Guild Bank Missing Items Update

None, no one


Shocked Pikachu face. How to make a bad PR situation even worse.


at this point i dont think a restoration is possible simply due to the fact that they probably didnt bother to back ANYTHING UP assuming everything would go fine and when it didntā€¦they were left with egg on their face.
cause if they had full isolated back ups we wouldnt be having this issue.


If theyā€™ve closed the previous thread in bug reports, make sure to archive it for posterity. Archive (dot) ph and, of course, the Internet Archive are good for it. The forums seem to break a little though with both of them, but somethingā€™s better than nothing, I think.


My primary guild bank is totally empty and I did not receive anything in the mail. Iā€™ve sworn off blizzard. Two of my accounts have lapsed but unfortunately I bought a year sub on the third account and it wonā€™t expire until March. Until then Iā€™ll probably continue playing but wonā€™t be investing a single dollar more into this game. Iā€™m stopping maintenance on the three addons Iā€™m the author of and now looking for a new game to play. Good luck to you all!


Blizzard is showing a master-class lesson in how to fail your customer.

We need more than the paltry response that was offered.

I still want to know if war banks are going to be restored as well. A prior thread with support on this indicated the items were still associated with my war bankā€¦ so where are they?


And instead of treating 20 year loyal customers with respect, they threw a blanket over us and made no attempt to make restitution for thir error. We were all ready to be part of this resolution with Blizz/MSFT and get through it. Instead, we were ignored. Every clarifying question asked on that bug forum was ignored. The verbiage of the ā€œresolutionā€ is not based in reality. We believed in this game and company, we were there for the good and the bad. Only to be tossed out like total strangers.

Betrayal sucks worst when itā€™s something you truly cared for.


I still have a few weeks of sub left. Iā€™ve logged in every night since this announcement (not a thing restored from 7 near full gbank tabs), yet I canā€™t even bring myself to do anything but sit there or fly laps around town. There is just 0 motivation, all the fun has been sucked out by these guys treating us like :poop: and I loved doing dungeons, it would get late and Iā€™d be tired, and still say to myself ā€œ1 more!ā€. Thatā€™s gone now :frowning:


Oh Iā€™m sure theyā€™re all done with that, and youā€™re out of luck with anything else missing.

Zero faith in this game and company.


Since the bug report thread was locked, Iā€™m posting some answers here from there that I had wanted to respond to.

It would completely gut me if that happened.  This character Iā€™m posting on is the very first character I created on my one ā€“ and still only ā€“ account back in Nov 2004, and have mained ever since.  That would be, for me, over 621 days lost.  And if my alts were taken into account, the total /played would be just shy of 1K days.

There well and truly would be no coming back from that.

My Horde rogue alt ā€“ who was and still is the only one that got any mail ā€“ has not received any more restoration mail beyond what little was sent out on last Friday.

Both.  All my personal guild banks are single-faction & single-realm (even when Connected Realms was a thing), while my raiding guild is both-factions & multiple-realms.

Even worse than the feeling of betrayal is the lost time imo

MMOā€™s in theory save your ā€œprogressā€ forever, or at least weā€™ve always expected/trusted them them to - the stuff you EARN is always supposed to be there. That sense of progressionā€¦ of ā€œbuilding upā€ is core to the genre

ā€¦so when a random bug/glitch comes along and just ā€œpoofsā€ away your hard-earned progress/items/goodies/etc itā€™s a real punch in the gut kinda feeling - all the countless hours of finite time put into farming X are suddenly gone and there is a real feeling of disgust where you canā€™t just ā€œget over itā€ especially where 100ā€™s/1000ā€™s of playtime hours are concerned


Separately, what is this Iā€™ve been hearing about Blizzard planning to convert our bank bags to tabs?  I have everything arranged in a particular manner and if itā€™s anything like when I have to take a screenshot before replacing an old bag with a larger one since it all gets movedā€¦ I donā€™t see this ending well.  Just why, anyway?


Yeah if they do that, buckle up friends, your crap willbe deleted,amd youā€™ll get a stack of silk cloth and a few goblin gliders as recompense


Donā€™t forget a lot of the good Devā€™s left during the scandals, moved on to better pastures, were fired, just plain quit, or received their layoff notice. Right now, WoW Devs are the scrapings from the bottom of the barrel. They are going to make massive irreversible mistakes.


I got 2 holiday pets back from a completely wiped out bank and thatā€™s it.


Last I saw. I have gotten nothing on my GMs that had personal Guild Vaults. Also nothing on my guild that had been active with members in it for a few expansions. Some of my items were not replaceable. In one of my vaults I had unlearned mounts. I lost so much I dont know the value for gold on it.

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For those of you who put in a ticket to Blizzard about your missing guild bank items, how did you categorize it? (I put in one, I think under ā€œitemsā€ and then ā€œnot listedā€ and got back a craptastic ā€œanswerā€ on Item Restoration which has nothing to do with the guild bank situation.)


So I guess itā€™s not a ā€œbankā€ as much as a ā€œplace to put stuff where it might be there later or notā€


Unfortunately tickets will not do anything. I donā€™t blame the GMā€™s or CS, itā€™s not their call. They canā€™t do anything.


The ownership of digital assets is still in the 20th century and because of this, companies always get the upper hand.

No matter if itĀ“s the closure of popular games like SWG and Warhammer, or if content is removed, the company is making the calls, as you only rent their service and just like with an appartment, your rights are limited if the owner decides to alter ā€œyourā€ home.

While this may have worked with games like Counter Strike, it has become a major problem with MMOĀ“s, where players spend thousands of hours and $$$ building themselves a home, that in the end, never truly becomes theirs.

That after all those years, politicians are stll clueless and courts without juristiction makes me speechless, as gaming has long time ago left the ā€œnicheā€ territory of little nerds in the basement. ItĀ“s a global movement and the players need proper support and protection.

Anyways, the only thing that may hurt a gaming company today is bad press, as that will affect their stock prices, but for this to happen, major networks need to get involved. They have the man power and ressources to research what has happened and if Blizzard was truly reckless and if they told the truth.

Sadly in 2024, other topics make the news, topics that have more to do with agendas and politics, than the actual performance as a game designer / studio.