Guild bank missing items - what happened?

It’s not just this bug tbh, the other ongoing bugs are real motivation-killers as well

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I just don’t feel as excited to play the game as I normally would - and I attribute this to the various progress-deleting bugs that are still ongoing in the background

So far I’ve leveled 2 alts, but meh, I find myself constantly checking this bugs forum for any news/updates on the ongoing bugs rather than “being into” the new expansion (if that makes sense)

As a side-note, this is the first expansion where I’ve spent much time at all in this bugs forum - in previous expansions (…mostly stable/bug-free) I’ve been too busy playing/enjoying the game or lurking in other forums. It’s a sign of the times/declining quality of the “team” when the VERY FIRST place you skim thru when visiting the forums is the bugs forum, lol


Has anyone told them when they delete a post it no longer says “404”, its just a blank page, kinda like my two vaults…


… can very much relate on the Visiting The Bug Forums Not Only For The First Time But Also Regularly™ part. :neutral_face:

I feel awkwardly fortunate that I have already given myself a resting interval where I’m mostly just idling about and waiting for specific event weeks, which means this guild bank yikes (and all the rest of those story progression bugs) isn’t hitting me like an entire truck convoy. … it’s still profoundly unsettling, nevertheless. Even if I technically can re-grind everything I’ve lost, I do hope all of those patiently accumulated old xpac crafting mats come back.


Can blizzard please read their own forums and do more to resolve this. It has been five weeks.


I agree , they have given run around with no corrections. I reported the issue of guild bank beingempty weeks ago.


Bump for justice. Also I still want my Flounders fish replaced with an actual item from dragonflight.


Just FYI…it’s now been 8 days since the EU forum had an update.


I’m returning to check on the status of this issue. Still no sign of all the items that disappeared from my guild’s vault (Violet Sky - Cenarion Circle server). This is absolutely unacceptable. How can I have faith in the integrity of the game if items just disappear at random?


All we have is a variety of discreet mentions in people’s quoted support tickets, a tweet reply, and the replies in the corresponding EU forum thread, that they are working on restoring everyone’s stuff, but it’s Complicated™ and will take Time™.

Considering how many guilds are affected, and how much the guild vaults might have been altered since, it does make sense. But we have little else but what trust remains willing to exist to stand on now.

For the record:


Well, it’s been a while since the Guild Bank issue popped up and still no communication or solution. I am not 100% positive, but I could almost swear that my guild’s bank was perfectly fine in the ‘early access’ but then during the ‘main’ launch that’s when everything in our guild bank disappeared - all 6 of the 7 tabs I can check. I don’t have permissions to see the 7th tab. And our logs show absolutely nothing as to things being removed by anyone. I have been checking regularly to see if anything was restored, but nothing has shown up. There is only one lonely fish that I put in the bank to see if I were having an addon issue or not. Then I found this thread and realized it was a major issue/bug by Blizzard. Well, I sure hope they don’t leave us dangling forever! After 20 years playing this game, it is sad to see the level to which Blizzard has fallen.

Guild: Last Pull Magic - Nesingwary


It’s really sad that they are still giving us no communication, and expecting to go to a maclicious outside website to get any information. Twitter is blocked on my network, so I can only see the preview and can’t view the thread itself.


I can say with honesty that of the 10 Guild Banks I have for hoarding mats, transmog, pets, etc. they have been affected to varying degrees. I have a couple that are almost empty now. I have 1 bank that has 4 tabs of just Card of Omens and it is untouched. But you are right, there a many many people who just won’t notice if stuff goes missing. Several friends of mine are in that boat.


I think it is crazy how you are looking forward to an expansion, much more than in the recent 10 years, only to find yoursef not playing it, because of losing your entire collection from 20 years of playing.

It tells me two things,

don´t make any plans about future content that is announced, as that content may not fully work on release (Warbands) or wipe your entire progress.

The entire situation has also completely demotivated me to get the D4 expansion, I also wanted to try OW2 in winter, but all the enthusiasm is just gone.

Since years I am playing with the thought of giving ESO a new try, I played it on release, but the performance was so clunky. Playing it without a sub is not much fun, as it has some major advantages for subs, but if I cancel my WOW sub, I can just use the money there and play.

And I have to admit, it´s not just the disaster now, there is so much wrong with Blizzard since years. This company was the best gaming company for me, I have bought every game they released, starting with D1 and WC1, but my god, the stuff they are doing lately is just absolutely shocking.

From my point of view, they need to hire someone who puts all the pieces together again, as of right now, I can´t stop thinking that the left hand doesn´t know what the right hand is doing and customers are treated so poorly, that you don´t feel at home anymore.


Should we start making bets each Tuesday on whether or not this will be fixed?


It’s been bugs-galore, with this guild bank issue being the biggest, at least for me. Constant freezing and DCs, not being able to turn in quests (it just won’t complete) until I have relogged, quest markers being in completely wrong places (more than once). And trying to do delves early on as a mage and completely being decimated only to find out that Brann had been healing mage 14 TIMES LESS than DKs, follower dungeon (Dawnbreaker) where it was beyond confusing and the boss not even showing up in the same place after dying on it . . . which kind of soured me on follower dungeons which HAD been going OK until then. The story is fine, and some of the zones are gorgeous, but the game just feels so unfinished. Sorry Blizz/MS, but QA staff are important. CS staff are important. Cutting down on their numbers doesn’t seem to have helped us any.

PLUS the whole guild bank issue has put a big damper on my profession progression. I used to love professions, didn’t so much since DF (and actually have been loving it less and less since after WoD) but have been keeping up as much as I can at least on ONE toon. I do it mostly for myself, friends and especially GUILD. By now, I would have reorganized the bank to put older stuff into their respective tabs while I’d get the last 2 ready to receive all the new stuff - enchants and gear I’d make, buff foods I’d cook, and maybe BoE drops that could help guildies, as well as using guild funds to buy mats in the HOPES that guildies will get their profession going. (As far as I know, I am the ONLY crafter in the guild to get max skill, knowledge and best equipment in 2 professions on one toon, though did not even max knowledge on an alt) since most people I know have given up on professions. Anyway, the point is, I would have been using the guild vault EXTENSIVELY at this point, benefiting guildies as I skilled up my profession. It’s how it’s ALWAYS been since we got the guild banks . . . till now. That has really deflated my enthusiasm for the game. I very often link my professions and let people know what I can make, since I can’t just throw stuff in the bank anymore.

And I have actually BOOKMARKED this forum thread on my computer and my phone and check it EVERY DAY to see if there’s any progress or ANY new information. I’ve never had to do that before. It’s ridiculous.

LOL bonding through common misfortune I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:


As time goes on, this is looking bleak. So I’ll add my guild to the list:

Server: Kilrogg
Guild: Super Best Friends

I am guild master and not a single item was remaining in all tabs. Log was empty except for my latest deposits.


I agree with you. What we accomplish/gather/collect is the basis of what this game is. For them to not deal with the situation correctly as they have is beyond insane. This is probably one of the worst issues they have had and not a message, not a progress, nothing… Even if they needed time to figure out the situation (and I am sure they needed it), I cannot believe that they do not have at least an idea of if they can or cannot recover things at this point. And for them to not communicate that is very poor customer service.


jeeez this is crazy still no resolution…that has me concerned if this was a simple issue with data logs there should have been resolution be it mailing the entire contents to us via the lost item system to the guild owner or something along those lines not to mention all the gold i do not have access too. sadly i dont recall hearing any of my regular streamers and youtubers mentioning this either which may or may not help with awareness and push for some answers.


At this point, the items are gone. Blizzard is just waiting and waiting and waiting in hopes that this thread will just die and the issue can disappear for good. We’re not going to get any updates, as they’ve moved on themselves. That’s the hard truth as far as I’m concerned. I mean they already erased any existence of it when they removed it from their knowledge base.


Owner/Guild Leader: Regulatørs
Server: US Hyjal

Still missing my items. At this point I would accept gold or a bronto mount since I don’t have one. I honestly think it would be easier just to give those and admit you can not get the items back. Especially the mementos that people had like messages from deceased players and so on. Its a big loss for a lot of guild leaders/owners.

I just looked at my guild bank logs - it is no longer showing names for money used - repairs are coming up anonymous again. I have reloaded, and even turned off addons. So there is something still broken with the logs meaning that there is still a bug with the gbank.