Guild Bank Missing Items Update

No, its a red herring, or else you’d hear all other Fortune 100 companies with large datasets screaming about the same problem, and you don’t.

They go on selling a large-scaled service to their customers with 24/7 availability and enterprise level redudant backup/logging systems.


to be fair microsoft is moving towards a “you dont own anything” type of approach to stuff they sell.
just look at windows 11/12.

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The industry**

I’m talking about service logs, not a database. Completely different requirements. With logs that don’t need live analytics, you just need storage.

“Everything works perfectly, until it doesn’t.”

Nobody but you is talking about rights.

I’m talking about a product/service working as advertised, and if it doesn’t, not paying for it any more.

Blizzard in its twenty years of running WoW has never done what they have done now, permanently lost customer data.

You’re really trying hard to troll and obfuscate the conversation. Stop that.


but microsoft loves it more so than others. i can see it nows. windows 12 sub based os.

Not quite sure what you’re talking about, but whatever dude :smiley_cat:

All I’m saying is I’m done supporting a company that hasn’t got any good faith for their customers.

You keep talking about taxes and whatnot :joy_cat:


I’m talking both. They should have enterprise level regular and disaster recovery options for their services that they could rely on to rebuild logs/records.


It is really sad the amount of people that will punch down on folks that are reasonably complaining about a massive loss of items (time spent) and a poor recovery of said items.


Servers are up. Product/service is working as advertised and intended. Guild bank and anything related to that have nothing to do with the product/service nor how it was advertised.

I’ll bet they have. It just wasn’t as wide spread as this.

Get your facts straight first

And customer data has been lost.


You’d lose that bet.

Which is not Stacks and Blizzard didn’t lie to me several times. You’re dismissed.

Let’s stop right there. That is not true. While “game data” is generally Blizzard’s property, the customer has rights, both according to the ToU, and local laws that may supersede ToU. Blizzard does not have the right to do whatever it wants with its customers and data. Blizzard has the right to do whatever it can contractually and legally do with its customers.

Say what you want, but you are out in the weeds here.


Some might be people hired to shape the narrative to protect a corporation. You never know. /shrug


Some of us, who lost items, have yet to have ANY items restored.

When do we get our stuff, Bliz?


So most of the items lost were mats from 2007?

Or were they from more recent expansions?

Some observations:

  • At some point a while back (in DF? earlier?), some (not many) materials and corresponding recipes were condensed/simplified. I remember this being only for Classic enchanting but there might have been others. I doubt that this is related but who knows.
  • One sign of “the problem” was guild vault slots that behaved strangely, that couldn’t be filled, or that the contents couldn’t be removed from
  • But also a bunch of things just plain disappeared
  • In some cases, entire tabs were wiped out
  • I personally had materials up through Legion that were affected
  • I also had a small number of items that were affected (I randomly got back a Hanzo Sword just now)
  • Some people lost enormous numbers of items as in thousands



Thousands of what though?

If it’s old stuff that has little or no value now is it really that big a loss?

Is legion stuff still that expensive?