Guild bank missing items - what happened?

It’s like they’re sunburnt, bright-red, and are only now starting to think about meandering towards shade.


The thing is almost certainly this… they knew from the beginning that they messed up REAL bad and that they might not recover everything. As a result they decided that silence was better than broken promises.

I don’t agree with it but in the corporate world? Totally believable this is the reason for the complete lack of communication/updates.


Yeah, I agree. 2 or 3 weeks ago I predicted this outcome (but with NO restorations), but I’m even skeptical about the alleged “partial” restoration.


Conspiracy or not, but it should be noted that Wowhead, Icy-Veins, and MMO-Champion all have the Blue Post on their main news pages now that something official has been stated by the Blues.


Not sure how many guild are in a situation where the guild is active but the GM has been away for a LONG time - maybe not even reachable. I really doubt Blizz will make arrangements for absent GMs, and all the stuff in their mailbox will eventually rot away after 30 days.
Hopefully this is a very rare situation as the GM has to have been gone for a while with no one else in the guild in the top tiers to be able to derthrone.


So they took a month to basically say there’s absolutely no guarantee we’ll have anything back? awesome, glad I didnt buy TWW


All while their post states they found the issues just a few days afterwards.

Why was the data not backed up immediately, then?

This whole thing is fishy.

I can’t imagine their save-states for rollbacks don’t include the guild bank or warbank.


(post deleted by author)

I suspect that, like many companies, they do rolling 1 & 2 week backups. So depending on (a) when the ticket was first raised - e.g. Friday night (b) when it was first looked at (with release happening they were already snowed under), (c) when it was analysed (to see it was a widespread issue, not just someone ninja’ing stuff from one GB) and (d) when they did an in-depth to realise it was a data corruption issue,… then it may have been too late to save the data from other, earlier, corruptions that hadn’t been reported.

A worse-case scenario is that they’ve also realised there was another issue with the logging of item deposits and withdrawals (as some people have reported Guild logs have not been working either), and are unable to track what was added after the issue started.


I’m so pissed off. I can’t even believe the absolute craptastic level of support.


Here is the most updated news about our items posted on the EU forums:

Basically they are giving the “mats” that went missing back however due to unforeseen issues not all items will be restored.


456 posts

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Community Manager


About a week after we launched patch 11.0.2 in August, we began receiving reports of an issue where some players were discovering items missing from their guild banks.

As we investigated over the next couple of days, we found the culprit—a technical update that was made to support cross-realm guilds. An unexpected bug caused one of our maintenance processes to make some items disappear. Many of these items were related to professions materials from prior expansions, but it was possible for players to lose other items from their guild banks as well.

For the last few weeks, we’ve been packing up the missing items that we’re able to identify as lost by this process, and we will soon mail those to the guild leader character for each affected guild.

Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and we do not have a way to restore the remaining missing items for them.

We apologize for that and for the long wait here. We really appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this difficult issue.

The sad part is we have 2330 posts on this thread and not even one blue post, sad that we have to go to the EU forums to update ourselves. Really this has been poorly handled all over from the announcement of the bug, to dealing with US customer relations, to explaining what they were going to do.


Tangentially related, anyone know of a decent (hopefully lightweight) inventory tracking addon that isn’t garbage at tracking caged pet data? Altoholic and Stash both just record generic "Pet Cage"s which means presuming I don’t get everything back I’ll only be able to guess as to what I lost on those tabs. :woman_facepalming: I have vague recollections of TSM maybe being more discerning, but I could be mistaken and I’d rather not install something that over-the-top just to keep a record of caged pets to sell, especially not when it might do unfamiliar things to the AH UI.


OMG FINALLY. Was it really so hard to have an official post saying it was being worked on?


Glad we finally got an update. I think I might have just gotten something restored? A stack of 14 goblin gliders randomly appeared in my mail from the postmaster. I hope that wasn’t the only thing that could be saved from all 7 tabs…

EDIT: I want to cry if this is it, tbh. Getting GOBLIN GLIDERS back out of everything else we lost somehow feels more insulting than just saying it’s all gone.


My guild master toon finally received a dozen or so stacks that were stolen from my guild bank on Elune server. Hopefully the rest of the mass amounts will be coming back soon


i use altoholic to see the ‘caged pet’ in the GBank slots and then cross reference with TSM data, filtering pets that show in guild bank column. this takes time but it’s how i can tell exactly which pets blizz stole from me.
i tried several addons but they all report ‘caged pet’ and not the actual pet. perhaps the api doesn’t return the name of the pet from the guild bank.
i ended up moving all my pets to 3 toons’ personal banks because that is showing up correctly in altoholic.
i asked on the altoholic githug but no response in weeks


I just received 2 pages of restored stuff in the mail (16 individual items) from more than half of 7 tabs of items missing, REALLY disappoint :frowning:


Curious to know what you guys got back so we can compare and contrast.
Ore? Herbs? etc

I never did an exact count, but I’d say I was missing roughly 50% of my 7 bank tabs all together. Some tabs were hit worse than others, but none of the tabs were totally wiped.
As of right now, I have received nothing back. Wondering if everything I lost falls into that “unrestorable” category and the things that never went missing are the things people are getting back?


Some DF fish, some grey transmog and most cheap stuff, the real deal do not come back like haunted mementos, accursed keepsake and mounts ;(


I honestly hope this is not it because lol… Out of 3 guild banks that had probably more than half gone :

  • One character received 4 mail (windwool cloth x777, tattered wildercloth x74, sea stalk x431, mote of harmony x14).
  • One received 1 mail (pattern: raven lord’s gloves)
  • One received 1 mail (blackrock ore x265)

I’m keeping track of what i receive in a gsheet, though sadly I never had an actual inventory of what I had to be able to fully know if i will have received it all or not.