Guild bank missing items - what happened?


Another reset and another no fix on guild banks.

I, along with many others, will be leaving soon because of your lack of caring for
your product.


I can’t imagine gold compensation in any universe for potentially lost profit or time.

We will be lucky to get our items back.


Lost 400 million in items across 170 guild banks on all 83 server groups that i’ve been building up for 5-6 years.

Not bragging – just trying to make you feel better. I am the biggest loser – and I am pretty sure I lost the most.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.

Edit: I decided to include on this particular day’s posting what I put in my sub cancellation request: “My entire Guild Bank, all 7 tabs, completely disappeared after the patch on 8/13/2024. I submitted the usual bug reports and forum posts. After almost 5 weeks, neither resolution ETA nor any communications at all have been offered. I am not alone in this. Tens of thousands of players have been affected by this. I’ve joined a campaign with thousands of others to completely boycott Activision-Blizzard products. Even item restoration will not restore our trust. You will feel our financial pinch!”


No, we don’t know, and that’s the problem.

There is no official word HERE, where we are all being told to go. The only official notice is pieced together to say they “are aware” and give no ETA or guarantee for any fix. Just that they are investigating it. It is not listed on any open issue list visible to us. The only issue that was visible to us was closed as fixed, so we are completely in the dark.

We’ve been told its okay to use the banks again and not to use the banks. We have no idea what we should or shouldn’t do.

This complete disregard of us is the biggest betrayal.


Same with our guild- It was COMPLETELY wiped out of items we had been farming and saving for years- Several tickets in and GM says to not use the bank- So everyone is hoarding money and mats in the personal bags which already has space issues- This really affects the fun out of the game play- Several guild members/friends have now cancelled their WOW subscriptions over this in frustration- People who have played for years- Its really sad that our time and loyalty is being pushed aside and they cant even acknowledge the issue by listing it as a known issue anymore. Considering cancelling my subscription as well. Its just to frustrating and sad-


I reeeeeaaaaally hope this is true! Seriously considering cancelling my account over this. Thank you for a glimmer of hope anyway!!


That’s funny, He’s the only YTer I emailed about it so far, to try to get some eyes on it. But then I felt so weird I didn’t contact anyone else. But now that I see someone else did also, makes me wonder how many others have done the same.


I just logged into a guild bank to find it empty. Nothing. Everything gone.


26 days later since my first post I am still afraid to touch the guild banks. I have two. Not sure what is more stressful, not having the access I would like or opening and finding an empty bank. sigh.

Damn it Blizzard stop taking our money if you can’t find the time to formally address this issue.

** Side thought… now that Microsoft owns Blizzard I wonder if there is somewhere or someone we can reach out to requesting that this matter be addressed formally.


I commented in Hazelnutty’s and SoulBreezy’s live streams, and they both were like, “yeah, it’s happening, that sucks” but said they didn’t have any issues and moved on. That it’s still going on without any comment from Blizz or the big creators is wild, especially since it’s broken 2k comments.


Asked on twitter: “Would love an update about what’s going on with the guild bank issue of missing items that’s been ongoing for 5 weeks. Most of the official info has disappeared apart from a bug report thread. Even a “we’re still working on it” would be really helpful. :frowning:
Did get a response:
"Blizzard CS - The Americas
They are still working on it. The issue itself was resolved almost immediately so it stopped happening. Recovery is a bit more complex. ^PJ"

Even though it’s the same response, at least we’ve not been forgotten, despite how it looks.
Still sucks. Still a little sad and very frustrating to check in and see the empty guild bank tabs.


I’ve got a guild that only my own characters are in, and was also impacted by this issue.


Great update. So any guild that wasn’t already impacted will 100% NOT end up with items disappearing then?


this is taking a loooooooong time, it shouldnt be a surprise they are unable to resolve this by next expac and keeping quiet for the next 2 years ! by then it would be 500k posts/comments and it really makes no difference to them


With mixed responses on if guild storage bleeding items/gold is fixed or not, I just ended up making a brand new guild on my main server. Warband storage is great and all, but I am not about to sink that much gold into storage when guild banks are so much cheaper to max out. Took all my alts out of one of my affected guilds and dumped them in the new one.

As I said before, I don’t know how much has been lost. I did a massive bank clear-out and then spent 3 solid months doing remix. I don’t take screen grabs of my bank because I trusted Blizz and didn’t think I needed to. Clearly I was wrong and will be starting a new habit.

Every Villian Is Lemons - Proudmoore Alliance side - gold and some items
Void Scarred Menagerie (pet and mog storage) - Proudmoore Alliance side - some pets and mogs are gone. It does not hold gold so no gold is missing.

My third personal guild on Thrall was not affected whatsoever.

I’m not playing TWW. I wasn’t going to be able to purchase it until January at the earliest and with all this mess I’m ok with that. I have been playing but I’m just farming mogs for my warband and the bank guild is just holding stuff accumulated while doing that. Hard to be enthusiastic about anything when this is how they’re treating us.

I’m also still incredibly angry and suspicious that the streamers who are aware of the situatution are ignoring it, even when it’s brought to their attention. I despise the “it’s not a problem until it’s my problem” mentality. It may not be their pesronal problem now, but not being able to trust Blizz will eventually become everyone’s problem.


I had a ton of farmed materials I was saving for my alts for crafting old gear for transmog, a bunch of pets, rare cooking mats, and some misc items. It is a personal guild (Heroes of the Alliance on Terokkar) made just for the bank. The only other character in the guild is an lowbie alt that my husband hasn’t touched in ages. Went to access it today for crafting some stuff since new profession achieves were added just to find all 6 tabs completely drained except for a stack of mild spices and 1 essence of fire. Last time I had checked the bank- 2 months ago- all was fine. now all of that stuff has just vanished. Very frustrating.


We aren’t letting it go Blizz!
It isn’t going to be forgotten and moved on!



Pretty simple Blizzard.
If you have “fixed” the problem, and the vaults aren’t going to lose anything, mail me my two vaults worth of stuff.


I’m glad this bug hit me. It shook me out of the sisyphean expac grind and got me to go play some other games. Did you know there are MMOs available to play where your stuff doesn’t randomly disappear?? It’s wild!

And look at all the friends we’ve made in this thread!