Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Kaivax moved it here. No, Blizzard is not a fan of this discussion.


They are condensing feedback into one thread, which is also pinned. This is a sign that they can’t actually ignore the issue. What happens from here is anyone’s guess.


Well let’s make sure the EU thread, which is the only one that contained any Blizzard CS feedback/updates of any kind, shows up here too.


Idk why that holds any relevance.

They just say “we don’t have any info to give”, then quoted what Linxy said above.
Unless this was a salt post/link because they closed and combined the topics into one thread?

We only found out about this post because some EU folks were told by CS to go to the Bug Forum. EU has no Bug forum, and they stumbled across the huge thread of ours on the US Bug Forum. This was the first we had seen anything that they were working on it, and it was nowhere near Aug 24th when the US forums heard of it. Still no official response was made on the US forums. It was only a copy/paste from CS that gave us any hope that they were working on or acknowledging it at all after they closed the originally reported bug as ‘fixed’.

Anyone can understand that %3$* happens, but the lack of communication, this defensiveness that we had been kept up to date when we clearly hadn’t, and now this pittance of a fix with a “dear john” post in General has us upset.

I don’t expect them to do the impossible and get us everything back, but they certainly should not say “some” items are missing, when it is the majority. They should not return things without charges and make BOE items BOP to the guild master in the mail. That is not a resolution that is satisfactory. I totally understand that they are not legally required to do anything. That doesn’t make this right or acceptable. A company that actually cares about customers they’ve had for decades doesn’t do this. There are other ways to make this right, they know who was effected.


I’d like to know how the cross-realm guild stuff had anything to do with this. I don’t know about anyone else, but the only characters in my guild are from the same realm. I could see how the crap could hit the fans with cross-realm and people from different realms putting things into the bank or taking them out, and wires getting crossed, etc… Though for it to ever get pushed to prod in that condition is a disgusting lack of quality control.

But even so, how does that apply to guilds that don’t have any cross-realm members?


My guilds had only my alts and they were of the same faction on the same realm, so I don’t see how the cross-realm issue could have caused this, even if that was something causing problems.


Their restoration was a complete joke. 9 nearly worthless items out of an entire 7 tabs worth of missing items.

Total, absolute joke. Bliz might have well just said “oh well lol, get rekt”


Same, all my alts, all my realm.


Because it adds additional info to the scope of the problem that “missing items” doesn’t.

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You know what, I’d forgive the millions of goldvalue and sentimental value some of the items had if they just came out and said “We lost the items because of our own incompetence and our personal failures as developers. Our systems are so archaic and poorly managed, maintained and iterated upon, it was only a matter of time before a drastic change sparked a catastrophic problem. We have no excuse.”

I want them to - own - it. Tell us straight up they failed us, and failed us hard. None of this “We are working hard to restore the mehh mehh blah blah blah” garbage. They just are looking to spin the wheels long enough to convince us the car is still moving when its clear we’re upsidedown in a ditch and sinking fast.


They never said they were working hard nor that they were working hard

Are there any more waves of mails coming, because what I can tell is that the majority of the items did not come back, which is the total opposite of the announcement where it´s said “some” might not find their way back.

If people lost 7 tabs of items and all they receive is some silk cloth and a few bags, stuff that is pretty much worthless… I mean cmon, you can not be serious Blizzard.

As I said before, right after the items disappeared, you should have shut down the game until you recovered and secured all the Data logs, before they were overwritten and forever lost.
It´s pretty clear by now, that you sacrificed the items in the Gbank, so you could release the pre patch and make the wales happy that bought into early access.

This in my opinion, is a huge slap into the face of people affected, some of those have played your game for 20 years, they made it to what it is. Without these people the company would be worth only half today, if at all, you owe them everything and because of that, you have to do something now to compensate.

And don´t even start with a week free gametime, that is not a compensation but another insult.


-if- this gets a bluepost reply (Big If) I can almost guarantee “We are working hard” will be in there.

Even if its a lie, and they know its a lie, they gotta say it.


It’s in the first post, “we’ve worked through this difficult issue” what a joke.


I’d accept a day of gametime for every single item lost. Not every stack, every single item.

Ludicrous, I know.



I got ballpark 20 items back out of 200-300 (ballpark minimum) missing.


I’d accept them allowing us to pick one unobtainable mount or transmog item we can have for each bank tab that got wiped. If you’re going to ask for ludicrous compensation … think big.

How can you replace a letter from a deceaced guild member?

You can not!

I do not think that they even have the Data of the mounts or patterns / items that were in Vanilla, that got lost with the rework in Cata. Personally, I just don´t see how giving me a mount from WOD, would even be worth calling a “compensation”, same applies for gametme.

All that has no value, it´s the personal stuff that is gone, but also the Vanilla items, that have so much memorable stories attached to them.


What’s the point? They’ll just ‘accidentally’ delete it from your collection when the next xpac launches.

It’s not just that they lost everyone’s banks, it’s that they’ve lost our confidence in them and in the system. What is worse is that they don’t seem to care. They posted a weak apology Fri afternoon, hit the go button for restoring-some™-items.exe and went home for the weekend.