Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I lost 98% of all mats from all expansions from all 4 guilds banks I have (one for each server).


Well Microsoft bought them so they probably make them run all their code through CoPilot and that explains everything


The fact that a CS/GM rep has a tool that shows one day of “logs” has no bearing on whether more data exists in the service.

I will guarantee you that there is nothing that has a one day log retention at Blizzard or at any other company running this type of service. There are services that don’t keep logs, for privacy/security reasons usually, but if you do log something, 3 days is the absolute minimum I’ve personally experienced, and that’s only for things that are more like metrics than data that will need to be researched for bugs, restoration, law enforcement, etc.

When GDPR came around a few years back, most companies had to reduce retention for logs containing PII, as the general tendency is to retain logs semi-indefinitely. They just don’t cost much to keep.


So far the folks who are reporting on it do not seem to be getting much if anything.

My guild got back exactly 3 stacks of DF crafting materials, out of over a hundred items and stacks of items missing.

Hopefully this will be an ongoing process. If not, then a lot of folks are going to be very sad when they get virtually nothing back, and are told they are basically SOL with no other recourse.


Not part of the product or service you’re paying for.

I have a bank guild myself.

I clean it out and vendor everything before the next expansion.

It’s currently sitting empty.

Only gold in it really, and I could pull that and put in the new account wide warbank. Just havent gotten around to doing that yet.

Maybe I’m different from others, but unless it’s something of great value, which I would have auctioned by then anyway.

edit: Just logged in to the bank guild toon

I have 1 Ginger bread cookie, 4 glasses of Ice cold milk and 127g :slight_smile:

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so you would

Correct, but you pay a monthly fee because you have the expectation to access the part you interact with. If they stop providing that, you stop paying. It’s really not that hard to understand. The guild bank was marketed to me with certain capabilities and expectations that appealed to me. Not working as intended doesn’t mean I’m calling the cops. It means I’m not happy with the sub I pay for, as the expectation is not being met.

I’m really not sure why folks aren’t able to tell the difference between who owns pixels, and the expectation that the company sets that gets you to fork over your cash.


Crossposting, to give folks an example of what a near-worst-case is:


You might want to remove that, it was one of the ‘items’ deleted and not restored.

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So the armchair lawyer didn’t actually read the EULA to understand what Blizz owns and how the laws work.

Kind of like how you never worked on Stacks, but claim Blizzard lied to me several times on how data storage works.

And here is your “local laws” portion.

B. CHOICE OF LAW; VENUE FOR NON-ARBITRABLE DISPUTES. Unless this Agreement includes express language to the contrary, all Disputes shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to choice of law principles. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. If you reside in the United States, for any claims not subject to binding individual arbitration, and which cannot be brought in small claims court in the county in which you reside as set forth above, you and Blizzard agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Orange County, California, and you and Blizzard consent to venue in and personal jurisdiction before such courts (but without prejudicing either party’s rights to remove a case to federal court if permissible). This paragraph will be interpreted as broadly as applicable law permits. If you are a (1) Canadian resident who has (2) purchased a license to a Game in Canada, other laws may apply if you choose not to agree to arbitrate as set forth above. Such laws shall affect this Agreement only to the extent required by such jurisdiction. If such laws apply, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be given their maximum effect. Users who access the Platform from outside of the United States and Canada, are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws. Claims excluded from arbitration are subject to the choice of law and forum selection clauses set forth in this Agreement.

You can’t guarantee anything, because you don’t work for Blizzard nor do you work on Stacks.

Not even going to argue this further.

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Due to being /ignored this is true.

Obligatory reminder:


ROFLMAO so because you got proven wrong, you’re putting me on ignore. Typical. :rofl:


Yep. People hate facts and logic.


I mean … I lost (as far as I know, which I don’t really) mostly old mats. FOr example, I remember something like 80x Blue Dragonscale that disappeared, which is about 50k. Old mats are not necessarily cheap. I probably lost less than 1-2M in mats, which is honestly nbd.

100-200M of BoE items and pets were fortunately left alone, but other people had exactly that kind of thing wiped out.

I have a handful of items that haven’t appeared in a US AH for, let’s say, 5 years? Fortunately I still have them. I think. I never created an out-of-game inventory of “my stuff.”

My guild bank is completely empty, all five tabs. Feels like the online equivalent of having your car get stolen or something.


Why were you sitting on 1-2M in mats?

200M in pets and BOEs?

and you are just letting them bit rot in a bank?

On the contrary, Guild banks were advertised as a big thing back in the day and have been included as a perk in every xpac since then. We have laws here regarding false advertising. Bliz has been falsely advertising many elements of the game, including how secure your personal data is. Consumer protection laws apply here, too. People have rights. We have a right to be given the quality and data safety that was advertised.

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These are mostly mats and items I got years ago before I took a 4-5 year break.

I have much more than 1-2M in mats…

I maintain about 1400 auctions which is about as much as I want.


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Perk. But not part of the actual service you are paying for.

No…lol no. “False advertisement” isn’t as simple as you’re trying to make it out to be :slight_smile: otherwise they’d have been sued a hundredfold over for that by now.

Hiccups happen in life. And it’s still considerably more safe than you’re trying to make it out to be. I mean, you’re not in an internet cafe right now hacking everyone CC numbers now are ya?

what facts or logic?