Guild bank missing items - what happened?

It’s already been happening, besides the guild bank bug people have been complaining about:

  • bugged/missing reputations (previously Exalted reputations are suddenly Neutral)
  • bugged/missing honor levels in PvP
  • missing quest NPCs here and there in old-world content, literally “gamebreaking” for the old campaign storylines specifically
  • mysteriously missing gold
  • certain abilities causing DCs/bugged abilities
  • etc

Even with some of the “current expansion” stuff people have been reporting bugs, for example just the other week people were reporting weeklies didn’t reset for them - causing them to be “behind” non bugged players

TWW/patch 11.0 has to be the most bugged and glitchy expansion in WoW history

What’s next? Will we log in one day to find “0” achievement points? Will some of our mounts mysteriously start to disappear? Maybe entire characters with months/years of “/played” time on them will suddenly poof and vanish from the character select screen?:man_facepalming: