Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Adding on so I’m not forgotten when they eventually do fix this, but I’m missing a bunch of items from my main bank as well as my guild bank as well.


I can’t believe we are about to go on week 4 of TWW going live and they still haven’t fixed the Guild bank issue of missing mats and stuff…this is totally unacceptable now …I know I am not included in this now all my private guild banks are fine but I know personal a few folks their private guild banks are like this now…not just a couple items whole tabs of missing stuff for them…


Try Preach. He specifically said he is not going to coddle Blizzard, and that if something sucks he will say it sucks. He’s not exclusively WOW anymore and also covers FFXIV.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


I quit playing weeks ago because of this. Extremely sad nothing has been done 5 weeks out. Absolutely unreal a massive company would treat customers this way. Veteran players who spent 20 years playing WoW thrown away.


The sad part is “the damage is already done” as far as gold-making opportunities go

Let’s say they roll out a fix in 2 weeks where everyone suddenly gets their bank/tabs/items restored - that still doesn’t change the fact that the expansion launch was like 1 month ago… the markets/gold-making opportunities will have long-since “cooled off” by then, the “early birds” have already cashed in on that highly lucrative 1st/2nd week of a new expansion where everything is selling high/inflated prices

Unfortunately, due to the timing of this bug (right as a brand-new expansion launched), most of the posters in here won’t TRULY be “made whole”… if that makes sense


That’s why a lot of us want gold compensation along with the item restoration.


Nothing new I see. I’m sorry for all the inconvenience caused by this bug. I hope we get an answer soon. And yes you guessed my banks are still empty.


Yep just realised my guild bank has had all its items deleted with no history in log.


Thought about it - actually, had started to write a comment on a Preach video, but was afraid it’s just get buried or worse, verbally dismissed or minimized by others either not noticing this or not being hurt by it.

Which Bell video did you comment on? Maybe if we LIKE it it’ll get more attention? I don’t know how it works, tbh.


It was either the War Within video, or the 11.0.5 update video. I actually can’t find my post now.


Yeah. His videos tend to get a lot of comments. I’ll see if I can find it. If I can, I’ll give it a like. Could very well have gotten buried in all the texts . . . :frowning:


Doing the mandatory bump.
Going to start looking for my cow poking stick. Maybe light an animated fire under some dev’s and big heads. Maybe convince Thrall and Jaina to go on strike or whip up the elementals.

You will never be forgiven for this Blizzard!


You’re lucky they didn’t action your account for being a pest about the bug.


I feel this way too. Thrown away.

For me, I felt it would only be a matter of time before 1) micro$oft ran the game into the ground, or 2) decided to make it unplayable on linux. I guess I figured or hoped 2 would come first, but it seems that I was wrong.


So, does anyone know if this will ever be fixed? I had some really nice stuff in my personal guild bank and I would like it back.


The traffic in here is high so posts get buried fast here too. But we were given some inofficial info earlier, I suppose. Your mileage will undoubtedly vary.


Reopened my ticket after a month and was told ‘developers are aware’, go to this bug report forum, and don’t use the guild bank. Been a month now. During S4 of DF, I built up large supply of matts for my wow money making business (I sell engineering mounts on the AH: Kyparium Rocket, Worldspinners, Sky Golems, Mechano-Hogs) in preparation of S1 of TWW. Somewhere between 1 and 2 million gold worth of materials. Almost all of it gone overnight. S1 has begun and I’ve got nothing. I can live without using the Guild Bank, but I worked hard to build up that supply and want it back. I’m stunned by the lack of progress on this.


Blizzard You may own the product but you dont own my time. Like any employee I want paid.
my personal gbank that has 9 accounts connected was cleaned out over a month ago now
Blizzard like any business it seek compensation for its product . Well my time is my product and thats something I cant get back 20 years worth. This is what ur 20th anniversary is going to be DROPPED accounts. Casue people are understandabley UPSET with blizzard atm over this Guild bank Glitch


Just wanted to add my name to the list. Three of four guild banks I have sole access to were cleared out and the fourth is missing around 50%. The lack of response to this is disheartening.