Guild bank missing items - what happened?

More than a month later and nothing.

They had time to break delves and do countless hotfixes for an unfinished expansion but can’t figure this out…we can’t even get the decency of a response.

Blizz really don’t respect us or our time :confused:


Thank you for doing that. Looks like it took quite a bit of work on your part to make the video, explain everything, and upload it.

I haven’t looked at the LOGS on my banks lately since I’ve asked my guildies to NOT touch it (I think an officer said he took one bag but that sort of thing isn’t a big deal) so no idea if the logs have been fixed, but similar situation where I KNEW things were there, no one took them (at least not MOST Of them) and with no log entries of the removal, after NOT having the log work for a long time. Aside from HOW MUCH is missing, I think we all have very similar stories.


Bumping this too.


As an update everything is still missing from my guild bank, all 7 tabs fully wiped out.


This thread has more replies than any other still in the Bug Report forum, it has more than double the next thread. There are dozens of other threads in this forum that have responses, though they all look older. Did they just flat out stop responding to the forums now?


Still no fix yet? Been leaving the GB untouched to make sure to not cause problems when they fix it(from attempting to add or remove what little is left), which means the guild has no sharable storage any more. Kind of ruins the experience of a guild sharing to help one another when others are not online.


Yes. I have 4 guilds. All of them have been negatively impacted and are missing all but a couple of items per tab. 15+ years of hoarding; mats, pets, etc…Battered Hilt, anyone? Have there been any updates on this issue elsewhere?


I think there is a process in place to petition for the replacement of an inactive GM, though you do need to have a character that is an officer (rank 2 to 4) in the Guild?
Here: Blizzard Support - Transfer Guild Leadership (

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The only standard answer (which is documentated in that support article) is a dethrone, which is only offered to guild members in the first four ranks in the guild.

There is about one Support Forum post per month from someone who wants to dethrone, and has legitimate good reason to (because the Guild Master has been gone for a really long time), but they can’t because the GM structured the guild so that no one can dethrone them. And that’s the end of the discussion; CS will not intervene. The inactive Guild Master will remain.

Those are the guilds I’m thinking about.

Another 3 times a week “weekly maintenance” and nothing.


Same, I’m checking every reset and after any hot fixes and this issues is just being ignored. I only care about the mats, because I’ve saved for years to be able to go back and create a few of the other older blacksmithing and JC recipes. Can’t really do that now, not to mention the pile-up all my alts are going to start dealing with since I won’t use the gbank until this is fixed.

I can’t imagine raiding guilds dealing with this are happy.


Add Otherworldly to the list.
I lost 8 tabs, everything.
over 8 mil in items.


My ticket was marked resolved and closed. Please Blizz communicate with us and let us know we’re not forgotten.


Crwnage Crew- Durotan add to the list. Entire guild bank was emptied on August 14th. It’s now September 14th and no news at all…


Mabey we need to get this to go viral, get out in the public eye not just us gamers then Blizzard might at least start letting us know WTH is going on.


Ok, so there was maintenance scheduled today that was suddenly cancelled, and Vrak doesn’t know why. Might be related, might not.

I posted on a Bellular video about it. He and Preach are the best ones to post to about this issue. I would say Preach especially, because he is very objective and not “committed to WOW” anymore. He said he will play it when it’s fun, and take a break and play something else when it’s not fun.


This is the problem, though. Not ONE platform streamer has even given this problem a blip. At the least I expected maybe Bellular to say something. I wonder if Blizz told them to not talk about it.


My Guild bank is also is empty (On Draka Server). I thankful cleared out my first 2 tabs before TWW hit so i’d have room for new stuff. i put in a ticket for this and Game master Adruduzect referenced me to this saying its a bug and pretty much can’t do anything about it and may never hear anything. So disappointing to lose all my stuff from years of collecting.


A full month now without a fix… unhinged…


I had a probably pointless thought earlier today but as far as I know, depending on where you live, you can get Blizzard to send you “your information” they have about you and according to their privacy policy that includes gameplay information. Now that would not necessarily include guild bank information but I have never seen what they send when someone places such a request.

Has anyone here ever done such a request and can comment if it included guild bank information or even deposits/withdrawals? Because if it did, that might be a way to know if they are actually seeing the content of the guild banks at all or not.