Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Why, funny you should bring up being sued. Ya know, since there is an actual real life Class Action lawsuit going on against Blizzard at this very moment.


ToU are like patents. They are just words until they are tested in court.

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Iā€™d suggest you follow it very closely and take some notes from that armchair. Maybe youā€™ll learn a thing or two :slight_smile:

Or perhaps you should follow your own advice and find out what it is about.

Maybe read the conversation, where skippy claimed that Blizzard lied to me several times about their logging, while heā€™s never worked on Stacks. And how he claimed that itā€™s a lie to say we own stuff in this game and have rights, when the EULA specifically spells it all out for the US and EU and Australia.

Armchair lawyer still has no idea what heā€™s talking about.

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What itā€™s about isnā€™t going to change the facts that itā€™s nothing like you think it is :slight_smile: youā€™d benefit from it much more than I would.

I donā€™t know about that. I would assume that they have. Iā€™m sure some item or thing in game was unable to be restored at some point because there was no log of it, it just was likely a one off thing for an individual character instead of large scale issue like this was.

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Actually, I cannot participate in that particular Class Action lawsuit. You can find it on ClassAction dot org. Just saying, customers have rights. And you claiming customers never have rights. I think the laws are on my side.

Anyway, itā€™s after midnight, Iā€™m fed up with all of this.
Going to bed.

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Iā€™ll let you get caught up.

Iā€™d like you to quote where I said that.

Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll wait.

The best thing about class action lawsuits, is theyā€™re based off of ā€œfeelingā€ instead of actual facts. Weā€™ll see how it turns out

For some people, said items that disappeared were quite literally worth MILLIONS of gold. Not thousands, MILLIONS, like, ā€˜enough to get 1000+ days of game-time and still have more gold to spendā€™.

Iā€™d be absolutely LIVID (and rightfully so!) if that happened to me. Iā€™m one of the ā€˜luckyā€™ ones and didnā€™t lose anything particularly worthwhile, but I still lost quite a bit of stuff from my personal gbank deciding it wanted to empty out the first five tabs for no reason.


People donā€™t seem to realize that most if not all commercial ToU contain clauses that are disallowed by law, some of it boilerplate that was inappropriate from the beginning, some of it aspirational and untested. Thatā€™s why they also include that severability clause. (Which also might or might not be legal.)

Along similar lines, plenty of employees in California have signed contracts that have non-compete clauses, even though they are non-enforceable (California has banned them since World War II!). Recently it was finally made illegal to even put such a clause in an employment contract. But generally speaking there is no cause of action when someone gives you a contract to sign that includes unenforceable language.

ToU are something a company throws against a wall to see what sticks. In general, individual people canā€™t afford to fight them, so they are generally effective.


Seems like splitting hairs. /shrug

Backups are backups, regardless of the quantity they affect.

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Seems like a deflection to admit that youā€™re wrong about your assured claim

Thatā€™s why I never bother arguing with someone who copies/pastes the TOU, because theyā€™re not lawyers, and the TOU has not been tested in the courts.

A famous lawyer once said that a law is not a law until its tested in court.

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I can see how youā€™re not trolling. /s

I stand by what Iā€™ve said.

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I lost 33% of my gbank, I got backā€¦ 60 Goblin Gliders.


You are all set to YOLO down the Coreway!



how will you compensate us, for items that you can not restore? Some of the things I lost were patterns from professions, that are no longer in the game, other stuff were toys or pets.

Not knowing yet, what I will get back, I do feel that the gold we lost the value is not something that you can just call ā€œsorryā€ and be done with it.

Thanks for restoring some of our stuff, but yaā€¦ I struggle to trust the bank system now.


They deleted / closed the other thread on this one?


Theyā€™re just heapinā€™ it on tonight. Iā€™m sorry for all the loses folks. This is terrible news that they canā€™t fix. They really needed to have done better.

One thing theyā€™ve still not commented on is the state of the war banks though. :frowning: Iā€™m afraid if youā€™ve lost anything there youā€™re completely out of luck.