Guild bank missing items - what happened?

My Warbank was almost full, so they mailed the excess items to the character that put them in. Not an issue with it being one account, but hopefully it will be the current GM, or at least someone with an active sub (or recently active one) that gets them. I think they had the standard “135 days after restoration” expiry date on the mails.

At the very least they should also RL email the person to tell them their items have been restored, (particularly for those who have un-subbed due to the issue, but also if inactive guilds have had items mailed to them via in-game post). It seems like a lot of older Guilds (some pre-BC) were impacted and some of those may come back, some day, expecting their stuff to still be there.

In terms of Trust, when there is a serious data corruption issue like this (even if it is in the Display data), you would expect a company to keep you informed by email. That it hasn’t happened is very disappointing.