Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Then there’s the implication that their (CS/CM) own tools don’t even work for them reliably. (also “he” being Vrakthis, for readers that are unclear)


Issue still not fixed. Blizzard may have identified the cause but there has been no serious attempt yet at restoration. Most people have gotten nothing, a very few people have gotten an absolute pittance of what went missing. Not one singular person afflicted by this issue is remotely satisfied with the response so far.

You need to do better Blizzard.


Another day checking this thread, another day logging on to no new mail from the Postmaster.

This is not fun.


Only thing I’ve gotten is threats to silence my forum account. Which is funny because the trolls here are still here trolling, but I make posts criticizing the dev response to this issue and I’m flagged for trolling and inappropriate speech. And no I haven’t been swearing or threatening people or using unwoke language. All I’ve stated is our disappointment and dissatisfaction in this particular issue and Blizzard’s response. So if I go missing, that’s probably why.


This sounds terrible. D:

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Still nothing returned on either my Horde or Alliance guild,.
And I’m told to go and post on this forum -

Which is closed. No idea why they give me a link and tell me to post it so the “Devs” can follow it about the error of missing items,…then giving me a link to a closed forum.
Do they even read what they ask/tell you to do???
So, instead, back to the US forums/posts (this one) to put in the same info ,…that is already there.
All still missing across 7 tabs that were just wiped out completely. (bar 3 items in the whole 7 tabs…all gone. And nothing returned from in game mails at all.

The zero communication is the worst part. (Well, apart from it all being taken of course).

Imagine if there was an in game bug for the accounting system that just wiped out huge amounts of people’s subscriptions payments and they got told,…oh sorry about that,…nothing we can do about it,…never mind,…you’ll get over it.
Yeh, I know, it’s not the same thing as “virtual items”,… but it’s the principal of the matter.


All signs point to - no.

I had a guildie a long time ago who worked for Blizzard. She moderated streaming events or something. She absolutely hated her job and told us how much working for Blizzard sucks. She enjoyed playing, but hated working there. I didn’t believe her at the time, because I was still so enchanted with the whole game, but now I believe her.


Do you feel better now? If not you’re welcome to keep spouting angry nonsense at me until you do.

The truth is the truth whether you like it or not. Stay salty.

Thank you for confirming the truth. I see no anger in my question, but I realize who I am talking to and that you misunderstand reality.


The reality is is that you don’t own any items in this game in the first place, just like my original statement in this thread said. Feel free to fling more mud though. lol

Soulbound creates a virtual sole ownership of an item in the game.


Or are we going to argue that we really aren’t elves and dwarfs

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Were you just wanting to confirm your lack of understanding reality? Life is a big picture with lots of details, so try taking the toilet paper tubes from in front of your eyes, you may see reality.


If the issue was actually resolved we would have the items back already. Not in coming weeks.

But look there’s some fun happening over there! Fix that above all else!


There is no reason to act this rudely and lob immature insults over a video game. Try to behave better.

I don´t follow streamers at all, so I do not know about these things,

that being said, streamers make money with things that affect the entire community, so I guess making videos about frog exploits is much more valuable than making videos about a few thousand people losing their stuff in the Gbank.

I am honestly suprised that the CM´s have not closed this thread yet… if truly no news are coming, why keep it open? So maybe there is still some light at the end of this.

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Probably to keep the topic contained, and to have a place to move threads to if they pop up anywhere else. There could be people who come back later and find that their stuff if gone, and might make posts about it in Bug or Customer Service, esp. if they open a ticket and are sent to the FORUMS.


Customer service posts get locked. Bug report posts get ignored, unless they get a bunch of replies, then they’re locked. Can’t have us calling something a bug when they already “fixed it”.


what are you basing that on?

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The lack of communication, the ticket responses sending people to the forums where they just lock/delete threads, CS giving inconsistent answers, the fact that my gbank logs show items that were deposited and never withdrawn but are clearly missing, and the “partial restoration” I received was a handful of old world mats I put in the gbank AFTER the deletion. This kind of behavior from an enormous company is absolutely shocking and wholly unprofessional. “We noticed a bug a few days later and then waited a month to do anything about it, also we lost the logs that say what we deleted haha oopsie anyway keep paying us money!” is insane.

And for all the trolls who keep saying “get over it, it’s just pixels” would you go to an alcoholics anonymous meeting and be like “it’s just a drink lol get over it”? Try to have some empathy. If the gbanks can get deleted, what else is next? There’s no guarantee it won’t happen again. And if you can’t have empathy, if you can’t accept people are in these threads because they’re upset, then this isn’t the place for you. It might just be a game to you, but to other people it’s more than that, it’s potentially twenty years of time invested in something deleted overnight.