Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I get that Blizzard says that it will take a long time to restore banks affected by this. But it’s been how long now and not one person (that i’ve seen) has popped up on the net confirming they have even begun and their bank was restored. That’s what would make me feel better that a fix is moving along.


Has anyone contacted the CS on Twitter and left a tweet to them about this issue…I was having a heck of a time with GM’s getting my Auth removed cause I had lost my phone …I finally dropped a tweet to CS on Twitter and in less then 2 hours my issue was resolved and the Auth was removed allowing me to install the game and bnet on a new system I got. Maybe if a huge number of players with this issue get on Twitter and drop tweets about this maybe it might stir something up…worth a try.


My empty guild banks call BS.


I think early on, some people did. No one got a response. I don’t have a twitter account, or I would be on there daily pestering them about this.

Hopefully, now that the bug reporting has slowed down a tiny bit, we can get some action on our Guild Banks. However, I will believe it when I see it.



I am still waiting for my 400 million gold or so in items to be returned to me – until then I have had very little motivation to play. What’s the point of collecting if they just erase things and don’t give them back for no reason.


I am also missing a massive amount of item from my guild bank and seem to be getting no responses to any tickets. years worth of collecting items and 239 slots of items have just vanished. The guild only contains my characters and the log like everyone else’s shows no items removed, its starting to feel like with no update they don’t seem to care.


Thanks for the update!

What I want to know, if they “restore” an item in the guild bank that has something else in that slot, will the item be returned to the gm via the mail? Because if they say the bank is safe to use, then it should be safe to use all the slots and not worry your items will be overridden and lost to the void upon restoration.

So many questions that we can’t ask because there’s no Blue in here!


I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire restoration happens through the mailbox of the GM character. Which may be a problem for guilds with an inactive GM. No one will pick up the mail and it’ll vanish permanently once it expires.


I’m not resubbing until I see some kind of OFFICIAL response stating that they will eventually restore all our missing items. These little tiny drips and drabs are not good enough.

Why is it so hard to take 60 secs to do something so little? To err is human, to forgive divine, but how can you forgive and move on when there’s no admittance of an error and why is it so hard to admit?

People who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. How many times have people and companies gone up in flames because they doubled down on hiding things rather than admitting to a mistake.


I don’t disagree with you; I would muCH rather have an official public response directed at everyone to keep them informed, but I suppose this is better than nothing. The fact that I had to be nuisance to get this information, especially pertaining to an issue this serious, is quite surreal. At this point, it seems the best we can do is hope what this GM told me was correct, and keep this issue in the spotlight until it gets resolved.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


Still no post in this thread from a blue.
Still no post regarding returning these lost items.
Still no post explaining why this occurred.
Still no straight out post in the bug list saying this is going on and devs are working on it.
Is it necessary to hide/ignore this issue so much?


Hello, Grandpré, GM of Heroes Academy on Zul’jin.

I noticed this issue a month ago, while our gbank was full of enchants. Plan was to sell everything before the release of War within, unfortunately even if it’s restored in a near future, that gold is long gone.

Since then, nothing has been restored in our gbank.

Hopefully Blizzard will find some sort of compensation for all affected guilds.


Sometimes a bit of funny commiseration can help. I ran across the South Park “Margaritaville” episode:

Randy Marsh is trying to teach his son Stan to save money, so he has him deposit $100 into the bank, only for it to “disappear” moments later when the bank manager invests the money in a money market mutual fund.
After Stan is kicked out of line because it is only for bank members who have money, the same thing happens to an elderly woman.
When Randy complains to the manager, his money is transferred from his account into a portfolio with Stan and the manager repeats “Aaaand it’s gone!”.

Is it laugh or cry? I’m going to be the optimist and say: laugh.


Make sure to keep this post bumbed, I lost 10+ FULL guild tabs full of worthy items. This is insane that there is no response.


Here to keep bumping this issue.


Just chiming in here. I have lost a couple of banks (six tabs each) worth of stuff. They were full of reagents and other crafting things. These things will be very hard to replace, and it is frustrating (to say the least) to think of it. To be honest, though, this is more of a credibility issue with me. We have had no answers from customer support (US side anyway), and one month of radio silence is pretty bad customer service.

I hope this gets fixed soon. Trust in the foundational elements of the game (such as the safekeeping of things you acquire in-game) is critical. These sorts of issues erode that trust. Radio silence just makes it worse.

I hope everyone gets their stuff back soon!


Honestly this needed to be an all hands on deck 24/7 emergency (in shifts obviously) until resolved. This is about an urgent as it can be (considering that WOW is entertainment and not critical infrastructure - obviously critical infrastructure is much more important). But in the context of the game, this is one of the most important issues the game has ever had.


It really aggravates me to no end that, while we’ve technically had answers to some of these questions, none of it is “official”. We have answers to support tickets to individuals that are written by guys who really may or may not know for sure (though I’m sure their intentions are good), a few rather vague but also well-meaning posts on the EU forum…but nothing else. No statement, no acknowledgement, no message to the US side of it, and their removal of any mention of it from the support sites is extremely discomforting and suspicious.

Just communicate with us, Blizzard, please.


Three guild banks here as well, all on different servers, two completely gone one partially sacked. If we could just get an official progress report on this, at this point it’s insane!