Guild bank missing items - what happened?

As per Orlyia’s suggestion from this post :

I just wanted to add an extra reply onto this thread with some things I lost. Hard to remember what exactly because I would just stock up onto old reagents for leveling professions and such.

I know i lost a handful of elemental reagents (most of my volatiles, sorcerous, motes (except fire and shadow)). A large handful of herbs from different expansions, cloth, enchanting materials from classic/bc era mostly, handful of darkmoon faire quests (ornate weapon, mysterious grimoire, treatise on strategy), various items used for rep. A lot of fish and meat from various expansions, half of my profession recipes from various expansions. A few of my gems have been touched, my ore oddly seem to be intact.

I disabled elvui on my main bank character to check, and i dont have anything else influencing my bags and UI right now. Oddly, looking at the item logs in my tabs, they all seem different.

  • I have my first tab showing 6 months ago, then 9 months ago, 10 months, then shows 2 days ago.
  • 2nd tab same behavior
  • 3rd tab : 6 months ago, 2 days ago, 8 days ago, 10 days, 15 days,
  • 4th tab same behavior
  • 5th tab: 6 months, 8 months, 9 months
  • 6th tab : 6 months, 7, 9, 10, 11 months

Out of all my banks, I only found 3 tabs that have the normal behavior starting with recent : 2 days ago, 13 days, 24 days, 1 month.

I’ve been using my guild banks nearly a little every day nowadays, because of the warbank enabling me to transfer things with ease, mostly to prepare for TWW. It’s crazy to me that the logs don’t show all of my recent behavior, and some seem to have mismatching orders. Guild names have been shared in my ingame ticket.

This just made me extremely worried and I hope, as some mentioned, that it’s a visual bug. But even if it is, it doesn’t explain how the logs don’t seem to match up, at least in my case. Ever since this morning, i have not added nor removed anything from my guild banks. I am the only character in these guilds. Warbanks, character bags and personal banks seem to be fine.

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