Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Or previous Blizzard employees, as I’ve heard several state from their own experiences.

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The people that actually lost a lot of stuff pretty much got nothing. There wasn’t even a partial restoration. Most got nothing at all. This isn’t an “incomplete restoration”. This is NO restoration. I won’t blame these people if they just outright quit the game and don’t ever return.

I’m not blaming the blues who didn’t post, they have to get authorization to post stuff like this. No point in shooting the messenger. I AM blaming the people who call the shots and decided to try to ignore the issue with the hopes it would go away. This is the biggest data loss I have ever seen in an online game, and it’s absolutely 100% unacceptable. Compensation is needed for those who lost stuff.

I don’t realy count myself in that…I had nothing of consequence in my guild banks, I had sold off all the stuff that had value almost a year ago. But that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize that there are other people who are owed some sort of significant compensation. What form that will take, I don’t know for sure.


It was acknowledged reasonably quickly in Europe, where consumers have rights.


The Blizzard issue with ignoring players is worse now that ever before.

You claim to be player focused but you ignore or don’t respond for an unacceptable amount of time.

Guild banks weren’t missing a couple Items they were wiped clean of gold and everything. some of us not a small amount of gold. its like you don’t even listen to us anymore.

Do better blizz, this is the worst customer service in your history, and I remember the day BG’s started


This is beyond just “do better” at this point. This is a SERIOUS SERIOUS problem that could outright kill the game. It’s already getting out to gaming websites and social media that Blizzard cannot be trusted to keep our game data secure. If you can log in and have items wiped at any time, then there is no point in playing.

There needs to be a massive response, with some sort of compensation, and some kind of assurance that something like this will not happen again. I’m not saying they need to reveal every detail of their internal processes, but something needs to be done immediately.

This is equivalent to customers of safe deposit boxes at the bank, being shown that the vault that contains the boxes and the boxes themselves are not locked, anyone can walk in off the street and take whatever they want, and there is no surveillance whatsoever. How long do you think a bank that runs safe deposit boxes like that would stay in business? That’s what Blizzard just did with the game.


So what are we supposed to do Blizzard? I have at least 3 Guild Vaults all of which had 4-6 tabs full of items all missing. Rare drops, Transmog items, Base mats for crafting etc. Things I earned from other expansions you cant get anymore. What are you going to do for me and my items were we PAY for this service? The amount of time, effort, and grinding is not able to be restored. So what is your pay of compensation? Morally, Ethically, Professionally, this is not right if you say “Ooops, we made a mistake and cant fix it, Oh well, better luck next time.” Been playing this game since at least 2006. This is not right!!!

Not only that. What Guild in the Right mind would EVER trust putting stuff in a guild vault to only be able to lose the items because of a Data Loss update. You do know you basically update this game like every other day the way you have been going.


Would you keep doing business with a bank that just keeps the vault open, keeps the safe deposit boxes unlocked, lets anyone just walk in off the street and help themselves, and has no surveillance?

Since I’m already paid for the next several months, I’m not leaving (yet), especially since I wasn’t heavily impacted. But how they respond to this will dictate whether I stay beyond that point, or stay for Midnight or later expansions.

It’s a shame really, because War Within is a genuinely great expansion so far. I don’t WANT to leave. But if they can’t be trusted to keep our game data secure, there isn’t much point in playing.


@Linxy will we get word on if the crumbs we’ve received is the extent of the banks being restored? How long is this restoration process?


Ah here we go. Minor attention in the media finally?


Even the wowhead article wasn’t pushed to wowhead’s twitter sadly. Keep spamming them on social media until we get a better response and action.


Twitter is blocked on my network (no traffic to or from is permitted) so I can’t assist there. But I’ve added to the wowhead post.


I added to the post in the bug report forum that has now been locked so I will add my voice here. This whole debacle has absolutely changed the way I will play this game going forward.

I, like a lot of others, have been playing since 2004 when the game was first released. I was a part of a guild that belonged to the guild relations program (remember that?) and we did server wide events and giveaways. I am a collector, an achievement hunter and a generally all around helpful person that likes to play this game. This is my hobby.

I bought the Authenticator right when they came out because I wanted to be secure. My game has never been compromised and my account has never been hacked. I thought Blizzard cared about my data as much as I did. I was wrong.

I just renewed at the start of this expansion for a 6 month period and after that I will close my account and say good-bye. I am a person who likes to buy the shop pets, mounts and other transmog items that to me make this game fun.

Today is the last day I give Blizzard any money. From now on I will play this fun game and at the end of my day playing I am just going to vendor everything I collect and start each day fresh. Unless it’s something I need for a quest I won’t hang onto it. I am done with crafting and collecting.

The things returned to me in the mail , like I see others have gotten, are just duplicates of the items that were left in the bank when 95% was emptied.

When a company directs the customer service agents to ignore and lock down threads where people have legitimate complaints and problems that is when they show us they don’t care. And Blizzard does not care.

Shame on Blizzard and Shame on the lead customer service agents that think what they’ve done is enough.


All the other threads seem to be getting closed. So I will post here.

I received one (1) “restoration” mail containing four (4!) snowballs (SNOWBALLS!). I lost roughly 70% of my gbank contents. 7 tabs. Full of things from vanilla to DF. And I got one useless item, in a quantity I didn’t have previously, that isn’t even listed in the recent logs because it was deposited so long ago.

I don’t understand how we can possibly not get all of the items showing in our logs for each tab, at the bare minimum. Why? We can all see the log. Why can’t we AT LEAST have those? Why isn’t there something else offered as compensation, like gold or game time? That’s literally what we all lost, at the end of the day. Give it back.


Very well said. Thank you and I am with you!

I have lost like many others that have posted. This is just bad.


Are any of the things you got back pets? :frowning:

I got two rousing fire. Is there more coming? Because this is as good as nothing.


Honestly, with the pathetic “restoration” they did, I would be less insulted if the only contents of the email was a middle finger emoji.

It’s like a bank losing a $200 check, and mailing you 1 cent as “compensation”.


This was posted on the EU post : The Great Blizzard Bank Heist: How Blizzard Robbed Me


The bug forum post has been closed, so I guess we got our non-answer about whether anything else was coming in the mail, or if any official word was coming there…ever! They have continued with the non-communication. Now, as a group we are pushed to the general forum. Not even supporting each other away from the trolling of the general forum was acceptable.

That post had 38.3k views, 14k likes, 633 users!!!, and 2610 posts! The official resolution was never posted there by Blizz/MSFT. It was copied by users, who still thought this company might have any decency to address us directly in the place we were all told to go and wait.

No one to my knowledge received any mounts, gold, pets, toys, or armor or weapons that were not crafted. Very few received anything other than a couple quest starting items, items that had all charges drained, or a couple partial stacks on mats. No one has received any player notes or other now unobtainable items back.