, I can mention that the 1 pattern that I have received kept its boe status; surprising considering many people have received boe items that were now soulbound.


I want to note that the mails we are getting for this do not show on the login screen as having mail. You have to actually log into the GM character to check.


I checked in with my GM character and so far, got back 3 stacks of crafting materials from DF.

I hope that will not be all.



This had me concerned, too. I’ve read that we should post on forums, so I did. I looked for my first post from when this happened and reported it, today. Might not help. But I did notice my ‘gm gb placeholder’ actually has the old tab log-info from 5 months ago on the one tab she still has. I didn’t know if her still having a gb was a bug, but I reported that, too, a while ago.

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20 YEAR PLAYER, NEVER IN MY LIFE WOULD i HAVE EXPECTED THIS TYPE OF PROGRAMMING AND OR LACK OF CONCERN FROM WOW. I have my own opinions and thoughts, not going to voice them here, Blizzard is speaking loud enough with their actions and or Lack OF. God BLESS, Happy Gaming.


Can confirm that I’ve received nothing back despite logging into my Guild Master character in a guild that’s lost stuff in the guild bank.

This sucks.


Nothing Yet.

I posted in the “announcement” thread, but will share here too. Of the approx 70 slots of missing items (I was probably hit the least, as most tabs are still quite full for me), I received 6 letters in the mail:

261 Silk Cloth
703 Mageweave Cloth
1000 Frostweave Cloth
579 Frostweave Cloth
247 Runecloth
1 Arcane Crystal Amplifier (WoD Garrison Auctioneer item)

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A small light of hope here - I logged onto one of my Guild Leaders today and found 4 items in the mail that were “lost in the void” and retrieved. I was confused by them as that usually only comes up when something doesn’t get looted during dungeon runs.

I looked back at my guild bank screenshots and those items were ones that vanished from the guild bank. There’s still a crapton missing, but at least getting those was a glimmer of hope!

I will try to remember to grab a screenshot next time the mail comes in, for those interested