Guild bank missing items - what happened?

That’s wholly unacceptable. If they had been in a GUILD BANK, they were CLEARLY NOT soulbound. And most people don’t keep bags in the GUILD BAND just for the GM character, even in a PERSONAL BANK, it’s probably holding for alts, friends or as a run-off of an active guild’s bank.

Absolutely awful.


this is hilarious … for guild banks thats worth hundreds of million gold what if they return you some cloth or leather scraps and say thats it ? lololololololol


i have seen incompetency … but i have never seen such INCOMPETENCY


I just got home from work and things are MOVING! On one hand, it’s about time. On the other… more frustration.

I have to give credit to everyone here, we never stopped, we never gave up and now we have a response. Good job everyone! :heart:


I just got about 5 different items back in the mail. Out of 7 tabs worth of missing stuff. I can understand why they’re going the mail route. It’s been long enough that some people have probably started putting things in the empty bank slots.

Is there an official post on this up somewhere yet? Are there more mails coming? Are the mails only going to the GM? It’s nuts I can’t find official communication on this, we’ve gotten more of an apology for the inconvenience of the servers being down a bit longer than usual for maintenance. I’d say this is considerably more inconvenient.


blizz puts extra effort into being this incompetent. they have the resources and greed for it. never let it disappoint you


This is an absolute joke. I had three banks with totally full tabs (7, 5, & 5) that lost nearly 75% of the items in every tab. Some were expensive and/or unobtainable transmog items worth millions of gold, as well as about 50+ Darkmoon Faire decks assembled from classic drops, rare and hard to find profession patterns, rare and expensive crafting mats, items needed for reputation or quest hand-ins … all missing.
Auction value (at modest prices) is close to around 20 million gold.

I did get some stuff back in the mail. I got about 20 unopened lockboxes, one DF pattern, one stack of stuff for BC rep quests, and one stack of classic mats …

So, this is it?
"Sorry, we lost all your stuff, but despite we were essentially ignoring you for six weeks, here is a handful of things we did manage to save. Keep paying for subs! Kthxbai c: "

I honestly think this is more audacious than just ignoring the problem entirely. They went far out of the way to keep us in the dark, and kept silent on the matter; but even in personal attempts at getting information, they seemed assuring that they were restoring things. Now, we come to find out after all this time, it’s just flat out gone.
The bug that made things missing, I can handle to a degree.
The ignoring the issue publicly and trying to convince us in the background it was going to be okay, I tolerated.
The trite reply of a half-measured resolution, without even an apology, disgusts me. It’s like they just went through motions and don’t even care. I honestly can’t say I am totally surprised, but I guess that is because I tried to hold on to a glimmer of hope that they would try and make this right. They have absolutely no concern or respect for their player base of paying customers.
This game is officially dead. There is no saving it at this point, if this is what customer service is like when addressing a serious issue.


There has been an official post : Guild Bank Missing Items Update

no idea if there will be more mail. And the mail goes only to the GM.


Agree whole heartedly :slight_smile:


Our perseverance paid off!
Kind of…
Ya know, what still ticks me off isn’t so much that we aren’t getting everything back, it’s that they WON’T give everything back. The excuse that it isn’t possible isn’t true. It IS possible, Blizzard just doesn’t want to commit the man hours to do so. They would rather lay off more people and poop on the customers.

I haven’t checked mine yet…
Kind of afraid too after reading what little others got back.


Thanks for that :heart:

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Yah they made a post about it, I cannot link it, I don’t think, however. In GD, “Guild Bank Missing Items Update”. :heart:


I got zero mail, so far. T.T



  • My most affected guild bank, nothing restored in the bank, no mail to the GM.
  • My second most affected bank, nothing restored in the bank, a Savory Deviate Delight recipe in the mail.
  • All other guilds, nothing restored in the bank and no mail.

So is that it then? /sigh


Decided to check what I got and on a 7 tab guild bank that was almost full (it had about 3-5 open slots in a single tab)

What was not deleted by tab: 0/2/4/2/1/0/5 (so 14 intact slots out of 686 total)
What I received in the mail so far:

  • 1 stack of 600 Crescent Saberfish Flesh (WOD Fishing)
  • 5 stack for 4132 Shrouded Cloth (SL Tailoring)

That’s it… nothing that was actually valuable or useful. Interestingly I don’t think I had a partial stack of 132 Shrouded Cloth so that means they didn’t even restore the right/full quantity.

I really hope there is more on the way later because this is pretty insulting and in no way acceptable restoration or compensation.


Having only a few of our items returned at all, and then either CHARGELESS or BOP to the guild leader on arrival is a prank at best. At the least it is more data loss and insult to injury.

I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I will NEVER trust Blizzard again. With the canned “thank you for your patience” response they have proved that we are tallies on the bottom line and nothing more. I may play their games, or not, /shrug. I will never trust anything they do or say and will make sure anyone that asks me knows that they shouldn’t as well.


I’m hoping that the mail is coming in waves and not just a one time thing.
I’m hoping
and praying
and begging
and …
fearful I might be wrong.


Oh, I didn’t think of that. I hope so!


If that was the case and actually cared, they would have set that expectation rather than telling us everything else is lost.


As of this posting, I am with the others that got ZERO in the mail or guild bank.
Haven’t checked all my alt banks yet.
But this is the one I use daily.
Gosh I hope they are still in the process of mailing stuff out.

Wonding if the people that are getting items back submitted a bug report in-game?
I never did. I just posted here on the forums.