Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I just got 11 pages of restored items. However, a bunch of the items were BoE bags and as I’ve opened them from the mail to my inventory they are now BoP. So yay, I now have 30 bags that I can’t use as opposed to 30 bags that were missing.


REALLY REALLY hoping that there are just waves of mail going out and more will be incoming, because that’s a joke. It would almost be less insulting to say nothing could be returned.


Well, I did get several dozen mails worth of missing Sturdy Expedition Shovels with the guild bank restoration. There seems to be a major problem though. ALL of the shovels had 20 charges when they disappeared, yet now have NO CHARGES on them. In the mail it says the sell prices are 25 gold each. Yet, when I took them out of the mail, they are only worth 1 copper each. These are but a fraction of my missing guild bank goods, yet the only ones I have gotten back. And no, not really expecting to get much of anything back. But would be nice if what disappeared at least came back to me in the same condition it disappeared in.

Also, since this whole guild bank issue started, ALL my gold disappeared from the guild bank. Was over 100,000 +/- gold in there before the prepatch. Every week since then, have done guild challenges with my guild, yet when I look at the guild bank there is hardly any gold in it. It MIGHT happen on the Tuesday reset, but I am not sure since I usually don’t think about it. Running 7/7 dungeon challenges every week since and last week had over 10k gold in it, yet was under 3k gold when I looked today so I am not certain if it’s happening with the reset or not. EVERY WEEK since this prepatch guild bank issue, almost all the gold we earned the previous week has disappeared. And no one has access to the guild bank except me. The gold just disappeared. Had reported it through the game bug report, but not on the forums bug report. And no, not expecting result from this either, why I never posted it on the forums until now. It’s a reoccurring problem w the gold disappearing from the guild bank.


imagine if you had the option to pay a fraction of your monthly sub… next level incompetence from a multi-billion dollar company


So a total data loss!?!!

This means that Blizzard uses destructive data processes that don’t simply mark things as destroyed keeping them in repository for a backup if needed, but just GONE! This is reckless, and you can see the customer impact it has in this thread.

This response of: Sorry, we lost it, thanks for waiting. Here, have some of your stuff and a sweet, sweet, middle finger on the rest.

Just wow…

This is <–edit: I was literally at a loss for words


there is no consequence to their reckless response, if 1,000 players quit it means nothing, pocket change. they can do whatever they want


They just said this is it, the rest is just gone, thanks for waiting.


Received a few items from the postmaster. The mail is marked to last 90 days.

  • 391 serevite ore (t2).
  • 1000 serevite ore (t2).
  • 8 awakened order.
  • 287 wildercloth.
  • 316 tattered wildercloth.
  • 8 glowing titan orbs.

I haven’t had any missing items show back up in the gbank at any point.

Has anyone received restored items that aren’t DF mats?


Surely this is a joke right
I recieved back:

197 Runecloth
6 Unbroken Tooth

I had 8 tabs of items go missing. These 2 items were the only ones left in the guild bank after the rest of the items went missing.
And I get them back… again?

I’m actually laughing so hard right now like this is a joke right there’s no way I lost 8 tabs of items and they thought 1g worth of items being returned was acceptable in away
Theres more coming eventually


I have received DF items, and all previous items that started quests only, such as waterlogged recipe from northrend, and dreanor keystone, and DMF quest starter items.

The only mats/items are from DF. Only others are items that start a quest.

EDIT: No personal notes from past players were returned. No other items from previous expansions.


:sob: :sob: :sob: I’m in a bit of tears about this. :sob: I so was hoping to get some of my grey stuff back. I saved little dresses and pets, for my family, or magic elixirs that turned you into things/what have you. :frowning: I wonder if I took a screen shot of my stuff, way back when. I bet I did. May not matter, 'course. :frowning:

Some of the letters my friends in vanilla sent me. :frowning: :sob: This was my main’s bank. I had just transferred the guild ><" from Zul’jin - Seriously wishing I hadn’t done this, now, though the info still could have been lost on Zul’jin, I suppose.

I’m afraid to use my gb, atm. :frowning: If we’re able to, I know they said we can put stuff in, but when? O,< I don’t want to write over stuff. Someone said they could see our stuff, but we couldn’t? – Anyone remember that or am I misinterpreting things?

:frowning: :heart:


Just received some bags back but no mats… They all came back soulbound. grrrr


The one thing that’s different in my GB, is in the logs, it mentions a few gray items I deposited from about a month or so ago, before this started.


I was always suspicious of the random CS replies. Good example of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing. There were lots of little differences in the replies people got from CS reps, and I don’t put any stock in the one report that said they could “see items.” So far, everything has been through mail nothing has appeared back in the bank.


Yah, the blue responded and said stuff would come back in the mail. I don’t have anything. I hope I get some of my stuff back. I bet I won’t, it’s not considered ‘‘worth anything’’ to anyone else. :frowning:


no stuff returned … this is blizzard, if they even return 1 item they would have announced in every possible channel that they did it lololololol … it is because they are incapable of doing it thats why they keeping so quiet … its human nature, we dont even need to guess


All my stuff (6 different items listed above) were from other expansions. I actually didn’t get any DF stuff back.

I HOPE. Because this is a joke. I was hopeful that from their message, it would have been more of a 75% + restoration. If this is it, holy moly it’s such a slap in the face. I guess I’ll check my bank chars later/tomorrow and update if I got more mail. I hope more mail trickles in, there has to be more mail.

(edit: fixing quotes)


This is further destruction of items!


Um, hey, I wanted to post this here, too, because I noticed something on the server I transferred from. The character Rainside on Zul’jin has some logs of the last activity I did before I transferred my main Palain Keír from Zul’jin to Dalaran. (I just got a guild transfer the last week in July they were being offered. @__@

Anyway, I put in a bug-report a while ago that Rainside still had a guild panel open. Can see where I desposited my Hair Ball (x2) and Whizzed Out Gizmo (x4) and Pocket Lint (x7) about 5 months ago. Also some White Tuxedo Shirts (2) and a Spring Rabbit’s Foot.

I tried to see if I could see any other bank tabs, but it says I “don’t have enough money to buy another bank tab.” (She does, but it might still be something screwy or normal bkz of the transfer. I don’t want to mess up Keír’s stuff, either.) - Anyway. Rainside on Zul’jin’s server, her 1 bank tab shows some of my stuff - from 5 months ago. I wonder if the other tabs might, too?

Should I make another report about this? It might be related to losing my stuff, other than the big data loss on their end?

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What a joke. Our guild’s leader (my friend) got replacement mail and the only thing they got was 23 windwool cloth. We had tabs upon tabs of items that went missing.