Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Noticed a bunch of empty slots in our bank as well. This sucks… alot of them were mats we have been saving up for a long time. I hope they can fix this…? I’m not sure how though…


Checks out. I had been cleaning out my guild bank, then things bugged out and some items didn’t want to move. I decided “I’ll deal with this later” and logged off for the night. Came back the next day to a mostly empty guild bank. And yes, it’s a personal guild with nobody else in it to sabotage it.


Yea I sent them photos as I was lucky that took a pic of the items for my guildmate with the items in the guild bank after I deposited them. I sent them that a pic of them missing and the deposit log showing they were deposited but not removed. Still waiting to hear back from my response to their “fix”


Am experiencing this too on3 of my bank alts guild bank. Lost various pricey items… No log of a withdrawal being made. Small indie company…


I thought I was the only one who did this. 11 guild banks for 11 xpacs and they’re all missing 90% of the items that were in there just two days ago.


Even worse if said guild bank was your banktoon’s and you rely on the items in the guild bank to sell and make gold. I pull in about 10k a day in auctions, but if I have nothing to sell…


I got the same ‘stock’ message as a response too.


Same issue for me, four days of Guild Bank bugginess (not able to drop items in the bank, not able to take items out of the bank, etc.) and then 98% of my stuff (collected over years) just up and fracken disappeared.


We are missing lots of stuff. Guild bank had tons of mats saved up over years, now looks like swiss cheese with empty tabs everywhere. :frowning:


Lost about half the items on our 7 page guild bank. Three people share - me, husband & sister. No withdrawals listed on the logs. Random stuff disappeared. Deposits I made Wednesday aren’t all there today.


ALL our Guild bank stuff is gone in all our guilds. Thankfully the gold seems untouched but logs only show like 4 to 6 months ago in activities when I know our guild has been putting stuff in and moving stuff preparing for the new expansion. We had mats, gear, rare pets and mounts and raid buff/food/pots. I have no clue how they will…IF they will fix this especially since most people cant give a full list of literally everything missing.


Ouch. I have several very old personal guilds dating from classic. Full of materials and boe’s. Now I’m scared to check.


Ugh, just more reasons not to give them more of my money.

They can’t compensate what they took away from people :roll_eyes:

I can’t with this company.


Ticket answered, canned robot reply about missing items that has nothing to do with what I said or showed. Items still missing. Disrespect felt.


Half of all guild bank items missing has turned into 3/4ths gone as of today. I haven’t had any issues with warband bank but I’m not using either until this gets fixed and our stuff comes back.


Same here. I checked one guild horde side that I am GM of and all the tabs (I think it’s 6, maybe 7 tabs) are all empty …except for 3 little stacks of herbs in the middle of one of the tabs.
Logged into one of my Alliance guilds and looks like the same thing there. That guild always had all tabs full or close to full and there isn’t a thing on any of the tabs.
The “Log” at the bottom doesn’t show anyone withdrawing the stuff, it’s just GONE.


Yep, almost all the items in my personal guild bank are missing!! Can a CM please comment on this! Stormrage server - Alliance


Guild - Circus of Insanity
Realm - Dentarg
Type guild - Personal as in (Only myself in the guild)
Problem - Missing literally thousands of items from all tabs (Classic thru Legion inclusive)
Yeah I hoard. I think I’ve learned my lesson.
Note: Only I have access to my game account.

Just getting this on the record for possible legal ramifications. lol I kid… I kid.


Holy F!!! What happened to my guild banks? Both ally and horde guild banks are missing LOTS ITEMS!!

I own both guild banks and the tab log is empty. Something is obviously wrong with database. Please fix! Jesus, I farmed all that stuff and trying so hard to make a buck. ={


Same happened to me. Tons of items missing from guild banks. I put a ticket in with CS. The response told me to use item restoration as if I sold or deleted something. This obviously didn’t work. They also said to reset UI. So, just a generic response of nothing useful. I just want to know if my items are gone forever or if I shouldn’t touch my guild banks or what. I was cleaning up before TWW launch…